
inconsiderate roommate

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WTF!!!! twice now he has fucked me with parking...we have a tandem spot so 1 car is behind the other, and so that we can get out we gave each other a set of keys. should work right? no! then his GF parks there and i dont have her keys. and then him and his GF park in the tandem spot while i go to get groceries and i have no spot, now i am trying to go jump out of a fucking airplane and the fucker goes to little italy with his GF parked behind me. how the fuck can people be like that. i would have to try to be that much of a dick. fucking hell.

/rant over.

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Phone him and tell him to get the fuck back and move the car.

and if he refuses, call the tow truck, and leave him a note telling him where she can pick up her car.
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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WTF!!!! twice now he has fucked me with parking...we have a tandem spot so 1 car is behind the other, and so that we can get out we gave each other a set of keys. should work right? no! then his GF parks there and i dont have her keys. and then him and his GF park in the tandem spot while i go to get groceries and i have no spot, now i am trying to go jump out of a fucking airplane and the fucker goes to little italy with his GF parked behind me. how the fuck can people be like that. i would have to try to be that much of a dick. fucking hell.

/rant over.


One Jump Wonder

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I think everyone who has had roommates has horror stories..

I had two FANTASTIC house-mates for several months.. Everything was awesome until one of them moved out and the nightmare moved in.. She was a complete disaster and the worst part was that she was so ditsy she had no clue about how her behaviour affected the other 2 people in the house.. No matter how many times we talked to her it was just a never ending stream of inconsiderateness.. I had to move out, and the other guy who lived there moved out a couple of weeks later.. hmm.. Nice girl in principle, but HORRIBLE house-mate..
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
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- my boss

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Why can't you call him and tell him what is bothering you and why? I don't understand why some people cannot just communicate in person, instead of posting about things like this on DZ.com.

Edited to add: Be careful with how you approach certain issues because you might also be partially to blame by not communicating well with him. You don't know his point of view, yet. For instance, they may have thought that you were gone for the weekend, instead of grocery shopping, so his GF parked in your spot. Just find a way to solve the problem without negativity towards the GF issue, since he will most likely defend her actions or see your rant as an attack on his relationship.

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he came back and moved his shit, not in time for me to go jump but thats ok, i went out to lunch and helped a friend out. there was no miss communicationi'm not gonna have his GF towed, but when i calm down i am gonna have a nice little chat with him. he came back and apologized of course, but an apology is only good if he doesnt do it again, IMO. i came on here to rant and rave b/c i am pissed off at the matter and needed to vent, i'm sure everyone can understand that. thanks guys.

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Phone him and tell him to get the fuck back and move the car.

Phone hem and tell him that his girlfreinds car is on fire.;)
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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