
16 years old HELP!

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I'm 16 and i'm having a very hard time finding places that will let me jump

My parents agreed to take me for my 16th birthday and I live in Vermont but am willing to travel

Please Help me enter the sport as soon as possible
if u have any info let me know!

Thanks a lot

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Yep that's good advice!
And maybe a nice Tandem instructor and the DZ people will get you up for a fun jump once in a while!?;)
Good luck anyway!
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From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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I think one of our instructors is planning on getting his daughter to jump next year when she turns 16. She is also chafing at the bit wanting to jump. Mike is also the S and TA for our DZ at Snohomish, Washington. I think the age they will allow Tandems is 18 but 16 for the static line class. I am sure one of the esteemed instructors on this site will know for sure.


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I confirmed on the website for Vermont Skydiving Adventures that they clearly state that all skydivers need to be minimum 18 years old for any kind of jump at that DZ.

To send you researching in a direction, take a look at the dropzone listings for states that are close to you in the USA (or perhaps even Canada if you dont mind heading north).

These pages provide links to dropzones and websites with contact details and such.. so you can make enquiries with them as to minimum age and whatever other questions you may have for them.

I hope you get sorted.. and then return here to tell us how your jump experience was.

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I confirmed on the website for Vermont Skydiving Adventures that they clearly state that all skydivers need to be minimum 18 years old for any kind of jump at that DZ.

To send you researching in a direction, take a look at the dropzone listings for states that are close to you in the USA (or perhaps even Canada if you dont mind heading north).

These pages provide links to dropzones and websites with contact details and such.. so you can make enquiries with them as to minimum age and whatever other questions you may have for them.

I hope you get sorted.. and then return here to tell us how your jump experience was.

USPA's website (http://www.uspa.org/about/index.htm) states:


"Minors who are at least 16 years of age and have notarized parental or guardian consent may be allowed to participate in some training programs at some schools, according to the state and school policy. The person providing consent for a minor may be required to observe all pre-jump instruction. Most commonly, schools require all participants to be at least 18."

I guess you have to check to see if your State has any law(s) that pertains to or prohibits Minor's from skydiving...as well as finding a DZ in your area that allows 16 year olds to train and jump. I hope this info helps out.

Kentucky Skydiving Center

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There is not a lot of chance that a USPA DZ is going to let you jump.

You could always try one of the non upsa DZ's they are fun to jump at too and lots of people learn at them. They mostly have the ability to do tandems.

But for the most part really I like the learn to pack and hang at a DZ method, I can see only good coming from that.


have fun, love life, be nice to the humans

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Ohhh...I agree. This is excellent advice! Hang around the DZ and learn as much as you can before your first jump. I wish that I had. When I went up and out the first time, all I knew is that I wanted to do it and I relied totally on my tandem instructor to know the "hows" I think that I would have enjoyed it even more if I had known more. Always Keep looking and learning, Fly Fast, Be Safe and Good Luck!


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I attended the POPS Nationals last weekend in PA, and met a girl there who started jumping in Canada at 16 because she couldn't jump here; she's 17 now. I've got her e-mail address at home, and if you'd like more info, I could see if she'd be willing to assist.
"Seeker's Heart"

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We used to let 16 year olds jump AFF here but the law now states that a parent cannot legally sign away your rights and you aren't old enough to legally sign for yourself - so basically thanks to Lawyers and people who like to sue everyone - you are going to have a very hard time if you don't have a family member that either owns or works at a dz.

I have heard rumors of places that are non-uspa that do take underage people but I've also heard bad things about those places as well. Take a trip overseas or be patient and jump on your birthday.

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I too am 16 years old and had the same problem as you. I live in massachusetts and work at skydive pepperell as a packer. When i discovered that i couldn't do any jumping in massachusetts, i decided to do a lot of research and came to the conclusion that the nearest place for 16 year olds in new england to jump is in canada. I went to a Quebec Dz called Nouvel Air and was not only able to do a tandem, but i am now solo certified with 25 jumps. And the working at a dz does help a lot. I made enough money to buy my own rig, and the knowlage i gained before going to canada made my licensing go much more smoothly. So if you can, i strongly recommend you try that.

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I got my NZPIA license in New Zealand and have been jumping since I was 11. Rated since 16. If you don't want to go over seas, have you looking into West Tennessee Skydiving?

Apparantly, since the DZO (Mike Mullins) owns the plane, land and is not a USPA dropzone (even though he is closely involved in the USPA) he can let you jump with both parent's consent and one parent present.

Looking forward to jumping in Tennessee very soon! :D I just gotta settle into school next semester and my new job at SkyVenture Colorado but then my year-long break from the sport (due to many broken bones and metal work) will come to a much deserved end!!!!!

Can't wait to start jumping again, good luck, and hope to see you around! B|

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And maybe a nice Tandem instructor and the DZ people will get you up for a fun jump once in a while

Actually, if you are under 18 it is more likely that you will be able to jump through Accelerated Freefall or Static Line method since the Tandem manufacturers have a minimum requirement of 18 years of age. Just wanted to clarify.

GoOd LuCk! :)~hollywood

edit: i am a US citizen. obviously, it may be different elsewhere & depending on the gear manufacturer.

see the world! http://gorocketdog.blogspot.com

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I got my NZPIA license in New Zealand and have been jumping since I was 11. Rated since 16. If you don't want to go over seas, have you looking into West Tennessee Skydiving?

Apparantly, since the DZO (Mike Mullins) owns the plane, land and is not a USPA dropzone (even though he is closely involved in the USPA) he can let you jump with both parent's consent and one parent present.

Looking forward to jumping in Tennessee very soon! :D I just gotta settle into school next semester and my new job at SkyVenture Colorado but then my year-long break from the sport (due to many broken bones and metal work) will come to a much deserved end!!!!!

Can't wait to start jumping again, good luck, and hope to see you around! B|

There is much misinformation posted in this thread, and many others, about USPA Group Member DZ's vs Non-Group Member DZ's. As far as individual USPA Members are concerned, there is no actual difference between the two. As an individual USPA Member, you pledge to follow the USPA BSR's regardless if you are jumping at a GM DZ or not. Your insurance is equally valid at both (as long as you follow the BSR's).
The only difference between the two is that the USPA GM DZO makes a pledge that jumpers at his DZ will follow the BSR's and all jumpers off student status are required to be USPA Members.

As the individual USPA Member also pledges to follow the BSR's, the GM DZO pledge is redundant as far as USPA Members are concerned (assuming the individual member keeps his word).

As for the age requirements, USPA has allowed 16 year olds to jump for at least the last 45 years ( The age for Tandem Jumps was changed to 16 about 2 years ago).
The tandem rig manufacturer may place some contractual age requirement on those that use their rig but that has nothing to do with the USPA age requirements, which are 16 regardless of tandem or solo.

It is the individual DZ, Group Member or non-group member, that actually sets the policy of the minimum age that they will accept and most require at least the age of legal majority.

However, the age of legal majority can indeed differ state to state, although it is 18 in most states. I believe that some DZO's may be surprised at what the age of legal majority actually is in their state. The age of legal majority can even change with marital status or school status.

For example, in Nebraska the age of legal majority is 19. If you are married it is 18.

Other examples of non-18 year old states:
(I am not vouching for the completeness or accuracy of the list)
Alabama 19
DC 21
Mississippi 21
Wyoming 19
Idaho 21
Oregon 21
Washington 21

Mike Mullins
USPA National Director

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