
terminal reserve deployments?

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How risky is it dumping a reserve at terminal for the heck of it. I saw a guy do it this weekend. I helped him find his freebag. In talking with him he stated he wanted to make sure it still worked, a year since repack.
I was always under the impression terminal deployments of reserves could result in damanage, but then students mains are F111 also.

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Extremely risky. Your reserve is your absolute last chance to survive when all other options have failed.

That guy is a Darwin Award waiting to happen.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Thanks Kris. I agree, also very funny the rest of the jumper on the load were playing footsies with his freebag while under there own canopies. I don't know man, what if it was a function, what could you do? dump the main, or hopefully have a hook knife and actually cut through all 4 reserve risers with altitude remaining and deploy your main. To rich for my blood. It was also a big joke; the story to the dzo was his main hacky was buried deep inside of his BOC and he had no choice but to go for silver. This got me thinking is it against USPA policy to just dump your reserve on any given jump?

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Dubbayab (aka. WB),
In response to my post, you sent me a PM that said "suck this troll." OK, I am fine with that, but consider I it a personal attack and assume you may conduct a personal attack in the form of a PM. I am fine with that also. However, here is my opinion of your original post.

An intentional cutaway without the proper equipment (an intentional cutaway rig) is the absolute dumbest thing a person could do. I base this on 17 years of experience (2650 jumps), being an FAA rigger since 1988, and AFF I since 1991, a tandem instructor since 1992 (and currently hold both rating in the US and UK), and having watched more people, take more chances, and not walk away, than you have seen in your 600 jumps. Additionally, I apply my "life experiences" as they relate to a 24 yr. military career (mostly in Special Operations) and "risk management" which in my book equates to every decision I make from the moment I wake up until the time I go to bed and includes everything from my equipment selection (motorcycle helmet, speed at which I drive, to reserve parachute, and AAD).

I appreciate the question, but it was worded in a way that made it seem like a troll. So, in summary, ask away, knowledge is power. If you feel a personal attack is necessary, please feel free to call me (PM for phone number) and at least do it on the phone where I can hopefully, determine your point of reference in person (rather than from a somewhat ambiguous profile).

Tim T.

PS: Your hyperlink to Billvon's article is outstanding and should be read by all at various points in their jumping career.

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so ?, your point is? an intentional cutaway?,........ what are you talking about. too much to read, I think with your 17 years experience, and my measle little old 600 jumps, you should find someone your own size to pick on! You obviously had nothing to contribute, except to start shit, calling me a troll so I PM you, yet you wanna still do this here, fine. Except I'm done with you, and your still the troll, scrounging throug posts looking for someone to pick on huh?
Blah, Blah, Blah, 17 years, 2000 jumps, UK license what ever. Now MY left nut is avabile, or you can wait for my right.
troll buster,

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An intentional cutaway without the proper equipment (an intentional cutaway rig) is the absolute dumbest thing a person could do.

The incident described wasn't an intentional cutaway, it was an intentional reserve deployment. There's a significant difference between the two. I've seen way more stupid things than that at DZs on a regular basis, but that's JMO.

A friend of mine once had a total because his pilot chute handle had been jammed deep into the ROL pouch by the jumper behind him while sitting on the floor of the plane. When he went to deploy he immediately realized he'd probably spend the rest of his life trying to get the handle, so he dumped his reserve instead and had an uneventful ride on his Swift Plus.

My devil's advocate question is how is my friend's reliance on his reserve any different that the incident described? Please understand I'm not advocating intentional reserve rides. I just don't understand how in one context an action is the dumbest thing that can be done, yet in another it is exactly the right move.


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My devil's advocate question is how is my friend's reliance on his reserve any different that the incident described? Please understand I'm not advocating intentional reserve rides. I just don't understand how in one context an action is the dumbest thing that can be done, yet in another it is exactly the right move.


Your reserve is your last chance. To take that chance knowing you have a good chance of having a fully functional main (that you just decide not to use) is not too smart. If this guys reserve had malfunctioned and he went in would you still argue that he didnt make a stupid move?

Obviously in your friends situation, he had no way to deploy the main, therefore had no choice but to deploy the reserve. The 2 situations are not comparable.

Now, for the disclaimer. I am very new at this, but this seems so obvious that I feel like I've missed something in what you wrote. If I did, I will accept a well deserved, swift kick up the ass!;)
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so ?, your point is? an intentional cutaway?,........ what are you talking about. too much to read, I think with your 17 years experience, and my measle little old 600 jumps, you should find someone your own size to pick on!

He responded to a post by you that SEEMED very much like a troll. I thought the same thing to be honest. Most people with 600 jumps would not have to ask that question.


You obviously had nothing to contribute, except to start shit, calling me a troll so I PM you, yet you wanna still do this here, fine. Except I'm done with you, and your still the troll, scrounging throug posts looking for someone to pick on huh?

You did start this by PMing him....a PA.


Blah, Blah, Blah, 17 years, 2000 jumps, UK license what ever. Now MY left nut is avabile, or you can wait for my right.

Ya know that attutude sucks...I am not surprized people thought you are a troll.

And you still contiune the act.

Plus you are the guy that started this thread http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1034649#1034649

Where many also thougth you were trolling.


My wife had a malfunction due to a contrived malfunction, her cutaway system failed, she had to deploy her reserve (alt. remaining) in to her main trash

That sentance alone is loaded with parts that scream troll.

And you never mentioned the name of the gear even though you claimed it was faulty.

You have a history of making posts that seem to be trolling.

And Tim is one of the better teachers I know of (and almost a teammate). I listen when he speaks.

You of coyrse may tell me to "Suck a nut" if you like.

But it does not change the fact you make posts that seem to be nothing but trolling.

As for deploying your reserve:

Nothing against it, unless you planned on doing it. then it becomes a question for the FAA.
Not very smart in any case since it wears on the gear and it is your last chance...Plus it will open hard and that hurts.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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How risky is it dumping a reserve at terminal for the heck of it. I saw a guy do it this weekend. I helped him find his freebag. In talking with him he stated he wanted to make sure it still worked, a year since repack.
I was always under the impression terminal deployments of reserves could result in damanage, but then students mains are F111 also.

As I have said before, if it walks like a troll, if it talks like a troll...........
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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How risky is it dumping a reserve at terminal for the heck of it.

You have no knowledge of what the rigger did during the inspection + repack if you didn't watch. Spring loaded pilot chutes sometimes hesitate. Those factors made it more hazardous than a terminal BASE jump with the same opening altitude and landing area.


I was always under the impression terminal deployments of reserves could result in damanage, but then students mains are F111 also.

Reserves are tested to higher-than-terminal speeds.

In spite of this, reserves have blown up and broken lines on opening. Usually speeds higher than belly-to-earth terminal, asymetric body position, or construction/material flaws have been involved.

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