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Everything posted by PiLFy

  1. You're far too Troll-ish. You can read my answers to others...
  2. The canopy was new. It's hard to get together w/my rigger due to distances & schedules. I'll have them shortened at the next repack. My Rigger, w/>35 years in the sport, is the one who taught me how to hold them like that. Someone saw me doing that when landing one day. I offered to let him try to pull the toggle out of my grip. It's a little uncomfortable w/the line sometimes cutting across the hand, but very secure. Thanks, though.
  3. I think I understood that. I'm woefully ignorant of organized religions. Mkay. If Y'all are the church, etc...? The evil are all the buildings bought by that blood money I mentioned, controlled by those evil managers I mentioned. Whom allow/enable those other evils I mentioned. Please don't go into a theological debate. I'll only turn off, & leave the thread. Own it or not, the Catholic church has no moral high ground. Truth be told, it never did.
  4. Hei Lemme, Mitt navn er inspektør Jurgen. Jeg er med den kongelige skikker byrå i Norge. Du er i dyp dritt. Vi vet hvor du bor. Vi kommer til å stoppe ved tmorrow kveld på 6:00. Jeg foreslår at du være der ...
  5. I've used a similar grip for the last 100 jumps. My steering lines are too long. Holding the toggle in your fist (not like the pic), w/the line extending between your index/middle fingers, is quite a strong hold. It also effectively shortens your steering lines by 4".
  6. Your Nazi quote was a propos. This sentiment is exactly what Hitler was creating. Find an identifyable group to blame all the negatives on. You're still missing the point, & the big picture. At least You're consistent ...
  7. I'm not gonna flame you for not citing several examples. I would put this forth, though. It's dedicated people who do the good deeds, NOT the Catholic church. Take away all the blood, usury, political machinations, etc... that the Catholic Mafia has on its hands, & leave the many good people who chose to use the Catholic construct to practice their individual altruism. Going back over their history, the Catholic church simply has far too many bad marks against them. As an organization, they've no right to wag their finger at anyone...
  8. What others have already said about a FJC & AFF. Plus, shave the beard, Van Winkle . It's a snag hazard. Welcome Back
  9. OK, I just re-read your posts. I misunderstood your point. The mere enforcing of labor laws was enough to deter the overwhelming majority of Illegals from staying in I forgot which state (happened a few years ago). It was in the Southwest or Southeast. It wouldn't take Gestapo demanding identity papers in every town. Suggestions for the porous Borders? We have four: Mexican, Canadian, Atlantic, & Pacific (oh, + Californica ). We've got all kinds of high tech gizmos in this country. It's time to use some of them for more than spying on our own citizens. It's time the Feds utilize our resources to do their damn jobs. Electronic sensors & satellite imagery can cover the land borders very effectively. Shoreline borders will be harder to police. If They can't find work once they get here, or pop out anchor babies (), though. They'll quickly see the futility of coming here. Right now, border control in this country is a joke. It's maintained that way because the Feds want it that way. We could do a far better job @the current spending levels. You probably don't know this, but I'm bilingual Spanish, & not biased against Hispanics. Most Spanish people I chat with would love it if their own countries fixed their problems. Denying them the pressure valve of coming here would hasten long overdue reforms in Central & South America.
  10. PiLFy


    I agree. If I ever decide to hang half a f*@#ing hardware store off my harness & helmet? I'll unhook my RSL ...
  11. That's amusing, Don. You sincerely believe the bad people in Washington haven't been shitting al over that glorious document for decades??? They've made the mess. It's gonna be a bit messy cleaning it up. You can cast the blame where it belongs, up on The Hill. Throwing up a few menial jobs as the extent of the damages done only shows your insincerity, or limited understanding of the bigger picture. I'll save you from making another Nazi reference. Aktionen wouldn't be necessary, either. It could be done much better. Secure Borders wouldn't require a new Great Wall, only a Federal Govt. that actually enforces the laws they circumvent & ignore. But, love the imagery, Don... Using debating Rhetoric isn't being logical. Not unless your aim is merely to TROLL. Dead wrong, Don. You'll have to look very far to find someone w/more respect for that document. More of your debating BS won't change what I've already said on this. Yeah, throw money at the Lobbyists on The Hill, to throw money at the Assholes on The Hill... There's already been far too much of that. The Document isn't the problem, the usurpers are. More debating BS ... Try crawling in my window, or kicking in my door, Don. You'll see where I stand on the Second. Yes, Wendy did say that as one possibility for solving the problem. She said one option is our making this country so unattractive that illegals won't want to come here. An entirely unrealistic position. Do you have any valid points to make here, Don? Or, are you content to spew meaningless BS??
