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Everything posted by MGSkyFlyer

  1. hehehe I AM GOING! Mark both Kelly and myself down! Woohoo... the girls are coming home! LOVE YOU GIRLS!!!!
  2. My first kiss pass was with my SkyU coach on my last jump from the course, she was such a sweetie! and then my first kiss pass with a guy was a naked 69 on sunset, kissed before we broke off, sweet!!! thanks Tango!!!
  3. Happy Halloween!!!! I hope everyone has an awesome day! I am going trick or treating with my little sister, she invited me personally, just when I thought she was at that stage where she was too cool to have her sister come along, she asked! How cool is that! AND my other sister's birthday is I woke her up to breakfast in bed and her her a necklace that says faith...really cute....anyways I am sure it's not as crazy as years before and going out partying, but I wouldn't pass up being there for my family....
  4. 23, flying and dancing solo in the sky...never married, enjoying the flying gypsies I meet in the sky, regardless of if I marry them or not...sharing air and life is enough to live forever
  5. the cheapest tickets I saw were 1000! heheheh I saw that guy too, it was funny. Even if I had that kind of cash to go throwin around on games, I still would have chose to be around my friends, I think it's safe to say most of those fans were just hopping on the bandwagon...hopefully it'll permantely convert some of them into real fans though lol
  6. ooooooooooohhhhhhhh yeah I knew my boys would come through and they did.....they are World Series Champs! hehehe I am still so excited I think I'm going to carry my partying over for tonight as well! For those of you who didn't know this was the very first time the Angels made it to the world series...42 years in the making! hehehe WWOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO!!!! Drink a beer for the team! blue skies!
  7. heheh sweet, I was in a 150, obviously no auto pilot...hehehe AND it was my very first lesson as a student lol wooooooohoooooooooo
  8. How does a blonde turn the lights on after having sex? she opens the car door hehehe sorry I had to say at least one offense to the other blondies out there
  9. Angel's can still do it we just need to believe in our boys! I am not sure how many Angel baseball fans we have out there, but tonight in Game 5 we just got spanked big time...but there is still light at the end of the tunnel! Games 6 and 7 are down here...well 7 if we win game 6...and I think that we can! I know we can, I have been watching these guys ever since I was little hehehe oh and I am just so old now....but seriously, I have been watching them for awhile and they have just come so far. Every year I get trash for being an angels fan, and supportive I have always stood by them. One year I almost streaked across the field (3yrs ago) it was at a freeway game...Angel/Dodger...but it was right after the Dodgers went into the stands and beat the crap outta some fans so I wouldn't have made it over the lil wall. even was going to wait until the Sunday game so I would only spend one night in jail! lol Anyways...point being...I hope all of you watch the game, and cheer them on, they can hear your support through the tv lol I swear! I think I'm headed out to one of the local sports bars in Anaheim myself with some friends, anyone is more than welcome to join! Come on everyone!!! Do you believe in Angels?
  10. one of my guy friends was dating this chick, who was 18, he was 32 at the time so without him knowing it we had a bumper sticker made saying that his girlfried is an honor roll student at such and such high school and put it on his car lol he went all over town with it on, it was great!
  11. Jess I know this isn't any help, but I had it done 10 months before I took my first jump...maybe there's some other jumpers that have had it done while they were active...anyone? Buellar? Buellar?
  12. Hey sweetie~ I had lasik done in the newport beach are, by Dr Tooma...I was very pleased with the whole staff and the results. I had it done back in 98, of couse when it was about the price of a brand new rig ouch lol.... I wasn't as blind as I thought I was when I went in for the procedure, was done in what was just minutes....was so surreal I had worn glasses or contacts my whoel life and all that changed in literally minutes. I had an sorry that is spelt wrong. I was corrected to 20/15....I actually do wear contacts now to keep my vision at 20/15...although without I'd see 20/20...I know sounds weird, but 20/20 isn't sharp for me. Hmmm what else can I tell ya...if you need any more questions to be answered flip me an email and I will send ya my phone number.... here's the LASIk info! NEWPORT BEACH Address: 3501 Jamboree Rd., Suite 1100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Tel: (949) 854-7400 Toll Free: 1-888-CALL-TLC Email: [email protected]
  13. I was sort of seeing this guy who was twice my age. I actually never asked him his age, I always thought he was only 10 years older than I was. Age only becomes an issue if you make it an issue. One of my very best friends said that people make things complicated, and how true she is....
  14. When I go home, I want people to say that, I didn't die, or pass on, I'm going home....and to not say that my life was cut short that I had so much life to live, because that is an insult....I wake up each morning to live, and live I do, my life will not be cut short, it was destined to have exactly that many breaths. I want my ashes spread into the sea. And what I really want more than anything, is to have Spirit in the Sky played while everyone runs out onto the grass landing area at Elsinore and dances and does cartwheels...and a flyby. I will always be a skydiver, but my heart is in those planes, and that's what I would want to see, just one more flyby at sunset, right off the deck. AWESOME! My family wants a marker, so I told them what they could do, no marker for me, just a swing to laugh and play on. So there is all is! Go out and dance everyone!!! SOY EN FUEGO!!!!
  15. hehehe that is funny, my friend sent that to me like a year ago so I put it up on my desktop lol, yes and that's what is still there when ya sign on. lol just funny....
  16. hhmm...serious or just want to have fun huh? Actually I am not looking, I think that fate takes it's course when we do what is true to our hearts then BOOM there they are. Like magic! Music playing, slow motion the works, and I believe it can feel that fun and that childlike for your entire life. I've seen it first hand so I know it's out there too. And serious can be fun, until then I'll dance barefoot in the grass, and play in the sprinklers, wish on stars and sing songs at the top of my lungs because that's day they'll be another freak out there just like me...and I'll be swooped off my feet...
  17. lol MARK!!!!!!!!! SHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! you aren't supposed to say I'm uncurrent! Hence me sneaking it in on a slow weekday lol. Oh well I'm sure the cat is out of the bag now,,,damned cat! Here kitty kitty! lol
  18. come on ya must think about songs! Don't ya ever just feel like your life is a movie sometimes and there's like music playing? hmmm ok that does sound looney, at least I don't hear voices.....
  19. hehhe just wondering if anyone else has songs they just have to play on certain days...Mondays I have to crank the Bangles Manic Monday to set the tone for the whole week. It's funny there's nothing manic about my life, well maybe a little of the edge looney tunes style but other than that life is peachy...
  20. I never really got into skydiving, skydiving was always just in me...
  21. hhehe you win life! Doesn't it feel good to just dance in it and act like a kid!?! Blue Skies
  22. Anyone who reads this....go outside and yell this at the top of your lungs!!! hehehehe (miss ya Kel) Blue Skies! "Dance like no one is watching"
  23. I can not remember my date either It was the summer of last year (2001), just remember I was doing a naked 69 with Tango Rodriguez....awesome jump!!! Gorgeous sunset too filled up the whole Elsinore sky, Had my tequilla, and was named Desnueda Rodriguez!!!