
protrack or neptune?

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Honestly, you won't go wrong with either. Both are well established and both have spectacular customer service with a good product.

I think, personally, the neptune has more room for future growth than the protrack because it can be updated with new software with new features.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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I would say it depends on what things are important to you.
ProTrack- L&B will back their product better than any company I have ever seen. They replaced mine when I lost it do to a riser strike for nothing and had that replacement to me in less than one week. The down side to their product is it is not water proof, only functions as an audible not visual alti. and will only record freefall for 119 sec.(that only applies to us wingsuit flyers)
Neptune- Is water proof, can act as an audible and or visual alti, has no limitations on freefall recording time.

If it was not for the Protracks limitation on recording time I would get another one (lost mine again on a jump) but due to that I will now buy a Neptune

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Depends what you're looking for. I use both (not the most cost effective solution, but nice). I originally bought the ProTrack and still use it as an audible and for logging purposes. Recently, I bought a Neptune because I thought it would be nice to have a digital readout for my visual alti now that I'm starting to focus more on canopy skills (not necessary, but I think it helps). The Neptune does the audible/logging thing too, but I like the logging ProTrack does better (just a personal preference). The Neptune does have some pretty cool items on its display though (time, temp, climb rate, etc...). These are no way necessary but add to the cool factor.

If you're looking for an audible, my guess is that you'll be happy with either.
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I have a neptune but have never used a protrack so I cant really compare them. But what I do know is there are tons of people on my DZ with protracks that have no clue how to use them. I couldn't believe it last weekend when I asked another jumper what she had for a fallrate on the last jump and had no idea how to check. Then I noticed most protrack users dont change their alarm settings because they dont know how or it's too hard. I have no problem pulling my neptune out on the plane, checking out my stats for the last jump, and resetting my breakoff alarm if I have to.

It's just a matter of reading the directions. But the neptune is so easy to use, I read the directions once and now know how to do pretty much everything. Just so easy to use.

I use it as an audible, but it worked great as a visual for night jumps, with the backlight.

Very happy with it so far.


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As far as ease of use the Protrack is very easy to use. There are two buttons a mode and a set. To look at the last jump push the mode button 11111 will appear on the screen hold the mode button down till 22222 appears on the screen. At that point is shows the last jump with fall rate to page back to other jumps just push the set button. To set alarm alti. after the display is on push the mode button once that takes you to the three alti sets. Push the set and the first alti goes up (leave it for a second an push set again ant alti goes down) when set push the mode button to move to the next.
L&B have included a nice map of the windows and in book is easy for follow.

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Why not both....protrack for that lovely warning beep in your ear and the Neptune for the sheer BIG NUMBERS under canopy, no matter what your goals may be???!!!

I had a close call last weekend and was thinking perhaps a protrack may have helped it NOT to be so close had the person MAYBE had to warning beep in the ear since he lost altitude awareness after the low jump due to clouds. Or Maybe the big fat digital numbers in his face would have told him to dump instead of blowing past me in free fall while I was under canopy at 2430 feet...way to close when ya get wind burn from the pass [:/]

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there are tons of people on my DZ with protracks that have no clue how to use them. I couldn't believe it last weekend

Likely most of these people also likely can't pack for themselves or spot either?

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I don't know much about either, but after Talonsky's post, I e-mailed the makers of Protrack. I borrowed a friend's helmet on a jump and lost his Protrack. Within half an hour, I had a response. They will replace his Protrack since the bracket broke. Talk about amazing customer service!

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I do not think there is another manufacturer of any product out there that backs their product as well as Larsen & Brusgaard backs theirs. They are absolutely incredible( I just wish for me the Protack would record more than 119 sec of freefall).
Glad to hear they were able to help you.

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Well, since you asked.... ;-)

Both are high quality units, and both perform their basic functions superbly. The Neptune is a more recent design, has addressed some perceived limitations of the ProTrack, and really is a sexy unit.

However, I still prefer my ProTrack. It has not once failed me, does everything I need, and has become a trusted friend (not to the exclusion of eyeballs and common sense). The company's support of their product is exemplary. Yes, my team is sponsored by L&B, but I purchased my ProTrack some time ago at full retail with my own funds, and I would do it again: the quality and reliability of the ProTrack, and the L&B customer support have created in me a highly satisfied customer.

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1) They work
2) They have been around a while so we know they work.
3) They are well engineered so they work well.
4) The company has some great customer service so when the don't work (yeah right) the usually will replace it for free.
5) I've got three of their units. One is 5 years old, andother is 7 years old. Both work great. I've broken my third twice and both time the company sent me a replace ment that works great.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I love my neptune - I use it as a visual and am considering getting another to use as an audible. It's really easy to see in the air and I love it under canopy. Thanks for putting out a great product Alti-2 :)
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ProTrack because that's what i got and know, plus all the awesome service i hear of (not needed by myself yet).

It seems to me that Neptune still has a lot of issues, which i read off here. Don't know how it works as an altimeter, but if it is a sensitive device instead of machanical, are you allowed to use it as your main alti at all? Just curious for all those regulation abiders here...:P
Wouldn't mind trying one.
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Neptune has it at many dropzones. They have the people to help you out, and have spare parts on hand.

I like new tech. Especially DEPENDABLE new tech. If you can't or don't want to update. Field support reps will rescue you.

$2 batteries than can be found anywhere.

Alti has been around for years and years and years.

Neptunes are MUCH easier to use than protracs are. The directions a good reference, but the menu system is so intuitive.

No time limits in freefall.

Alti carefully listens to customer feedback, and takes good recommendations seriously.

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Neptune. Why? Because it logs more than 119 seconds and I regularly go longer than that on wingsuit flights. Also because I use it as my visual alti and the canopy mode is brilliant. I have my Neptune setup to my correct jump numbers, so that helps me remember what I did when I transpose numbers over to my logbooks. The neptune is so so light it's like you are not wearing anything at all (when worn as a wrist alti). Alti-2's customer service is fantastic as well. I also own two L&B pro dytters and wear one as an audible.

I didn't buy the neptune for it's gimmickry, I bought it as an alti.

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I am a field support rep for Alti-2 - I provide field support for the Neptune specifically, plus I have replacement parts for the other altimeters.

In response to backing a product - I have had two Neptunes belonging to skydivers that I was not able to update the software, and Lara, Roger, and the peeps at Alti-2 replaced the faulty parts at no cost.

I own two Neptunes, one of which I use strictly as an audible, and to test the Beta software.


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In response to backing a product - I have had two Neptunes belonging to skydivers that I was not able to update the software, and Lara, Roger, and the peeps at Alti-2 replaced the faulty parts at no cost.

I am quite sure Alti-2 would cover one if faulty parts are found in it. However, how many companies would replace a product that did not fail, but was lost due to a hard hit.


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However, how many companies would replace a product that did not fail, but was lost due to a hard hit.

So far Alit-2 does as well. My neptune screen got cracked after a riser strike and it was immediately replaced. To the best of my knowledge they match anything that L&B will do.

Performance Designs Factory Team

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