
Javelin main flap

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I was doing a 2 way sitfly this weekend and when I got on the ground was informed that my main flap was open during freefall. I was wondering if others were having the same problem and what can be done to correct it. The container is a '97 Javelin J2, all standard (no articulation or added features other than bridle protection mod). I've seen tons of people freeflying Javelins and wasn't aware of any problems until now. Thanks in advance.

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New javelins are better, but older ones often have problems with main flaps and riser covers opening. A lot has to do with how the reserve is packed. I saw a javelin odyssey a while ago that had a reserve flap that just barely tucked in at the bottom. I assume there are tuck tabs on the sides like a vector so it wouln't easily open in freefall (is that true?), but it was pretty scary looking to me.


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My reserve flap has tuck tabs (2), one each on the left and right sides. It stays very secure. No problem with riser covers either. The main flap folds and tucks under from the bottom. It does not seem nearly as secure as the reserve flap. And since it opens from the bottom, that makes it particularly susceptible to coming open during a sitfly.

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Yeah, my old Jav has the same exact problem, as well as the riser covers constantly opening. My solution: buy a new container. I paid for a new tuck flap and blah, blah, blah, but the shit's just worn out. I have to get a second job to buy something else, but I'm not freeflying in my old unravelin' javelin. :| No freefly for Kelly for a couple of months. Oh, well. Live and learn.

That was a very toned-down rant, in case you can't tell. [:/]

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Happens A LOT with worn out tuck tabs on javelins (my old one included). The unravelin Javelin...
It's just an outdated way (IMO) to not have the main flap tuck back into itself, which completely solves the issue. A buddy of mine just had our rigger install a small rubber band between the top part and the tuck tab to keep them together stronger.
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Short answer: take it to a rigger, it might not cost you anything to get it fixed.

I had the same issue with a '96 J1 and was correcting it with a rubber band. My rigger took a look at it and advised shortening the closing loop so that the main gets squished in a little higher up and the container's closing flaps likewise end up higher. The result is that there's effectively more of the main flap tab to bend up and hide underneath. A rigger is the best person to advise you about the length of your closing loop.

Haven't had a problem since, tho I kept the rubber band.

My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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I also have had the same problems.
What I do now is tuck the Main tuck tab in between the left and right flaps, NOT under all of them.
The bridle is tucked under the top gap and the main tag in the next Gap. since I started doing this I RARELY have any problems.B|
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As a master rigger and Javelin owner I offer this advice. Are the canopies properly sized for the container? As previously mentioned, take it to a rigger. If the reserve is packed so the shared wall pushes into the main container, that will contribute to this problem. Also not enough material up in the ears of the free bag will contribute. The main closing loop is critical. Check the loop length by holding it up to the top flap (hold both vertically). The loop should not be longer than the stitching for the velcro used for the bridle "hesitator" on the top side of the top flap. If this is confusing PM me and I'll talk you through the process.

Tim T.
Team Paraclete

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Thanks for the info. I'll pull the rig apart tonight and check it out. I also need to talk to the rigger who last packed the reserve. He's only at my home DZ a couple times a month. I showed our "regular" rigger the rig last weekend, and he didn't mention anything about the way the reserve is packed or closing loop length. If I have any questions when I'm measuring the closing loop I'll PM you.

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You can put a rubber band on the end of the tuck flap. Or you can go buy a vector. Rubber bands are a little cheaper though.

I don't understand this... Where do you put the rubber band? And how does this help?

I have had same kind problems on my ´95 Javelin.. The self-opening riser-covers have now stayed closed after I started to pull the risers really down while packing... thus making them tighter on the shoulders.

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As a master rigger and Javelin owner I offer this advice. Are the canopies properly sized for the container? As previously mentioned, take it to a rigger. If the reserve is packed so the shared wall pushes into the main container, that will contribute to this problem. Also not enough material up in the ears of the free bag will contribute. The main closing loop is critical. Check the loop length by holding it up to the top flap (hold both vertically). The loop should not be longer than the stitching for the velcro used for the bridle "hesitator" on the top side of the top flap. If this is confusing PM me and I'll talk you through the process.

Tim T.
Team Paraclete

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Try to make sure your bridle is as tightly stowed as possible then so that IF the flap does come open, there's less to catch air.

If you can't stop the flap coming open then it might be worth talking to a local rigger about converting your pin to twin pin teflon. It depends who you talk to how popular this is, but riggers round here really like the mod.

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Exactly how i handle this situation on my ODYSSEY. If you look closely at the flap, it will likely be ROUNDED where it has been forced under all 3 flaps. That plastic piece conforms to this inefficient tuck, and becomes pretty sloppy. My ODYSSEY is only less than 2 years old, and i just started noticing it.

I like tucking under only the right & left flaps for this reason, and also because i feel like i've secured the bridle here as well. Can't be too careful in freefly safety!

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