
Inappropriate comments at work...

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I know how you could get yourself extra altitude?:)

I think all the girls are familiar with this trick, but it doesn't mean we all use it!

I wonder what YOU had in mind . . .

Tits for 'tude.. No? I prefer to keep mine safely hidden away under a shirt (or cropped in the rack thread!).

HA ha, Our pilot calls ATC one day asking for permission to get to 15 grand, Controller says, soooo what did they look like? just started busting out laughing.

they are aware too....
I Am Sofa King We Todd Did!!

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:D yes, but beware of radio call buttons stay on when you think they are off. One time on this cross country flight in an Archer the pilot and I were cussing up a blue mile for about fifteen minutes talking about tits and stuff when we realized we had our own radio show broadcast over the Eastern seaboard...The controller was not amused. :D
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Maybe it's the place I work at ... people get reported to HR for mildly suggestive comments all the time. As a manager, I go through "sexual harassment training" a couple of times a year and I am required to take every small thing seriously. Do I think they are over-reacting? Oh yes ... it isn't productive when everyone walks around constipated (for fear of being misinterpreted.)


Yep. Nothing more dangerous to one's career than an uptight asshole looking to take offense to anything and everything. Having to "walk on eggshells" by having to find ways to say something that can't be twisted into a sexual harassment suit is a real, and I mean a REAL, pain in the ass.

Something else, too...
If some asshole overhears you in a private conversation talking to someone else, they can complain and your poor ass and your career is on the line with HR with termination as a possible outcome.

AND...any asshole can go so far as to make up stuff that you supposedly said and your butt is, again, on the line with HR with termination as a possible outcome.

...fucking pussies.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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As an insurance salesman fresh out of college, i worked out of a real estate office full of 30 women.

I was sexually harassed daily. I wasn't being groped, but things a man would get fired for eleswhere were happening everyday by ladies old enough to be my mom. It really pissed me off at times as they thought nothing of it, yet I had to walk on eggshells with every word.

My mom was their boss. I complained once and she said "oh lighten up!".:D

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...fucking pussies.

Hey, that was offensive!

to you, or being deragatory to womans sexual organs!? :o


I bellieve that is an act, not a derogatory.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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As an insurance salesman fresh out of college, i worked out of a real estate office full of 30 women.

I was sexually harassed daily. I wasn't being groped, but things a man would get fired for eleswhere were happening everyday by ladies old enough to be my mom. It really pissed me off at times as they thought nothing of it, yet I had to walk on eggshells with every word.

My mom was their boss. I complained once and she said "oh lighten up!".:D

You could've had a nooner every day of the week!
Always be kinder than you feel.

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As an insurance salesman fresh out of college, i worked out of a real estate office full of 30 women.

I was sexually harassed daily. I wasn't being groped,...

Sounds like you were too young to know what you were doing. A man up on it would have had them groping AND moaning.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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As an insurance salesman fresh out of college, i worked out of a real estate office full of 30 women.

I was sexually harassed daily. I wasn't being groped,...

Sounds like you were too young to know what you were doing. A man up on it would have had them groping AND moaning.

I fail to see how it's harassment if you actually enjoy it.. Come on Cocheese.. You know you did!!! :D:D:D

But in all seriousness, if you really didn't appreciate the comments, it's no different for either gender.. Unwanted attention is unwanted attention..
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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As an insurance salesman fresh out of college, i worked out of a real estate office full of 30 women.

I was sexually harassed daily. I wasn't being groped,...

Sounds like you were too young to know what you were doing. A man up on it would have had them groping AND moaning.

I fail to see how it's harassment if you actually enjoy it.. Come on Cocheese.. You know you did!!! :D:D:D

But in all seriousness, if you really didn't appreciate the comments, it's no different for either gender.. Unwanted attention is unwanted attention..

No kidding ... That is some bullshit right there. If not, he was a virgin at the time. I'm tempted to bet the rest of my life on it.
Serious relationships turn into work after a few weeks and I already got a fucking job :)
H.A.F. = Hard As Fuck ... Goddamn Amateurs

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...I fail to see how it's harassment if you actually enjoy it...

It's whatever the complainant wants to call it.


.But in all seriousness, if you really didn't appreciate the comments, it's no different for either gender.. Unwanted attention is unwanted attention..

So...what's the problem in just telling the person that his/her comment was taken in a manner that was not to one's liking?

Noooooooooo....they got to HR, or some other entity, and whine instead.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I work with all women...Daycare/Private school. I don't think there is a butt in the place I haven't grabbed. The real shy ones i will even rub my boobs on them....it's hilarious. Girl on girl sexual harassment....I am sure it is in my future. But someone has to keep the place interesting!
I woke up next to a blowup doll Ash....so what do you think?

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Sexual harassment or flirting? It’s a very fine line. Some people just do not know where that lines drawn. My advice is to consider it flirting and let the person know (immediately) if you feel they’ve crossed the line. If someone flirts with you, consider it a complement. If they cross the line, it might just be that they’re not very good at flirting. Help them out by giving them positive feedback.
Birdshit & Fools Productions

"Son, only two things fall from the sky."

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I work with all women...Daycare/Private school. I don't think there is a butt in the place I haven't grabbed. The real shy ones i will even rub my boobs on them....it's hilarious. Girl on girl sexual harassment....I am sure it is in my future. But someone has to keep the place interesting!

You're a teacher; you post this; you presumably do what you post; you post your name and location in your profile, and you live/work in Oklahoma.

You got guts, girl.

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I work with all women...Daycare/Private school. I don't think there is a butt in the place I haven't grabbed. The real shy ones i will even rub my boobs on them....it's hilarious. Girl on girl sexual harassment....I am sure it is in my future. But someone has to keep the place interesting!

Hope you are just talking about the staff....;)
Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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