
Thank You!

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To all of you who helped Tom and me move our furniture last night...thank you so very, very much! You have no idea how much we appreciate it.

BASE jumpers are such great people :)

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Haha, that's right. Chad said even if the weather is bad he was going to Twin to move furniture:P. Wish I could have been there, I miss you Cheri! If we can't get down before you have Jr, you can count on us visiting right after!!! Little Katie...;)


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it was the least we could do considering all the hospitality you and Tom have shown us B|

besides, I got to drive the U-Haul and that's always fun! :D



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before you have Jr

Using my amazing powers of deduction, does that mean that Tom and Cheri are expecting?????

If so, congrats. I can see a thesis/subject matter on antennas and radiation!!!!!

I have just heard of another BASEr that is expecting too. Goodness the BASE community is breeding. :)
Heh, no more low pulls Mister Tom!!!! No more triples from 400 feet. You'll be doing go an throw's from 1000m before you know it. ;)

All the best.

p.s. if I am wrong, just ignore the above post......
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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Congrats Tom and Cheri. Rebecca and I are having a boy (just found out the sex Friday) in April. Tyler, our four year old that was with us at TF, is very happy to be having a little brother. When are you due?

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Congrats Tom and Cheri. Rebecca and I are having a boy (just found out the sex Friday) in April. Tyler, our four year old that was with us at TF, is very happy to be having a little brother. When are you due?

Congratulations on your news! I'm sure Tyler is going to be a terrific big brother :)
Junior (gender to be a surprise) is estimated to arrive on January 17. KatieMonster is pulling for January 18 (her birthday) and Abbie and Collin want January 16 (their birthday). I'm not so sure about having our kid share a b-day with Abbie...:S.

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Junior (gender to be a surprise) is estimated to arrive on January 17. KatieMonster is pulling for January 18 (her birthday) and Abbie and Collin want January 16 (their birthday). I'm not so sure about having our kid share a b-day with Abbie...:S.

We can all just pray that s/he pops out on the prescribed day! :P Sharing a b-day with Abbie...Eee gawd! I have trouble sharing a room with him sometimes, never mind a birthday! :D

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KatieMonster is pulling for January 18 (her birthday) and Abbie and Collin want January 16 (their birthday). I'm not so sure about having our kid share a b-day with Abbie....

Well, first babies are notoriously late. :)

Oh dear.

I'm pullin' for ya, lady, and I'm very glad for you that your last month will be in the winter. Summer pregnancies suck...although you pretty much forget everything uncomfortable the moment you hold that small life in your arms.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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fuckin a... congrats....

howsabout a gamblin pool... put yer money on a date, winner take all..

my 20 is on jan 11th... my birthday..

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Congrats guys! That is great news B|


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fuckin a... congrats....

howsabout a gamblin pool... put yer money on a date, winner take all..

my 20 is on jan 11th... my birthday..

You can register your guesses here. You have to put the text "AielloBaby" in the "game name" box and hit the "go" button.

I'll send a t-shirt to whoever guesses closest. :D
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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Congrats and welcome to the club. Parenting is far more scary and nerve racking than jumping off of things. It goes on 'round the clock, and the excitement never ends.

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I'm not so sure about having our kid share a b-day with Abbie...:S.

Sharing a b-day with Abbie...Eee gawd! I have trouble sharing a room with him sometimes, never mind a birthday! :D


[image attached]

Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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Well, if it's a girl, and she's born on Abbie and Collin's birthday, we're going back and forth between naming her for both of them (something like Abigail Coleen sounds pretty good), or just naming her for Abbie alone (Jezebel Harlot Aiello does kind of have a nice ring to it).
-- Tom Aiello

[email protected]

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