
Need advice from cat people...

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Ok, I have been debating the pros and cons of getting a cat... I decided a long time ago that I would not own a pet unless I was certain I could care for it properly. I am in the process of getting a bigger place (currently in a 1-bed appartment) which will be ideal for a cat - 4-floors, 3 bedrooms, and even some outdoor space. So I thought, fuck it... I've waited a long time, there is no way I will ever financially rationalise owning a pet, and the reality is that you either want a pet or you don't - if you really want it, you will find a way to make it work; if you don't you will be a jerk and abandon it at the first sign that it's a bit of hassle...

I wanted to wait until I have actually moved, but last week I saw an ad for a cat that is in cage, in a refuge... I called about her, and got more of her story... Her owner passed away and the cat was left to fend for itself in the street. She was found in a bad state and nursed back to health, but she was unhappy in the refuge (the other cats were mean to her >:(). So one of the workers has temporarily taken the cat in her own home, but cannot keep her forever because her hubby is allergic.

The cat is 2 years old and a very quiet and friendly cat. My question is this... Do you think it would be a trauma for her to stay with me in my small appartment and then move with me to the bigger house 1-2 months down the line?? Or are older cats not so bothered because they get more attached to their owners than a particular place?? Or something else I haven't considered??

I have explained the situation fully to the people at the refuge. They seem to think as long as I love the cat and look after her, she will cope just fine with the move. But I would like some more opinions from people who have experience in cat-rescues/adoption/moving.

Yes, I know I could get another cat. But there is something about this cat... Can't stop thinking about this cute little fur-ball...
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But there is something about this cat... Can't stop thinking about this cute little fur-ball...

Adopt her now! :)
She is still young and very adaptable. The most important thing is the relationship and bond formed between the two of you.

I have volunteered for mass adoption events, and you/your situation would be a welcome relief to place a homeless pet in a forever home.
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But there is something about this cat... Can't stop thinking about this cute little fur-ball...

Adopt her now! :)
She is still young and very adaptable. The most important thing is the relationship and bond formed between the two of you.

I have volunteered for mass adoption events, and you/your situation would be a welcome relief to place a homeless pet in a forever home.

You're the third personto say this (the first being the ppl from the refuge, the second from a lady in my village who has done a lot of work with the SPCA and rescued numerous cats).

Surely a loving owner is the most important thing, but I am still wondering about this poor cat, who has been moved a couple of times already now... [:/] Perhaps people have ideas to lessen the trauma of a third move (and shortly thereafter fourth move)?? With me she would only be moving a couple of houses down in the same village - maybe this would make it not so bad??

(Man, I am *clearly* not objective!!!!)
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
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Here is a picture... Look at those eyes and tell me you haven't fallen in love with her a little...

(I am sounding like a nut. I realise that.)
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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You're the third personto say this...but I am still wondering about this poor cat

Then, clearly you are not listening. :P

The third move is unavoidable whether she goes to you or someone else. The fourth move is just a couple houses down in the same village. Seriously, nothing to worry about, my dear. :)
Since the new house will be substantially larger, it may be best to keep her confined to a smaller area for a short while with all her familiar things (toys, litter, food/water area) and slowly introduce her to other parts of her new domicile. She will be Queen in no time.

LOVE her photo! She looks like the female version of my Sabre. My Sabre moved with us several times when he was her age. Does "she" have a name?
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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LOVE her photo! She looks like the female version of my Sabre. My Sabre moved with us several times when he was her age. Does "she" have a name?

Princess :)
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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The kennel where the cat currently lives is more traumatic than two moves with the same people and same furniture. If you travel regularly, consider getting two compatible cats. They really can play with each other.

And that is a cute kitty

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I would think the cat would be happiest with a new permanent cat-staff, regardless of moves.:)
OK, first thing that went through my mind when I saw the title:

Excellent movie, BTW!B|

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I've had many moves with many different cats over the years. I can honestly say that none of them seemed at all traumatized by any of the moves. In fact, they actually seemed to like poking around a new place and finding new places to hang out.

I also agree with Wendy that you might as well get two cats right now. If you're going, go big! Ask the people at the refuge if they have another cat whom Princess already gets along with. Two cats are really not much harder to take care of than one. It's fun to watch them interact with each other too.
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I've thought about getting two cats, but think this might be tricky... Part of the reason the staff member took Princess out of the refuge was because she was getting harassed by the other cats... She is apparently much happier alone now, and she is an aloof/independent cat-type, so I'd have to be careful what breed I get so I don't get an energetic attention-seeker who is incompatible with her...

