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My True Identity revealed! :P

Cool. My real identity is Diana Prince. ;)
And I’m sticking to that story. :P … I like it. :)
Reading through this thread and [Miranda]’s other two, the nerd in me is thinking it would be neat to query the gender ratio of photo to non-photo avatars.
Do more women than men use (presumed) real photos? And, if so, why?


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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My True Identity revealed! :P

Cool. My real identity is Diana Prince. ;)
And I’m sticking to that story. :P … I like it. :)
Reading through this thread and [Miranda]’s other two, the nerd in me is thinking it would be neat to query the gender ratio of photo to non-photo avatars.
Do more women than men use (presumed) real photos? And, if so, why?


I dont use my photo at all... I am old and decrepit and I hate breaking peoples monitors.

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My True Identity revealed! :P

Cool. My real identity is Diana Prince. ;)
And I’m sticking to that story. :P … I like it. :)
Reading through this thread and [Miranda]’s other two, the nerd in me is thinking it would be neat to query the gender ratio of photo to non-photo avatars.
Do more women than men use (presumed) real photos? And, if so, why?


I dont use my photo at all... I am old and decrepit and I hate breaking peoples monitors.

Nothing opens like a Deere!

You ignorant fool! Checks are for workers!

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Can we stick to the fuckin program??? it's almost five and the riddle is not solved.

so far the poster is over 21 and the riddle from the open letter is that someone's mother needs to be fucked before the next clue is revealed? that's all I got:S

Shah .....is it Shah? he's been suspiciously quiet:|

Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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I would guess that more men than women use real photos. For the most part guys don't give 2 shits what we look like and we don't worry about what people will think of us based upon how our hair looked that day.

...and back to the metro thread we go... :D
D.S # 125

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Reading through this thread and [Miranda]’s other two, the nerd in me is thinking it would be neat to query the gender ratio of photo to non-photo avatars.
Do more women than men use (presumed) real photos? And, if so, why?

I'm really a large brown/black dog, but knew no one would take me seriously,
so I initially used a photo of James "Spike" Marsters.
Then I started getting PM's from chicks who apparently had never seen
"Buffy The Vampire Slayer", and thought that was actually me.[:/]

So I now use a photo that looks more like me.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I would guess that more men than women use real photos. For the most part guys don't give 2 shits what we look like and we don't worry about what people will think of us based upon how our hair looked that day.

...and back to the metro thread we go... :D

That's what I'm saying. We don't care. The women do.

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Reading through this thread and [Miranda]’s other two, the nerd in me is thinking it would be neat to query the gender ratio of photo to non-photo avatars.
Do more women than men use (presumed) real photos? And, if so, why?

I'm really a large brown/black dog, but knew no one would take me seriously,

Zak? ;)

Everyone takes him very seriously.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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I didn't use a real photo for a long time. But then I got tired of being completely ignored so I decided to put my face to my posts. Now I'm only sleightly ignored. ;):D

Go check SC - I replied to one of your posts over there already today. :P


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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That's what I'm saying. We don't care. The women do.


Had a 'situation' again today because I listened to a girl and her boyfriend apparently didn't,

Why do we have to be dicks just 'cause we're guys?

I don't get it, but that's probably why I don't get it..
D.S # 125

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That's what I'm saying. We don't care. The women do.


Had a 'situation' again today because I listened to a girl and her boyfriend apparently didn't,

Why do we have to be dicks just 'cause we're guys?

I don't get it, but that's probably why I don't get it..

Because god forbid women should let a guy be right even once, it would make life too easy. :S

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I read it already but you bounce around in that post so much I'm not sure how to reply. :P:D

I kid I kid! Damn it! :D:D

So it's my fault you can't keep up? :P


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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That's what I'm saying. We don't care. The women do.

Had a 'situation' again today because I listened to a girl and her boyfriend apparently didn't,
Why do we have to be dicks just 'cause we're guys?
I don't get it, but that's probably why I don't get it..

Because god forbid women should let a guy be right even once, it would make life too easy. :S

Brudda, you ain't kiddin'.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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miranda09 = Chris Hansen
Why don't you have a seat over there?

Nawww . . . Miranda would have had to claim she was underage. The claimed age of 21 is just the right age for fucking with young skydiver's minds. Any younger than 18 and few people here would have anything to do with her. We may be stupid, but we're not fucking stupid when it comes to jail bait.

Well you're right, but one of Chris Hansen's major hobbies is posing as girls online. He practices by pretending to be a variety of age groups such as jailbait, college chicks, and milfs.

miranda09 is simply Chris Hansen practicing for his next sting operation

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Just replying to the end here:

PM from the Funky one himself


fuck those mods are fast...i just posted this in the bonfire and they fucking deleted it within seconds...you gotta clear my name bro....

Ha! You fuckers are stupid. I got a text from brandon (wildcard douchebag) yesterday asking if I am the new chick on dz.com, my reply was no, is she hot? He says, could be. He begs me to tell me if it is me so he can play along. As much as I wish I could have said it was me I had to be honest with him. Ever since he caught me banging his mom and I caught him banging my exwife we sort of have this honesty policy with one another.

Had to get on here and check out what he was talking about (registered name #439).

Oh the poor girl!!!!

She doesnt have a picture up so what the hell kind of piece of ass have you donkeys chased away? She's probably a dirty slut anyways.

Skymama - You have my permission to go ahead and proceed with banning this name. We all know it's gonna happen sooner or later.



Draw your own conclusions.

Well, Old Funksy boy and I were on the phone this afternoon with him asking me to clear his name. If he's lying about this, he's lying to me too.
In my opinion, if she is fake, it is someone else that Funks. Otherwise, she is real until the mods and an IP address prove otherwise.

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Skymama - You have my permission to go ahead and proceed with banning this name. We all know it's gonna happen sooner or later.

Why does he always think it's me? :P
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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God, the old pervs around here are experienced. :D:D

Fixed it for ya there Jr.
“The only fool bigger than the person who knows it all is the person who argues with him.

Stanislaw Jerzy Lec quotes (Polish writer, poet and satirist 1906-1966)

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