
What did you do for your 4th of July?

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I climbed that giant mountain in my backyard...

Never planned to, just went up to the lookout point to take some pictures, but noticed I was below the cloud level and the clouds weren't letting me take pictures, so I decided to go above them. The farther I went up, the more compelled I was to go farther. Next thing ya know, I'm at the top...:S

Went up and down in about 5 hours, but man it HURT!!! B|

Got some great pictures though. I'll post some when I get em resized.B|
Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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My bad guys... I jumped ahead of ya... Forgot you guys are just starting your 4th of July.:S

I knew you guys were a little slow, but sheesh!:D

Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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So far, I've had a banana and a cup of coffee. I'll let you know how the day progresses. :P

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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My bad guys... I jumped ahead of ya... Forgot you guys are just starting your 4th of July.

You get some slack on this one... Marines have a history of being too early or too late to the party, but we always know when they get there, there'll be hell to pay. ;)

As to what I did (do); my ritual each year is to read in-depth about one of the signers of the Constitution while having my morning coffee. This year was to read about John Witherspoon. Here's the short course... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Witherspoon
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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Went to a festival... went to buy a beer and it went like this.

"Hi. Can i have 2 beers please Sir"

"No, you need beer tickets"

"OK.... where do i get these beer tickets?"

"Over there"

"Thank you"


"2 beer tickets please"

"can i see your ID?"

"Yes my love, here you go"


Back to beer stand

"2 beers my good man"

"where is your wrist band?"

"wrist band???"

"cant serve you without a wrist band"


Back to tickets stand

"can i get a wrist band please?"

"sure, sorry"


Back to beer stand

"2 beers my good man, heres my wrist band" (it wasnt put on, i was holding it)

"sorry she needs to put it on you"

At this point i got fucking pissed and called him a dumb redneck. He wouldnt talk to me or serve me so had to get his buddy to serve me who then gave me 2 free beers extra as he could see how angry i was getting and how much of a dick the other guy was being to me. I wasn't even drunk at this point!

Oh..then went to a friends party, got wasted, pissed on my bedroom floor thinking it was the toilet. Oops.

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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Working today, thankfully earning double time. Outdoor drunken holidays tend to bring out some different 911 calls than we normally get, so it's a nice change of pace. We've been hammered the last few days as the crazies started coming into town.
Killing threads since 2004.

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Working here too. With these 100+ temps we have been having we are working overtime on this holiday (ac business)B|

I did get to take a little over half day off yesterday and took the boat out and grilled some kbobs out on the lake.:)

Never look down on someone, unless they are going down on you.

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Might not get the night off, but usually holidays pay extra wages and you're workin'. Not everyone is so fortunate. I'll pick up some fireworks and come visit when I get back to the states... Put a show on for ya on my own...B| Don't worry... I'm an EOD tech and I stayed at a holiday inn last night.:D

Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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Well, there was a 4th of july party at the base im at. Fireworks, bonfire, and ran into a girl I went to high school with.

Small world, even on the other side of it!

BTW, to the genius that decided that we should have a bonfire in July, in Iraq... Here's your sign!
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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Worked/working.... EOD did a demo blast at nautical twilight...unfortunately, I didn't know about it until I heard the boom and felt the building shake, so I missed it. [:/]

Well, if it makes ya feel any better, this Friday, we'll be doin' a target area sweep and if it's anything like last time, it'll make for some fun fireworks of our own. If it's what I expect, I'll be youtubing the video.;)
Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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I woke up in my friend's camper on the drop zone today ... with 4 other people ... (some of us had a bit too much to drink last night :S ). I had hoped to be able to resume jumping his weekend - today marks 6 weeks since my injury and tomorrow marks one year since I started jumping. Yesterday there was no wind, today there is too much wind - came home as I couldn't handle being grounded and watching other people jump [:/] ...

I may head back to the DZ for the BBQ party they are having tonight ... and I'm getting a little rescue dog from our manifest lady :)
I'm not having a great 4th fo July :( ...


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No jumpy for me, due to a) broken foot and b) crappy weather.

Picked up some bike parts for the bicycle I am building, now, I am sitting on the couch listening to it POUR, with thunder and lightning.

May venture out later, but feel like crap, to be honest.

Happy 4th everyone! Please post your exploits so I can live vicariously through you!
Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
--- The Dude ---

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Went to the Johnson, WA (pop. ~200) parade. It draws thousands every year, with "anything goes" floats built by whomever wants to participate, so you get some really wacky stuff.

Some local who owns a Slepcev Storch did a flyby. Looked like it was doing about 30 kts.

The B-17 "Sentimental Journey" was on display at the airport in Lewiston, ID, about 30 miles away. They did an impromptu flyby.

"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Went to the Johnson, WA (pop. ~200) parade. It draws thousands every year, with "anything goes" floats built by whomever wants to participate, so you get some really wacky stuff.

Some local who owns a Slepcev Storch did a flyby. Looked like it was doing about 30 kts.

The B-17 "Sentimental Journey" was on display at the airport in Lewiston, ID, about 30 miles away. They did an impromptu flyby.

My old man used to work on the B-17 when he lived in Phoenix. Got to see the HE-111 Heinkel before it burned in on approach... ran out of gas with fuel on board.:S
Some people refrain from beating a dead horse. Personally, I find a myriad of entertainment value when beating it until it becomes a horse-smoothie.

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got up made breakfast, when shooting with my father in law and my brother inlaw. long range with the 7.62 medium range with the AR15 and then blasting away at short ranger with the 9mm. After that cookout and beer drinking. then to top off the eveining watching the largest non govenment fireworks display in america. (4th fest in state college pa)

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currently Im hangin out at John and Valinda's with a couple others :)
What a fantastic dinner, thanks guys!! ;)

now we are getting ready to go blow some stuff up!!

whahoooo, enjoy the 4th everyone!!


(I.C.D#2 VP)
""I'm good with my purple penis straw" ~sky mama

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Super cool! I didn't see one of you holding a copy of PARACHUTIST by the Mt. Fuji sign.

Thank you for your service to our country.
Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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