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Everything posted by PiLFy

  1. Rigggggghhhhht You're a bright Gal, Amazon. Surely you don't think all People are Sheeple? An armed Populace has been keeping bad people from pulling too much crap for >200 years. That will not work for a far better armed police state. Better armed than the US Military?? I seem to recall they've been having some difficulties over the past 13+ years. Those have been mainly in a sandbox environment. How many Fallujahs are in this Country, Amazon?
  2. Blacks don't want beef, chicken, vegetables, dairy, beer, booze, chips, fruits, juice, frozen foods, candy? Given the frequent complaints that poor neighborhoods are food deserts, relying on liquor stores for groceries, your statement seems irrational at best, racist at worst. Ghetto stores don't sell a whole lot of gourmet fair... Nothing Racist about that. Stop baiting. TJ's is a specialty store. Been in many Ghetto stores, have you? It's not irrational. I'm speaking from years of experience. I've been in more crappy neighborhoods (work) over the years than I care to remember.
  3. Nothing... they have been trained to say BAAAAAA Alrighty Amazon, but I hope you remember to duck when the time comes. I don't want you to get hit in the face when we throw in the towel...
  4. Yes, it does. Our system is so subject to error (by virtue of being filled with people) that if we have a death penalty then we are going to put innocent people to death. This is only the most recent example of that fallibility. Maybe you consider that acceptable... I've already said that I don't. What it means, is the burden of proof needs to be raised. It also means independent review of LE actions is necessary. The LE community howls whenever faced w/that, but too damned bad. If They weren't f'ing up. They wouldn't have brought it upon themselves. The burden of proof is "beyond a reasonable doubt." What do you propose to raise it to? DNA proof seems to be a good place to look. That, along w/systemic improvements I mentioned earlier.
  5. Rigggggghhhhht You're a bright Gal, Amazon. Surely you don't think all People are Sheeple? An armed Populace has been keeping bad people from pulling too much crap for >200 years.
  6. CRT (Charleston River Rats), Toxic Avengers, ERZ (Elk River Zombies) ?? I'm not belittling what occurred in any way. I'm just having a little fun w/the names.
  7. "I am betting it will not even be part of the equation. Too many people worship those who control everything and they will be able to hire the very best well trained for companies like Xe to serve them." Far fewer armed People have caused tremendous unrest & bloodshed for those that would cow them. History is full of such examples. There are >80 million registered gun owners in the US. Plus, all the illegal guns out there. Every single owner of them needs water to survive. Try taking that water away, & watch what happens to them.
  8. "You do not really believe that LE is there to protect and serve do you???" I've met good & bad in that regard. Police only have official power because society allows them to have it. If abused, we can & will take it back.
  9. Yes, it does. Our system is so subject to error (by virtue of being filled with people) that if we have a death penalty then we are going to put innocent people to death. This is only the most recent example of that fallibility. Maybe you consider that acceptable... I've already said that I don't. What it means, is the burden of proof needs to be raised. It also means independent review of LE actions is necessary. The LE community howls whenever faced w/that, but too damned bad. If They weren't f'ing up. They wouldn't have brought it upon themselves.
  10. Yep. That's what this Country needs: another 2.3 MILLION TROGs ... Way to go, Obamanos. Jackass
  11. "Control the food sources... control the water sources... ( pollute those you can't control) and you control the people. Unless >80 Million of those People are armed, that is..." FIFY .
  12. This doesn't make the Death Penalty wrong, Normiss. It makes some reprehensible people on the LE community deserving of being thrown in prison for decades, themselves. There has to be much more penalties for such repugnant behavior by LE. Only then will such egregious instances of Injustice, cease.
  13. Sorry, but I take offense at this statement: "Rents would increase and the blacks couldn't afford to live there anymore because Section 8 housing would be gone." I meant working poor members of the Black community. There may or may not be Section 8 housing within miles of that neighborhood. Low level community Leaders losing their power, would come after the fact. Was that on Leaders' minds when they raised the red flags? It probably was, but most/all of the local Leaders would be forced to move, as well.
  14. TJ's is far from a typical ghetto store. The Blacks there are fearing gentrification. They don't want more of that kind of business money brought into the area. TJ's sells mostly items the black community doesn't want, to people the black community doesn't want around...
  15. These show the status quo - that people are still in a legal trap with the feds. Fortunately, prosecutions for false 4473s has been nonexistent for the past 3 presidents, back to when the Brady Bill first came. But that could change with a single executive decision. Obama/Holder have flip flopped a few times, and with the next GOP administration, who knows what you'll get. A LOT could change w/a single Executive Decision. They wouldn't like what it got them... That's the entire point of the SA. Schmarht Guys, those Founding Fathers.
  16. you seem to mistake my statement of Fed reality to support of it, though it should have been obvious from my phrasing "rights of people." I do not smoke, not for moral reasons, but because it's not very compatible with diving or running. OK. Here's one: [Url]http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/01/chris-dumm/medical-marijuana-ccw-update-scotus-declines-cert/[/url] There are others. [Url]http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2013/05/robert-farago/atf-to-pot-smokers-no-guns-for-you-dude/[/url]
  17. Where would that be? The Feds still don't acknowledge the rights of people in WA or CO to do it, nor any of the states for medical use. From their perspective, there is no lawful use of marijuana per: Form 4473 11e. Are you an unlawful user of, or addicted to, marijuana or any depressant, stimulant, narcotic drug, or any other controlled substance? State concealed carry permits are allowed w/medical marijuana cards. Federal jobs won't recognize the cards, but the state carry permits are still legal. I'd tell you where, but I don't want you there... Marijuana is far safer than alcohol. That's a fact. Get over it. Going green doesn't cost people their rights. Get over that, too.
  18. You left out a fourth choice: Move out of Illinois to any one of the states where both are your right to have legally. I've had to deal w/some nasty drunks, but never a violent pot smoker. You can definitely tell different types of Marijuana apart: different tastes, smells, prices,& highs. Or, so I've heard ...
  19. We view the world differently. You give fellow jumpers far less credit than I do. Wanton Slavery & oppression aren't political BS. Sounds like you need to step in some of that BS...
  20. I have more faith in the morals of most Skydivers, than you do. Most Jumpers aren't over there.
  21. To work for employers who still practice SLAVERY ?!? They couldn't pay me enough to help support such a morally repugnant system...
  22. For the life of me. I can't fathom why ANYONE would want to go to such an ass-backward, barbaric, oppressive Slave State like Dubai... Even more so if you're a Woman.
  23. I've only seen one person jump w/a Viplo. I've read 2-3 instances where they either would hang up, or move erratically (not smooth) up or down. The Galaxy is the industry standard. I've seen them used w/800+ jumps, & still working fine. Alti2 will do a full refurbishment on them for about $52, if you should wash it or something. I'm half bald, & sweat A LOT in the summer months. My Benny has almost 200 jumps on it, & the liner is still fine.
  24. Holy Crap ?! You guys are STILL going on about this Thread?? The battle lines have been drawn. Neither side is about to change their minds. Just let it go...