
Hypothetical modern rigger lands in Buffalo,NY 70 years ago

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well he OR she...better know How to Flake a cheapo..... :oB|
AND what a 4 line check IS.....:)NOT sure if it's even possible to ProPack a round, twill, canopy and Fuggheddabout a Molar bag...:D
and IF he or She gets to Buffalo TODAY...... the Bills have a pre season game @ Ralph Wilson Stadium, at 4:30......hahaha


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When Leslie Irvin first set up his factory in England in 1926 he advertised for male and female workers."Good looks" were.one.of.the requirements for the women. He initially hired 3 men and 7 women whose first job was to install the equipment. Attached is a photo of the English staff from 1926. 16 women and 10 men including Leslie. BTW the group of parachute in cront of the staff are LAP parachutes.:P Integral harnesses and center pull ripcords.

Of course the women were probably running sewing machines, just like today. The text describes Leslie as the only qualified packer when the plant opened.

I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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I HAVE however Flaked a bunch of cheapos.....T-10 and 28 footers ( see attachment )B|.
we earned a "buck a rig" packing static line rigs, first with breakcord, 4 pin containers and then later, single pin direct bag, using an elastic closing loop and a webbing TAB, sewn into the static line. :o:)Not bad in the days when 5 dollars bought you a skydive.B|

You are likely correct John .... Sort of a" Rigging 101 " as a person accepts the challenge of completing the course...
Bravo to all the riggers, past present AND Future...

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To clarify:
Leslie Irvin founded a company named Irving Air Chute.
The discrepancy was due to a clerk making a mistake in the paperwork.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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How about Bell Aerospace getting all the R&D money they need to perfect helicopters? How about some R&D money for Igor Sikorsky or Frank Whittle ... Or Frank Worthington ...?
Can you picture the 1944 D-Day invasion being led by also Valentine and French SAS buddies free-falling in?
.... Then thousands of static-lined AT-11s (held together with soft links).
How about PEPs with through loops and diapers?
... The second day, para-troopers are re-supplied by Budd Conestogas LAPESing thousands of tons of supplies.

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I'm not a rigger, but don't they ALL have to demonstrate proficiency packing round reserves? Still in use in many pilot rigs. :)

I am a rigger, and no, they don't. I could've walked out of my O/P with a Back type rating having only inspected and packed a single square reserve during the test.

I stuck with it and did a Seat type rig for the extra rating. Rounds are EASY and any rigger that doesn't want to pack them is just lazy. The hardest part in packing some of them was figuring out how to get good tension on them in my apartment.

There are probably riggers out there who have never touched a round.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
I'm an asshole, and I approve this message

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... The hardest part in packing some of them was figuring out how to get good tension on them in my apartment.

The problem is that long tables disappeared from DZs about a decade after round reserves disappeared. I told my old boss "if you dismantle the long table, that will be the last time I ever pack a round."
I did not pack any rounds for about 6 months. Then an old (flying school customer) sent in a half-dozen PEPs. It was amazing how fast my boss built me a new long table!

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Stop being such a sexist pig!
During World War 2 all the Allies hired thousands of woman as "bomb girls," "Rosie the riveter" and parachute packers. It was part of a bigger effort to free up more men to fight overseas by hiring women to replace men on farms, factories, secretarial pools, etc.
Traditionally production line sewing has always been done by women.

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***He might be hired. She would be laughed right out.


The parachute industry was traditionally employed far more women than men as: cutters, sewing machine operators, inspectors, assemblers and packers. Women have always out-numbered men in the fabric, garment, upholstery and most of the other "rag trades."
Men have always been a minority in parachute factories.

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You don't think the time-traveller would have a few ideas that would seem odd or far-fetched, to say the least, to someone from 1934? I would venture to say that the average modern person displaced would lack a few skills and some knowledge common to someone back then, as well.
WSCR 594
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You don't think the time-traveller would have a few ideas that would seem odd or far-fetched, to say the least, to someone from 1934? I would venture to say that the average modern person displaced would lack a few skills and some knowledge common to someone back then, as well.


Yes, most modern people lack skills that were needed to stay alive even 80 years ago. That is half the fun of writing " what if" alternative history/ science fiction. Half the authors expect to be welcomed as Gods, while conveniently forgetting that they lack of ever-day skills: hand-cranking automobiles, swinging propellers, focussing cameras, telephoning long distance, harnessing horses, rolling cigarettes, etc. could get them killed or written off as simpletons. The wrong accent might get them accused of spying. The wrong religious beliefs might get them burned at the stake. Without visible means of support they might get sold into slavery or "pressed" into military service. Forgetting to tug a forelock or bow as the king passes could get them beaten to a pulp.

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