
Zoe Bell

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a kiwi like a person from new zealand. like an american is a redneck or a yankee..

A redneck or a yankee is more of a geographical slur as to where you live in American than calling someone a "Kiwi". .

here its just another american! :P
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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a kiwi like a person from new zealand. like an american is a redneck or a yankee..

A redneck or a yankee is more of a geographical slur as to where you live in American than calling someone a "Kiwi". .

not outside of the USofA, a Yank is simply ANY on e from the USofA, like Kiwi is from NZ and a POM is from England.
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a kiwi like a person from new zealand. like an american is a redneck or a yankee..

A redneck or a yankee is more of a geographical slur as to where you live in American than calling someone a "Kiwi". .

not outside of the USofA, a Yank is simply ANY on e from the USofA, like Kiwi is from NZ and a POM is from England.

No shit?? Here Northerners are called Yankees.

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She's cool as hell. I was an extra in a few scenes from Final Destination 4 with her. The scene was an explosion in a movie theater. The first pic is of her and my buddy. (she's wearing a wig) The second is the rest of the gored up extras. I'm in the middle.

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Who is she???
Should I know her???


this is what she looks like
This is what she's done

She was doubling for Xena at 17???:o

She would really be a good double for Jodie Foster;
In some photos she looks like a ringer.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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Anyone know if she jumps or is she just into stunts?

I think she is not only cool, but very hot.B|


I concur!

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I introduce my future ex-wife !!
Fortunately, I'm adhering to a pretty strict, uh, drug, uh, regimen to keep my mind, you know, uh, limber.
--- The Dude ---

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