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Everything posted by hohonukai

  1. hehe...and here I am considering taking a contract job for the NMCI. http://www.govexec.com/dailyfed/0601/062701j1.htm
  2. whoat.....every girl is special....you're worthy bragging material whether you believe it or not. Come to Hawaii sista, I'll buy your beer and a jump ticket!
  3. Here, these kept me entertained for a few minutes...(work safe-ish... Ok, maybe not so much) http://www.sheppeyscum.com/ http://reversespeech.com/celebrity.shtml http://members.cox.net/marklein/rtype/toilet.htm
  4. uh...I'm bored at work (course I have to be productive, just bored with my job), but jeez. You're really bored at work. What do you do for a living?
  5. I don't think anyone ever has it all together. Sounds like you're in a great position to lead your oldest son in the right direction. Which must feel awesome as a dad!
  6. A little late....but, dude, hope everything is looking on the up and up as each day passes by. Bravo on kitty, don't worry about the motorcycle and the moped, both are repairable/replacable...and I hope the bastard is found guilty. Glad to hear you're still alive after such a close call. Congratulations on the new job!!! And hopefully, as time passes on, you'll heal from such a breakup, although it won't be easy, skydiving and friends (and kitty ) are great distractions. {{{{{{{{SENDING GOOD VIBES}}}}}}}}
  7. http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=204407;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread
  8. You all have a spectacular weekend! I am out the door. Have fun and be safe!! I leave you with loopy entertainment. Don't ask, just happened to click a link to it off a humor site. If you get really crazy, you can even post scores. http://planetprostate.com/
  9. (hoho secretly laughing @ SBS and quade for the definition remarks. quade, you're keeping us on our toes and broadening our vocabulary. and quade's word of the day is... let's see who can find the definition first) (please excuse...this is a very serious thread)
  10. That is low. That is a bummer. I really thought before you had added it yourself, skybytch, for shits and grins.
  11. ok screw it. Just said I wasn't going to, but the forum is slow right now. here's a face to the name. I'm bored at work, it's almost the weekend here, and I don't feel like being productive. I guess this should've gone into the "What Do Y'all Look Like?" thread. OH well.
  12. Just work for Sangiro....maybe he'll pay you to post whore. Why not add one more to the greenie community? MODERATORS ARE BAD @SS!!! I'm just playin', I love the greenies. Just have to harass them once in a while.
  13. Men dancing half naked around a fire at a luau I can do. You don't want to eat poo poo..hehe. It's not really poo! Honest enjun. Pupus are appetizers. Like jalapeno poppers or mozzarella sticks. As long as you have your A, you'll be fine. If the winds change direction and we start landing at the west end of the airport, then you'll need a B license. But that doesn't happen that often. The trade winds change frequently. (Not that that's a good thing , but you get used to it) Jumping here for the view is worth it though. I do solos all the time just to look around.
  14. The Helmet Nazi Amen, brother. After the first time I was told, I've made sure mine's secure ever since. Safety safety safety. Everything counts.
  15. har har har Now that's an idea! We used to have Party in Paradise, but I don't know why it stopped. Have to bring it up to the dzs and get some folks working on it!!! (including me!) Now I have a goal. Woohoo!!
  16. lmao! Michele, you're such a sweetie. If you want to be out here than buy the plane ticket girl. Free place to stay, free shower, across the street from the dz....I don't know what else to offer? I mean, what will be the clincher? Is there something I'm missing? Hmmm.....looking at checklist....beer is in the fridge, clean sheets, shampoo in the shower...
  17. ...and I'd like to add that you all suck big @ss cause I wish I was there too. Have fun and be safe!!
  18. hehehe....George Michael was hot, until he switched teams. Well, I guess he is still hot, so to speak, for the boys anyway. (doh, didn't mean guys would flock to you...hahaha....HAHAHAHA!!! j/k!!! ) Didn't anyone else think Wham! was so cool?! uh, dz.com isn't getting my picture. snot happenin' man. I'm an anonymous face right now. I could be anyone...anywhere...(this is your que to look behind you)....muhahaha. anonymous anonymous anonymous? ANONymous? anonyMOUS? aNoNyMoUs
  19. yea I can see the similarities. And I wasn't kidding in the other thread about skydiverbrian either. It is funny though.
  20. is it just me, or does skydiverbrian look like George Michael in that picture?
  21. extrapolating...new word for the day...had to go look that one up. I am edumacated, really I am. NO! That can't be true! It's sooo easy to fall in love...it's so easy to fall in love! See, I looked up "extrapolating" by doing a search for a dictionary online. How can they breathe without the internet?!? actually, I've been without my cable modem at home for 7 nights and I'm still breathing...more alive than ever!! (But, I still have my T1 at work ) Baby steps...it's all baby steps.... and another +1 to the count of IT geeks. Network/desktop support, at your service.
  22. 2 responses: only if I mix you in with some da kine. -or- aw, that's just your unconsciousness talking since you quit.
  23. ...and this whole time I thought that little black mark on the profile pic was a tattoo.
  24. Anyone ever tell you you're a diamond in the rough? http://www.lifegem.com/ Brings new meaning to family jewels. Freaky.