
Toyota recall for gas peddle getting stuck on the floor mats

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I just read an article about this. The recall was spurred by a family being killed after their car reached speeds of 120 mph because the peddle was stuck under the mat. My question is, aside from moving the mat, how many ways can you think of to stop a car that has a stuck accelarator?

I can think of three.

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clutch, breaks, handbreak, and the railing on the side if nothing else helps; or yea, hit a tree!

happens with my car every now and then, just step on the clutch and pull the mat back..
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Slamming on the accelarator several times to try and get it unstuck, putting the car in neutral, down shifting into the lower gears. It might not be good for the engine but you will slow down.
TPM Sister#130ONTIG#1
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Turning off ignition also works. Most cars let you turn off the engine while you're in motion. In some cases I suspect you may have to go into a certain mode the car prefers before the car lets you shut off engine (shift a gear or tap the brake, etc), but many cars let you just turn off the ignition by rotating the key while in motion, without any other input. It makes steering difficult since power steering is gone, but it's another way. Just keep driving straight while using brakes until it comes to a stop. Brakes may also be difficult too if it is power assisted/pressurized, so use the handbrake simultaneously with footbrakes if you need to, for maximum unpowered braking power...

If key is stuck and no way to unstick by slipping foot under the gas pedal and prying it back up, shifting an automatic to neutral also works but it can cause the engine to over-rev, but modern engines have computers to limit the over-revving. Better the engine than your life...

Over the years I've once abruptly turned off the ignition on both a 1994 Jeep and a 1998 Honda Civic on a quiet country stretch in a curiousity experiment, and as an emergency "EP practice" ...All while going the speed limit (80kph, or about 50mph). Also, at night, some vehicles will suddenly go completely dark (especially if you don't have day running headlights like in Canadian cars), so don't rotate completely, and maybe turn on your doorlight first.

I highly recommend the "EP practice" -- do this once or twice in your lifetime -- turn off your ignition while you car is in motoin (do check for your car if it's safe to do so, and what you need to do first, such as shifting to neutral first, etc) That way, you know how your car behaves if you just turn off ignition while in motion. Empty country straightaway on a quiet summer day, or other safe area with clear visibility to horizon and good wide shoulders. Sudden engine failure, gas pedal problems, power steering failure, and you never know if you need to just flick your car "OFF" on a sudden without stopping first.

(Incidentally, hypermilers use this technique called pulse-and-glide where glide is turning off the key while in Neutral to get maximum coast without using gas, but I don't do that -- I just use cruise control)

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Did you hear the temporary fix?
They're shortening the pedal until new ones come in.
Toyota is becoming the new GM.

In lieu of removing the floor matt what are they supposed to do?

do you really believe that a toyota is the only car that this might happen in?

My guess it that the floor mat wasn't installed properly... or more accurately that the mat was incorrect for the vehicle model... and thus didn't fit properly...

interestingly (and not suprisingly) Toyota sales people are no longer installing the drivers side floor mats... (even carpet floor mats specifically designed for the vehicle.) and I don't blame them since we live in a society that would rather blame someone else then take responsiblity for our own actions...

granted this is someones fault but blaming the manufacturer isn't the right answer...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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The expensive American market Toyota's a.k.a Lexus, has a legal department design in the GPS system.
One the car is in motion, forget using the GPS for anything useful other than a moving map.
No longer hackable to change that either since the '07 models.
Stoopid attorneys.

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The expensive American market Toyota's a.k.a Lexus, has a legal department design in the GPS system.
One the car is in motion, forget using the GPS for anything useful other than a moving map.
No longer hackable to change that either since the '07 models.
Stoopid attorneys.

So blame the attorneys... or more accurately blame the stupid people that sue the car companies when they're using the GPS while driving and cause an accident and then instead of taking responsiblity for their actions they sue the car company... again I don't blame the manufacturer...

it's stupid people that are at fault... (not anyone here of course... just to clarify... ;))

edited to add: there are other ways to address the problem such as putting a disclamer on the screen at startup (which they also probably do)

This sort of thing is also one of the reasons I lean away from factory Navigation systems... above and beyond the problem of updating maps...
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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I'm surprised that noone has asked yet so I will. What the fuck was the driver doing pushing the pedal to the floor with his/her family in the car? I thought that's something you do when you kind of want to drive fast. But yeah, the easy fix is to just push in the clutch and hit the brakes. On an auto, just move the shift lever out of drive and into neutral (I have yet to see an auto trans where you CAN'T do this but they may exist) then hit the brakes.

I blame the drivers incompitance. Not the auto maker.
Muff #5048

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collateral damage?

if you're too much of a stupid fucker to NOT know how to turn off a car ignition, what business do you have driving one???

When I was kid, I was driving the old man's Buick (445 CID V-8), and the throttle stuck wide open. I turned off the ignition. I didn't realize I was supposed to cause a big accident, then sue Buick.:S
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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collateral damage?

if you're too much of a stupid fucker to NOT know how to turn off a car ignition, what business do you have driving one???

When I was kid, I was driving the old man's Buick (445 CID V-8), and the throttle stuck wide open. I turned off the ignition. I didn't realize I was supposed to cause a big accident, then sue Buick.:S

+ 1, except it was my own Renault.

(A 1.4l 4-in-line, I think. At a tunnel entrance. Fast enough. :P)
I am. I think.

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The recall was spurred by a family being killed after their car reached speeds of 120 mph because the peddle was stuck under the mat.

BTW The last thing I read of that incident was that there was suspicion it was really a suicide.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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had it happen once after I cleaned my car out....There is a hook that it goes on so it won't do this....I clearly didnt get it on the hook.

I just pushed the clutch in and reached down and yanked that puppy out. If I had an automatic? I think my first reaction would be to just shut the car off and hit the flashers. Better than hitting a tree.
I woke up next to a blowup doll Ash....so what do you think?

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had it happen once after I cleaned my car out....There is a hook that it goes on so it won't do this....I clearly didnt get it on the hook.

I just pushed the clutch in and reached down and yanked that puppy out. If I had an automatic? I think my first reaction would be to just shut the car off and hit the flashers. Better than hitting a tree.

The burning question of course is that if it had resulted in an accident would you have taken responsiblity for your own actions or blamed someone else... :P

However I'm glad you were smart enough to correct the problem without it resulting in an accident.
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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