
lowest pulled

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if youre gonna pull low to feel alive why not pull at around 650-700 ft?

My thoughts exactly. :S


Make sure you pack well.

Yeah... like a BASE canopy with a mesh slider freepacked (with a BASE pack job) into a container. A 32" PC & 9' bridle would be helpful. Basically a BASE setup in a TSO'd skydiving rig to satisfy FAA regs.

All that said, I wouldn't recommend pulling in the sub-1000 range unless you have some experience with terminal BASE jumps. Misjudging altitude at terminal that close to the ground is extremely unforgiving. :o

- Z
"Always be yourself... unless you suck." - Joss Whedon

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if youre gonna pull low to feel alive why not pull at around 650-700 ft? Make sure you pack well. B|

Everyone has got me thinking about the 'low pull' contest that took place at the DZ quite a few years ago....One guy pulled around 800' and the other was open at 300'....the best part was....the winner borrowed the DZO's gear for the jump...:D:D:D Spectacular!

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Freefall - passing through 2k....think I was open by about 1,200....maybe 1,300.

H&P - 2 of them...one was a 2k H&P....didn't check when I was open, but hands were already on handles...JIC, another one was at 3k with a delay and the boys on the ground said they could see the logo on my shoes when I....umm....PULLED!. So I guess that was low![:/]

I agree with the above statement...."don't get attached to ground rush"...the first time you do - you'll probably hit the ground and get rushed to the hospital!!!:S

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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Never exited below 3k but i have had to pull around 1500 because the group after us diddnt give it enough time (they were right over my head)....quite a rush waiting for the Triathalon to open (thing takes forever)

Do you cock your pilot chute?? :) (hehe, see a thread in G&R (i think it is G&R))

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Unintentionally - maybe a hair under 800'. I figure I settled in (under my main) at somewhere around 400', as my canopy ride was 15 seconds long with the brakes stowed for 11 of them.

Intentionally - probably around 1300 a couple times and 1500 several times.

(drink Mountain Dew)

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Was open at 1200, under my main. A long time ago at the Rumbleseat Meet. Back in the days when we were young, stupid, and knew we'd live forever. We broke off our 10 way at 2500. Believe it or not, nobody said a word about it either. One cutaway at around 1200, the reserve was open just below a grand. That was stupid too - but fun to look back on!

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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For the record, my lowest intentional pull to date is 3,600. That was low enough for me. Plenty low.

In thee olden dayes it was not uncommon for a first freefall student to hop & pop from 3200 ft, that's what I did on jump numero 6 back in 1974. I thought it was pretty good, because they'd gone UP from the 2500 ft I'd been static lining at and I could tell we were higher and the ground was smaller. Nowadays, students and A licenses are required to pull higher and that's fine. Everyone else is pulling higher and that's a good thing too. Our canopies didn't snivel as much back then either, you threw your pilot, you opened. Nowadays I'll let it go at 3 grand and I think it's weird that I'm all the way down to 2 grand before the Spectre is ready to get to work. But I'm still under an open canopy by 2 grand and that's SAFE.

Sooner or later everyone goes low. It WILL happen to you. But 3 grand isn't low either and I think people should at leat be comfortable with 3 grand. It's a realistic altitude.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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The lowest I have ever been under canopy is 1,400 feet. It was on one of my early BOC throwaway jumps (I learnt on ripcord) and I just forgot what I was meant to be pulling and where it was. It really scared me actually - I think I ended up pulling at something like 1,700 feet.


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