
Do You Keep a Diary? Would You Want it Read After You Pass Away?

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I used to keep a journal as was instructed to by a college professor for a creative writing class. I knew she would read it, but wrote anything and everything down anyway--including observations about her (which surprisingly she thought were SUPERB!)

I found it therapeautic, but ultimately abandoned the idea knowing my thoughts could essentially--and literally--be an open book to another.
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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no i dont, and if i did, why would i want it read after im dead, if i didnt want it read when im alive. . .

actually scratch that, yes i would want it read, that way people could know EXACTLY what i think of them, haha;):D

Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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Personal diary, no don't keep one. I have a couple journals from my travels - those I wouldn't mind people reading.

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I don't keep one, and If I did (and I died) I wouldn't care less if someone read it (even if I were still alive). The people I truly care about know how I feel about them and that's all that matters to me. Might sound selfish, but aren't we all in some way?
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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The major value in a journal is follow-through.

Most people start thinking about a particular event, but get distracted
before they arrive at a conclusion.
Writing it down ensures that people complete their thought process.

It's a good method when people are at a college age because
people are not measuring things against reality.
They are still defining their future lives with myths.

The purpose of a journal is to sort out thoughts.
That need fades away after being immersed in real life for a while.

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I keep a journal - have done for years.. I went through 3-4 years where I wrote every day.. Now it's more like a few times per month, but I find I have more to say about things that way.. When I wrote every day it read like just a list of events!!

Wouldn't mind if anyone read it. Reckon it would be fairly boring.. I don't write that much about my emotions - it's more factual.. You know.. to trigger my memory about what I've been up to :)

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- Chris Hadfield
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Spend your time doing things worth writing about rather than writing about them.

Live your life so that when you're gone people will remember you by your actions rather than by words written in a book and shoved on a shelf somewhere.

Elvisio "but here I am PWing on dizzy" Rodriguez

Well said.

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I did keep one for a few years... I haven't done anything with it for a while however...

I don't know that I'd mind if people read it... I've never said anything bad or incriminating in it... besides I would imagine most people would be unable to read my handwriting... :D:D

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I don't keep a persoanl journal, but I have started one for the upcoming birth of my 1st child. I though maybe some day she would like to read what events she has brought to us and has not even arrived yet.
I have included pictuers of the changes my wife has gone through ( belly pics) as well as phots of where she will live for the 1st years of her life ( we are building and moving by the the time she is 2) and of course photos of her current sisters ( our dogs).
I hope that it means something to her at some point in her life, but then again she may end up a crack whore and just want to sell the thing for drug money.. either way i guess it serves a purpose.

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Spend your time doing things worth writing about rather than writing about them.

Live your life so that when you're gone people will remember you by your actions rather than by words written in a book and shoved on a shelf somewhere.

A lot of people start diaries/journals much later in life.

If your mom/dad/grandma/grandpa passed and among their belongings was a diary or two, would you be interested in reading them? If not, what might you do with them? Do you think they would have wanted you to read it?
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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well.... my log books are a diary of sorts, and the ones with some "room to write", for each jump, let me make as many comments, as i want.
i sometimes read, from old logs and smile about names and places, and people whom otherwise may have become forgotten.

for work, i start a spiral notebook, each january, which winds up being a diary of who and what and where..
Mosty use it for telephone messages. names, Numbers etc. the ones which grow into jobs, will include other details, until the work evolves into a 'job folder'.

i save them all, and can refer to them as needed,,, ( my idea of a P A D )

diaries with intimate details, should NOt be read or shared, IMO, without the expressed approval of the author.
it's just being respectful of a persons' privacy


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Yes, I keep a diary...it started about 20+ years ago, it has turned into something else since (..long story...). However, I would want my children to read & keep it. They can tell their kids all about me...you know...way back when...oh and your grandma did this/that :o:$:D...or perhaps learn from my experiences.

No worries, all the juicy stuff are on a lock down in a volt, down the yello brick road, to a secret computer that can only be activated by the author.;)

"Love is doing small things with great love."

Lacrosse: Legally beating men with sticks since 1492

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