
Traffic gripes

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This morning I was confronted yet again with trying to walk across a street and a vehicle coming the other way stopped at a sign. So I start walking. Imagine my surprise when I get yelled at. This person wanted to make a left turn and I unfortunately was not blessed with telepathy. I walked past the woman (she had to wait a bit more) and said, “Turn signals only work when used.”

Yes, the wonder and beauty of a turn signal. A simple movement! "No turn signal" means "I am maintaining this lane and this direction of travel. Plan accordingly" A left turn signal at a four way stop means, "I'm turning left. Plan accordingly."

This chick had no turn signal. A turn signal is not just an act of consideration but also an act of beneficial selfishness - you are telling those around you what you are intending to do. (Note: San Francisco is a different story. God help your ass if you use a turn signal in the Bay Area. If you do, the aging hippie will have her rusted out, painted-with-bumper-stickers Datsun 210 hatchback right up in your blind spot, thus proving to the bourgeois flesh-eating male that his pea-brained war monger testosterone is no match for her carbureted gas guzzler. A turn signal to those freaks is nothing more than an invitation to box you in.)

I think my main gripe, though, are people making right turns that don’t move over in the lane and come to a near complete stop. So frequently do I have the desire to attempt a PIT maneuver on those who feel the need to block traffic to make a right turn.

What are some other traffic assholes out there?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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Wouldn't you still have the right of way as a pedestrian crossing at the intersection?
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I purposely sat at an intersection yesterday for 6 minutes.
On my sled.
I knew where the idiot was going based on his head movement.
No turn signal.
He motioned for me to go. Repeatedly.
I did not have the right of way so I didn't move.
I'm positive he heard "fucking moron" when he drove past me. THEN he turned on the blinker.
Fucking morons.

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Ahh man, I loved your description of the SF flower power traffic avenger.:D:D

So many people drive with zero consideration for others. Hogging lanes, not signaling, not getting over to make turns; their rear view mirrors must mean nothing to them. And like you say, it's not a zero-sum game. Teamwork in traffic situations benefits everyone.

There's an intersection not far from my house that the bike trail I ride crosses. It's got a "stop" sign bar, then a go forward and "yield" sign for making right turns on red lights. I can't tell you how many cars cruise thru the stop bar without a pause. I'm very cautious on my bike at that intersection. If I were a cop, I'd sit there and write tickets all day long. You could get a month's quota done in an afternoon, with time left over for donuts. ;)

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Wouldn't you still have the right of way as a pedestrian crossing at the intersection?

Yes. But that's beside the point. If I see a driver trying to turn, I'll hae an easier time navigatign the intersection and will wave the driver to turn. Part of that is also self interest - that I had the right of way is little consolation if I am a hood ornament.

Had the woman merely signaled I would have waved her through before I crossed.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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>A turn signal to those freaks is nothing more than an invitation to box you in.

True in NY as well - although more often than not those guys are driving a big American car, and see the turn signal as a warning that they have mere seconds to prevent you from getting in front of them and thus 'winning' the traffic war.

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Wouldn't you still have the right of way as a pedestrian crossing at the intersection?

Yes. But that's beside the point. If I see a driver trying to turn, I'll hae an easier time navigatign the intersection and will wave the driver to turn. Part of that is also self interest - that I had the right of way is little consolation if I am a hood ornament.

Had the woman merely signaled I would have waved her through before I crossed.

Oh yeah, I definitely get that part. As the "ped" in a ped vs. car accident 8 years ago, I'm all about communicating with the driver - eye contact, waves, etc. But I asked the question more along the lines of "Why the fuck did she think she had the right to yell at you when you were the one doing the right thing?"
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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Ah, the old turn signal thing is still my biggest annoyance, especially when I am a pedestrian. I've mostly gotten over all of the other "stupid" things that people do while driving ("stupid" meaning "not the way _I_ would do it" :P), but the turn signal thing still drives me to abhor the fellow members of my species.

Hmm, perhaps this is what is blocking me from my enlightenment. I shall go now to pray for people who do not use turn signals, that I may have more compassion and understanding for them. Thank you, wise lawrocket, for reminding me of this deep fault that I hold on to. :ph34r:

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God help your ass if you use a turn signal in the Bay Area. If you do, the aging hippie will have her rusted out, painted-with-bumper-stickers Datsun 210 hatchback right up in your blind spot, thus proving to the bourgeois flesh-eating male that his pea-brained war monger testosterone is no match for her carbureted gas guzzler. A turn signal to those freaks is nothing more than an invitation to box you in.)

Absolutely. After moving to the Bay Area I noticed that using your turn signal as in the rest of the country to signal intent to change lanes was dangerous because it causes people behind you to close the gap you were headed to and it's not just the old hippies. Executives in AMG Mercedes, soccer moms in minivans or SUVs, young guys in sports cars, nearly everyone does it except for Hispanics where the only rational explanation is that they're uninsured or here illegally and need to be on their best behavior.

Whilst on jury duty lunch break I was talking to another juror about driving in California, and he said that he taught his sons to not signal until they were already changing lanes because that's safest.


What are some other traffic assholes out there?

I hate people who merge into the bike lane far enough before their right turn that they'll be waiting there for a light cycle or two.

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True in NY as well

Oh, yes. A whole different beast. The first time Dawnmarie took me into the city, the sweet a demure cutie transformed into a horn honking, bird flipping, foul mouthed native. It was awesome to behold.

