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Everything posted by JerseyShawn

  1. Thanks for the reply. I hardly noticed a difference between the 210 and 188, just a slight bit faster, which I've gotten used to and land where I want to. My concern is where I jump now, is about 100 ft. AMSL. If I go to say Colorado to jump its about 5400 ft. AMSL. I would be coming in faster to maintain my lift. With a 188 at 5400 it would be like downsizing? Or am I wrong? The price difference with selling my current canopy and getting a new one doesn't concern me (not that much actually, considering its fairly new). Landing safely does at different DZs though.
  2. So Im upsizing due to my work schedule in 2012. Working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day, for two months at a time, then Ill have a full month dedicated for fun and traveling to different DZs (some with higher elevations from what Im used to, plan on doing about 60 jumps at the same DZ at a time wherever I decide to go). Getting some tunnel in there at night while Im working should keep me flying alright
  3. Bring your wife along with you to watch everyone jumping and landing (if you haven't already). My girlfriend was nervous about me getting into it. She came along and was impressed how everyone checks each others gear. Even commented that we check that our shoe laces are properly put away. Now all I have to do is be annoying, and she says "Isn't there a plane waiting for you to jump out if somewhere?"
  4. SHAH Shallow, horny, and hopeless.
  5. I just listen to my Ipod. Simple. Shuts the baby up, and the baby complainers.
  6. Having a discussing during my AFF days with my instructor about how/when to progress to the next level (downsizing, who I choose to jump with, ect.) he told me: (Excuse his English) Taps me in the back of my head to make sure Im listening, "Being cocky and getting in over your head will get you fucking killed. Know your limits" Ill never forget the unblinking stare in his eyes. I repeat that statement in my head before planning every jump. That helps me to be safer by thinking way ahead. Shook his hand and said "Thank you sir" out if respect for possibly saving my life in the future.
  7. I knew I wanted to jump since the 3rd grade. Saw skydiving on TV, always had dreams of running down big hills into the wind and taking flight (more like PGing), so I decided to jump belly first off the top of the gym bleechers in 3rd grade, landed, broke and fractured my middle finger. My first BASE jump. 18 years old did a tandem (first time ever on any plane), loved it! Talked to a few jumpers and realized I couldn't afford it. Got into flying planes via my neighbor (pilot/instructor), so I got to fly on the cheap. Fast forward 11 years, got out of debt so I could be a jumper. Bought my alti, helmet and goggles after my first AFF jump. Bought other gear soon after AFF (per recommendations of my instructors). In about 400-500 jumps I hope to make my first real BASE jump, my middle finger keeps reminding me.
  8. Can you PM me an address to send some loot. Don't have a paypal. Thanks.
  9. Can someone post a direct link to the donations page (the one I can use a debit card, don't have paypal)? All I have is my phone with internet and doesn't show the donation pages. Thanks!
  10. Good job! Does she know she's allowed to jump yet? (Or her helpers know?)
  11. Here's the reply I got asking how to go about a jump for her situation: Hi Shawn, A waiver request will need to be completed and submitted to the regional director for the region where the jump will take place, and a copy of that waiver to me at USPA HQ, as well. The Board of Directors will need to vote on whether to approve the jump or not. The manufacturer of the tandem gear used for the jump will also need to approve the jump. is down right now, but the waiver form and instructions can be found under the USPA Members/Safety section of the website. Regards, Jim Jim Crouch | Director of Safety & Training If someone wants to contact Skydive Oregon and ask if they can help out getting this done, or tell me to and I will. If they can help, then contact Natalie and her parents.
  12. USPA passed a 13 year old terminally ill with leukemia to do a tandem, so its possible. If anyone can make a jump happen for Natalie Im willing to help out monetarily to pay for her jump, or help with airfare or accommodations. PM me info where I can help out if possible. I hope she gets her wish
  13. My girlfriend is making me eat a Tofurky It comes in a box It looks spongy
  14. Meant kbps (I know nothing of computers) Download: 1.03 mbps Upload: .87 mbps Ping: 77
  15. Ping: 77 ms Download: 1054 mbps Upload: 858 mbps Android phone Hub: Palo Alto, Ca Is this good?
  16. It has worked for Portugal so far... [Url][/url]
  17. I've become more "hyper aware" too, being on the giving end of hitting a pedestrian when I was 17. I hit a 13 year old girl that litertrally ran into traffic (me). I didn't see her til her head smashed my windscreen. She obviously didn't simply look. I could of killed her, glad she got away with some broken bones only. Even when people aren't in the crosswalk crossing, I always stop for them even if it pisses off the people behind me driving. I don't want someone hurt if I could help it. As far as red light runners, California has a lot of that. I keep my eye on traffic my journey across these streets. Same with crossing intersections in my car, I get a visual of what everyones doing before I proceed.
  18. You're right, if you're unaware of the proceeding vehicle, in theory it came out if nowhere. Im glad you got the middle finger rather than her front bumper! Look, and be safe(r)
  19. The rudeness (and stupidity) of some drivers is amazing. Once I was (legally) crossing the street in a crosswalk when someone zoomed right through. Not only did she almost hit me, but she gave me the finger because she had to swerve around me. The other half of the problem is, yes you have the right of way, but if a car was about to hit you, you weren't paying attention either. I see it all the time in San Francisco, people just walk across the street without looking both ways first because there's a law.
  20. Frequent brushings help, as already posted. Also try a grain free dog food, less shedding, better health, smaller poop. You'll be vacuuming hair as long as you have animals. We have a dog and 3 cats. If we took the animals out of our place you'd never know. Constant cleaning and brushing, along with the grain free diet. Food reviews for ya Enjoy the new little one!
  22. Slap this sticker on your bumper. Arm yourself with some information on the effects of overpopulation, current and future problems with overpopulation. Then ask her if she really thinks YOUR being selfish for not wanting kids or if she's being selfish.
  23. Just as disgusting, Judge Williams Adams was presiding over child abuse cases in the past. And to beat his daughter who has suffered with ataxic cerebral palsey since birth, just wrong. Too bad he wont get prison justice from (what should be) his fellow inmates.
  24. As far as jumping with your friend, one of my instructors said "Only a fool jumps with a fool. Who you jump with is your choice"