She grew up with a Persian and she got along nicely with him, but he has already been adopted. [:/]

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
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That sweet little girl is already calling you Momma with her eyes. ;) She is probably missing the stability of a quiet, loving home and having a Mommy/Daddy to call her own. She is beautiful. B|

I'd adopt her ASAP and let the bonding begin right away. I've had a few kitties in my adult life and always found moves went smoothly when we were always together and I'd talk to them about what was going to happen so they "knew" we were going somewhere new together and they'd love it, have more room to play, more windows to lay by and get their "kitter tan", more birdies at the windows, etc. I'm a freak but I swear they know you're a team.

Always be kinder than you feel.

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I've thought about getting two cats, but think this might be tricky... Part of the reason the staff member took Princess out of the refuge was because she was getting harassed by the other cats... She is apparently much happier alone now, and she is an aloof/independent cat-type, so I'd have to be careful what breed I get so I don't get an energetic attention-seeker who is incompatible with her...

She grew up with a Persian and she got along nicely with him, but he has already been adopted. [:/]

It breaks my heart when people split up a family. :(
Always be kinder than you feel.

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We have two dogs, two cats, two goldfish.
Two means they always have a friend to play with.
Especially if you're going to be gone for a day or two.
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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The kennel where the cat currently lives is more traumatic than two moves with the same people and same furniture. If you travel regularly, consider getting two compatible cats. They really can play with each other.

And that is a cute kitty

Wendy P.

yes .... one cat is never enough when you start down the road to the CCL.

I keep it at two... and two dogs to keep the cats entertained.

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I've thought about getting two cats, but think this might be tricky... Part of the reason the staff member took Princess out of the refuge was because she was getting harassed by the other cats... She is apparently much happier alone now, and she is an aloof/independent cat-type, so I'd have to be careful what breed I get so I don't get an energetic attention-seeker who is incompatible with her...

She grew up with a Persian and she got along nicely with him, but he has already been adopted. [:/]

Just get her a little kitten... so she can train the little one... problem solved.

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***The kennel where the cat currently lives is more traumatic than two moves with the same people and same furniture. If you travel regularly, consider getting two compatible cats. They really can play with each other.

And that is a cute kitty

Wendy P.

yes .... one cat is never enough when you start down the road to the CCL.

I keep it at two... and two dogs to keep the cats entertained.

Always be kinder than you feel.

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Does anybody important in your life and is indispensable in your home have allergies to cats? Boyfriend? Whatever?

Nope. I think my boyfriend is more excited about getting a cat than about moving in together!!!! :D:D

However he is of the opinion that getting a cat before moving is a bad idea for the cat. And I'm worried he may be right...
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
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yes .... one cat is never enough when you start down the road to the CCL.

I keep it at two... and two dogs to keep the cats entertained.


:D:D:D:D Are you sure that starter kit really has enough cats to get you going??
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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***Does anybody important in your life and is indispensable in your home have allergies to cats? Boyfriend? Whatever?

Nope. I think my boyfriend is more excited about getting a cat than about moving in together!!!!

Alrighty then! Just wanted to check because that can have enormous consequences. Some people think, "Oh the other person will be fine if they just take (insert medication here)" which, let me tell you, is not always going to be the case. Forcing an allergic person to live with a cat is beyond inhumane.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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******Does anybody important in your life and is indispensable in your home have allergies to cats? Boyfriend? Whatever?

Nope. I think my boyfriend is more excited about getting a cat than about moving in together!!!!

Alrighty then! Just wanted to check because that can have enormous consequences. Some people think, "Oh the other person will be fine if they just take (insert medication here)" which, let me tell you, is not always going to be the case. Forcing an allergic person to live with a cat is beyond inhumane.

Having sufferred tremendously from allergies from the day I was born, I could not agree more. Getting de-sensitised (daily drops for 6 months over 2-3 years) changed my life.
"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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Being in the shelter is far, far worse than any move you might make.
Even being in "Foster Care" outside the shelter is worse than any move.

Bring her home, get her used to you, your BF, your routines, all that. Get her used to the feeding schedule, litter box location, all that. Get her a few toys, perhaps a cat tree or something simliar (google it, you'd be amazed at how much is available).

When you move, try to keep as much of that as similar as possible - if litter box is in bathroom in old place, put it in the bathroom in new place. If food is put out in kitchen (or back hall, or where ever) put it in as similar a place as possible.

Keep all the old toys and stuff and put them in the new place

Keep the same feeding schedule as best you can.

Keep as much as possible as similar as possible and the cat will be fine.

It's going to be much more concerned about you and the BF being there than anything else.
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******The kennel where the cat currently lives is more traumatic than two moves with the same people and same furniture. If you travel regularly, consider getting two compatible cats. They really can play with each other.

And that is a cute kitty

Wendy P.

yes .... one cat is never enough when you start down the road to the CCL.

I keep it at two... and two dogs to keep the cats entertained.


Or if you start them out really early in life...:)

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