Now that stuff doesn't fly in LA. Long ago I figured out that the general politeness of LA driving was because you'll get shot for pulling those hi-jinks on LA roads and highways. Thus creating a more polite society.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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You are correct. I'm merely describing my first experience in SF driving. The description of the Datsun 210 was 100% exact. And it's what she did.

But you are correct that it matters not who it is. They all will CLOSE THE GAP if you signal. That's my biggest complaint. I'm glad it's not just my impression.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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In DC and southern Maryland nobody understands the concept of the passing lane and that pisses me off to no end. Everyone drives in the left lane at the same speed or even slower speed than the cars in the right lanes. I am going to go to jail one day for ripping sombody's legs off.

One more gripe would be when there is an accident on the other side of the highway and I end up sitting traffic due to rubber neckers.

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A turn signal to those freaks is nothing more than an invitation to box you in.

Same thing here in the idiot land known as Baltimore.>:(
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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But you are correct that it matters not who it is. They all will CLOSE THE GAP if you signal. That's my biggest complaint. I'm glad it's not just my impression.

Yep, happens all the fucking time on the highway here. It's bad enough that you just simply have to bide your time and when you see an opening, just fucking grab it quick before they have a chance to block you out.
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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This morning I was confronted yet again with trying to walk across a street and a vehicle coming the other way stopped at a sign. So I start walking. Imagine my surprise when I get yelled at...

The rudeness (and stupidity) of some drivers is amazing. Once I was (legally) crossing the street in a crosswalk when someone zoomed right through. Not only did she almost hit me, but she gave me the finger because she had to swerve around me.:S
My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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Haha. Yeah. You think all thats bad? Try driving an ambulance. Peoples stupidity increases 100 fold when they see blinking lights and a siren going. They will slam on their brakes in front of you, swerve in your way or just blatntly ignore you.....
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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Hey - I have an eye appointment down town tomorrow morning on "S" Street near Community Hospital... Stay the heck off the sidewalks and you'll be fine:P

I love the - gotta be first to the lane merge. Even if I have to turn 50 feet after that; I'll be in front of you mentality...

Once the plane takes off, you're gonna have to land - Might as well jump out!!

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This morning I was confronted yet again with trying to walk across a street and a vehicle coming the other way stopped at a sign. So I start walking. Imagine my surprise when I get yelled at...

The rudeness (and stupidity) of some drivers is amazing. Once I was (legally) crossing the street in a crosswalk when someone zoomed right through. Not only did she almost hit me, but she gave me the finger because she had to swerve around me.:S

The other half of the problem is, yes you have the right of way, but if a car was about to hit you, you weren't paying attention either.

I see it all the time in San Francisco, people just walk across the street without looking both ways first because there's a law.

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What are some other traffic assholes out there?

When trying to pass somone going 45 in a 55 on a two lane hwy and their ego decides to accelerate untill either you get back in formation behind them or head-on into a semi.:D

Those people are my favorite...
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True in NY as well

Oh, yes. A whole different beast. The first time Dawnmarie took me into the city, the sweet a demure cutie transformed into a horn honking, bird flipping, foul mouthed native. It was awesome to behold.

Now that stuff doesn't fly in LA. Long ago I figured out that the general politeness of LA driving was because you'll get shot for pulling those hi-jinks on LA roads and highways. Thus creating a more polite society.

I was sitting here reading through the thread, and it took me a moment to remember that the no-rules driving game isn't actually normal in most parts of the world. Complete disregard for the majority of the traffic laws has become completely normal for me. It's amazing how none of the rules seem to apply to anyone here except for two: 1) keep your ass out of the bus lane, and 2) no left turn on green, EVER. Everything else is fair game.

We bought our car from a American whose family moved here about thirty years ago. He told us that his father recently went back to the states for a business trip. He flew into LAX, rented a car, and hit the road. After about 10 minutes of Korean style driving, he was pulled over. He threw a few hundred dollars at the cop not really thinking about where he was, and was promptly asked to step out of the car. I guess it took a while to explain to the cop that he had forgotten that the traffic and law enforcement interactions are 100% different in this part of the world.

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I see it all the time in San Francisco, people just walk across the street without looking both ways first because there's a law.

Never, ever ever ever ever will I do that. I'm all for pedestrian rights, and doing what I can to ensure that I have those rights, but never to the point of being "dead right." I've always been a pretty aware pedestrian, but since getting hit by a car (in Seattle, not the Bay Area - Seattle's actually - in general - much more pedestrian friendly), I've become hyper-aware. I have to know you see me and aren't going to move in front of me before I'll step foot in a crosswalk. Goes both ways, though, it means that I'll almost never jaywalk - that's holding up my part of the bargain.

And I do this knowing that there's probably not an awful lot I could have changed about my behavior the day that I got hit (other than to not ever walk anywhere in the first place, which ain't gonna happen) that would have changed the outcome. In my case, the car that hit me ran the red light so long after the light had changed (long enough that 1) his light went red, 2) there was a 1.5 second delay till the other direction turned green and 3) a car going in the green light direction had time to pull fully into the intersection) that I was just in precisely the wrong place after red-light-runner hit car-legally-in-intersection and then spun into the crosswalk. That kind of shit happens, but it's not the typical type of car/pedestrian turf battle in a crosswalk that an aware pedestrian can help to prevent.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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then draft behind you once you pass....

Haha yeah. As long as youre nottryin to outrun us thw whole time.....
Thanatos340(on landing rounds)--
Landing procedure: Hand all the way up, Feet and Knees Together and PLF soon as you get bitch slapped by a planet.

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