
Noob Cartoons: Skydiving Duck

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Here's the latest one:
How I Broke My Arm & Leg, Part II: Lucky Ducky

Here's why I didn't get too unglued about my accident. I'm not glad it happened, but I remember that it could have been way worse.

p.s. I'm hoping this doesn't come across as me being smug that I "only" got somewhat hurt.

Very nice one, again.
I liked the Frida Kahlo Duck. I think there is a museum with a collection of "Duckitised Portraits" - it definitely would fit in there, nice work!
I also liked the Switzerland Duck climbing up the mountain and the evil capricorns (Alpine ibex) loitering on your way to the top... BTW, Duck wearing Lederhosen (leather shorts) - it's Oktoberfest time! Already had a beer or two? ;)
Your "I'm pretty well off considered it could have been much much worse" finishing picture is also a good one to think about. Nothing smug, on the contrary I dare to say.

I hope you're progressing fast. Just being curious: Do the surgeons want to remove your Borg implants or are you (like me) going to become an airport metal detector trigger? Hehe hehe.

As for the "I pushed the limits of landing" - it not only happens to ducks but also to swans, see pic attached. (Reads in English: My landing speed's too high! Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!"
The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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Very nice one, again.
I liked the Frida Kahlo Duck. I think there is a museum with a collection of "Duckitised Portraits" - it definitely would fit in there, nice work!

Thanks. At first I thought it would be a stretch to have cast Frida as the "You think YOU have problems!?" person, but I she seems to be a hit. And I had fun drawing her.

I hope you're progressing fast. Just being curious: Do the surgeons want to remove your Borg implants or are you (like me) going to become an airport metal detector trigger? Hehe hehe.

I think I have the parts for good. This should liven things up at the airport security lines. B|

As for the "I pushed the limits of landing" - it not only happens to ducks but also to swans, see pic attached. (Reads in English: My landing speed's too high! Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t!"

Now that's funny! B|
My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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It wont help you heal any faster but at least you will know there are others like you. Just made my 17 and 18th jump and also my first and second landings on my feet!!!!
I have already had my first reserve ride (and that's nothing to be bragging about) do to my poor stability!
But since you included the Swiss theme at least I have a fellow jumper who is Swiss and she has been kind enough to start teaching me how to speak Swiss (at my slow pace)!!!
So get well and continue to falshirm springe!! (parachute jump)
Damn I hope I got that right!!
"You don't get many warnings in this sport before you get damaged"

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I just happened to find the following video which proves we ducks are daredevils, but usually very careful ones - clicky. It's quite a miracle that accidents happen to us, must have been statistical irregularities? ;)B|

Ah, and I just found a nice pic that shows how you should address "Mr Inner Critic" if he once again tries to diss you. (It's NOT a photoshop job, just a flower, but looks hilarious!)

The sky is not the limit. The ground is.

The Society of Skydiving Ducks

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It wont help you heal any faster but at least you will know there are others like you.

Thanks- that's always good to know.B|


I just happened to find the following video which proves we ducks are daredevils, but usually very careful ones - It's quite a miracle that accidents happen to us, must have been statistical irregularities?

That was cute!

Ah, and I just found a nice pic that shows how you should address "Mr Inner Critic" if he once again tries to diss you. (It's NOT a photoshop job, just a flower, but looks hilarious!)

Heh heh- that's funny. :D
My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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Not sure what the narrator is saying...

At the start: "But even then, the parents are not far away"

I'm guessing those were young birds learning to fly.
That was sort of a "swooping hurts" video for birds.

(You do have a bit of German on your blog webpage?!)

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These ducks have a hard time walking on ice clicky
This video shows why we shouldn't jump in high winds... :)B|

Good ones.:D
I also found a photo of "me" in rehab. Looks like they got the date wrong, but otherwise it's familiar...

So um. . .*cough* *ahem*. . .Do you have Aflac?

"The trouble with quotes on the internet is that you can never know if they are genuine" - Abraham Lincoln

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These ducks have a hard time walking on ice clicky
This video shows why we shouldn't jump in high winds... :)B|

Good ones.:D
I also found a photo of "me" in rehab. Looks like they got the date wrong, but otherwise it's familiar...

So um. . .*cough* *ahem*. . .Do you have Aflac?

Groan! :D [roll eyes] :D [roll eyes]

We, as a group, are so slow, :$ It took this long for someone to catch it!

Jennifer, I hope you are doing well and progressing on target. :)
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These ducks have a hard time walking on ice clicky
This video shows why we shouldn't jump in high winds... :)B|

Good ones.:D
I also found a photo of "me" in rehab. Looks like they got the date wrong, but otherwise it's familiar...

So um. . .*cough* *ahem*. . .Do you have Aflac?

Groan! :D [roll eyes] :D [roll eyes]

We, as a group, are so slow, :$ It took this long for someone to catch it!

Jennifer, I hope you are doing well and progressing on target. :)

Thanks! I don't have anyone to compare myself with but I think I'm doing well. Still can't do much with the busted arm (I was told not to mess with it,) but I've been excercising the "bad" leg and it's getting much more flexible. B|
My blog with the skydiving duck cartoons.

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You're doing great!
Keep it up!

(why don't we have a duck emoticon???)B|

Maybe because we've only been "Duckzone.com" for a little over a year.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Enjoyed your cartoon! Funny what you said about Rehab, that IS always the hardest part and the exercises seem so silly and like they should be easy!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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