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Everything posted by hohonukai

  1. pphhhggtttt HAHAHA! That made me choke on my drink. Good one. Ah, thank you everyone for your input and continued input. Something's gotta click.
  2. Can't....help.....it........... AAAWWWWWWWWW.... BABY KI-KITTIES!!!!!!!
  3. imho, the trade winds in Hawaii make landings squirrelly. If we're talking tandems, does size matter if you're a tandemmaster? 5'2" tall? Or are you talking AFF Instructor? They don't do static line here. (even though that's what I learned on, and it works just as well) Skydive Hawaii has 2 riggers PISC has at least 1....not sure about Tugie's. But, that is a good point. Become a rigger.
  4. Skybytch...I pmed ya. Good idea, PhreeZone. I'll definitely have to look into that. Thanks!
  5. mmm....skydiving instructor in these winds out here? (The winds are gusty and normally 15-25 mph) I don't want to move......the tourism industry pays jack...I thought about fishing charters, but I think that pays jack too. Don't underwater welders get paid nicely though? I heard they get paid the big bucks. I guess not if you know some. lummy ~ $15/hr 8 years ago? are you serious? oo oo oo, then I can base jump off of the structures I build! haha!
  6. I've got the seven year itch...I'm considering changing my profession altogether. Currently, I work as network support, IT. I was thinking maybe I'd try to become an underwater welder....or.....something. I need something outside that pays. Does anyone have any ideas? Please?
  7. awwwww....ki-kitty! hehe. I gotta stop posting to this thread...I could be here all day saying awwwww ki-kitty. So all future kitties being posted, a big AWWWWWWWW ki-kitty! to you. Skydive Hawaii has Gizmo. have you met Gizmo yet, Jess?
  8. Here, I wish I had this one. I found it somewhere, I forget who's it is. Anyone know who's pussy this is? bah-dum-tih. Isn't it a pretty kitten tho?
  9. AWWWW......precious ki-kitty. I miss my baby.
  10. awwwww.......baby ki-kitties. Bring them along! I'll kitty-sit every other load.
  11. Yes, I do pray, and the answer is no:yes:yes to the rest of the questions.
  12. ok last one (72 Question) I'm not distinct at all, just slightly moderate. slightly expressed extrovert slightly expressed intuitive personality moderately expressed feeling personality slightly expressed judging personality
  13. Dirty 4 Question ESFP: "Extra Special Friendly Person" uh - I'm "special" alright, I am missing some screws after reading that. 32 Question INTP "The Conceiver" IntroversionAn attitude in which interest, value and meaning are attached primarily to internal objects. External matters are habitually not valued or are difficult for the introvert. Intuitionthe internal and external world are perceived through the unconscious. Intuitive types focus on the future, with a view toward patterns & possibilities. Thinkinglogical and rational thought processes. It is the ability to make evaluations and judgments based on logical categories and ideas. Perception"the journey is more important than the destination." Perception is open-ended, a never-ending stream of insights, experiences, and possibilities. *sigh* I do not have time to try the 72 question one, I'll come back later.
  14. hohonukai

    Home DZ

    No fair, I have two. I can't list one without the other. #1 home dz - Skydive Hastings - 1 King Air 3 C182s (weekend operation / weeknight appointment) #2 home dz - Pacific Skydiving Center - 1 King Air (7 day operation)
  15. hohonukai

    What's next?

    The end of the world perhaps? Just a thought.
  16. When I see you at a dz in the future, is it legit for you to say, "What's my name, biotch?" ~blue ones and aloha sister~
  17. lmao....touche' woman. alright, I'm a quarter of a century years old. You make me feel like an old gal, little girl. Nonetheless, I can assure you if you're ever up for a jump and we're in the same vicinity, we're on!
  18. What's wrong with Amy? whoa ok, how about Amie? Iz that better? No, really, I don't get it. Call me Naive, or Oblivious, or Airhead, but just don't call me Mean, or Nasty, or Shitty Person. (edited to say, that wasn't directed at you! But I had to...just had to I joke I play!)
  19. never ask a woman her age (heh....ha! ) No way yer gettin' it outta me sister! But here's a compliment your way, you are much younger than me. Live it up, girl. Cheers and aloha.
  20. Drinking Budweiser I am nonetheless wiser Because it's cheaper. This Haiku's for you!
  21. hehe....ok....I must have been mistaken. OH, that's right, it's MY case of the Monday's. I was trying to forget! Thanks for the info, lum.
  22. lmao....someone's feeling it. aw, does someone have a case of the Monday's?
  23. Girl, you rocked today. You nailed that last landing. Drink up! aloha and cheers!