  12. I remember when that quoted article came out. I dismissed it, out of hand. The Catholic church has been protecting/enabling pedophiles since time immemorial... A little lip service isn't gonna change a thing. As even the article states, nothing was done to the POSs doing the enabling/shielding... Guess You can tell I have no use or respect for the Catholic Mafia.
  13. Here's the other incident: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=4237449;page=3;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; A Vigil2 misfired.
  14. Why don't you ask him. I bet THAT would go over well, in Rome. TBH, I wouldn't waste my time on it. I was simply noting the hypocrisy of a Construct chock full of hypocrisy.
  15. Stop doing evil, huh? How's does the pope feel about Pedophiles, & those who enable/shield them??
  16. That's lame, Don. As lame as the War on Drugs ever was. There comes a time when survival of the Nation outweighs the offending of some people's sensitivities. Those Times are usually brought about when bad people hide behind the rules of law (which they hijacked). Unfettered Migration ended w/WW1. The need for control seen then didn't include a number of contemporary threats we now have. I'm aware of the history. The longer this threat is allowed to grow, unchecked? The more extreme the inevitable response will be. That's how some really bad shit has happened in history, Don. Not taking care of business now will bring us there, as well. What kind of Logic are you working with, Don? Are You suggesting we hold everything in this country static to a 1700's template ? It wouldn't be possible to build walls that tall & strong. That's even more laughable than Wendy's idea of turning the USA into another Third World sewer . Put down the debate book, Don...
  17. "Well now ain't that "convenient" " Necessary. The madness wrought in this area might require the pendullum to swing the other way for a time. So it's always been so in history.
  18. Would that be all the people who do claim to be Americans.. yet can not tolerate the constitution?? The Constitution doesn't support wholesale illegal immigration. In times of war, parts of The Constitution have been suspended. This is a war.
  19. "I'm interested in where you got the number of 20 million." Multiple Net & Media sources often cite 12-20 million as the approximate amount. Given the Govt.'s pentient for lying about figures, I wouldn't be surprised if it's much higher. Anchor Babies would be an example of that. They're also illegal, & shouldn't be here. Illegal immigrants utilizing American health care, paid for by American Welfare, don't have American citizens pop out... "We're forcibly deporting a lot more people now, running them through deportation centers." A lot more ?? There were some high profile raids done during the run up to an election year. Then, Crickets... Obamanos had the audacity to order a complete halt of them. The forced deportations were never more than a drop in the bucket. That's why Arizona finally started doing the Fed's job, for them. "make the US less attractive (which would probably make it less attractive for citizens, too) make the countries of origin more attractive, which would mean more aid to those countries, most probably in the form of infrastructure improvements." Why the Hell would the US do either?? We're certainly not going to turn the country into another Third World rat hole . It isn't our responsibility to rebuild/reform other Nations (equally ), either. "Personally, I don't want to live in a police state, or even one where it's OK for me because I'm blond, but wouldn't be if I were hispanic." I'd say we already live in more of a police state than you realize. The Govt. just wants one w/cheap labor that comes w/porous borders. You're always free to renounce your citizenship, Wendy. The time when PC BS would deflect focus on this problem is long past. Hispanics comprise the largest illegal immigration population. Checking identities on little old white women won't help us find illegal Hispanics...
  20. "FIFY. Do see your point but when using the Nazis as your template..." Once again, I wasn't abvocating that we all run out & buy armbands. It was merely a reference to technological improvements.
  21. Who said anything about replicating the Final Solution ?? I'm comparing technologies, nothing more. This Country has many problems. A number of those problems could be improved by ridding ourselves of the estimated 20 million people who don't belong here.
  22. It wasn't a cheap shot (?). They had far less technology than we do, now. The Jews weren't trying to get out. They were hiding. They were found & deported. If that was done w/paper ledgers & steam powered trains. I'd say we can do markedly better, nowadays.
  23. "I'm not saying that we don't have an illegal immigrant problem. I am saying that it's not simple to resolve; it'll be expensive, and it'll be unpleasant for a number of people. If you're only willing for it to be unpleasant for others, then it's not a realistic plan. E.g. being able to question people who look brown just because they look brown; house-to-house searches; a giant Berlin-wall type of structure with machine gun turrets along the border." I wouldn't have a problem w/any of that. In fact, I'd say it's long overdue... I'm of the opinion that we can't afford not to. If the Nazis could pull it off in '40s Europe. We can certainly do a better job, today. Here's to hoping we can abolish H1Bs along w/this.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmOiyrsCRNA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJ3iORtWeuQ Couldn't find the guy who hit the hangar door, but here's two more.