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Everything posted by PiLFy

  1. Who knows what the hell may happen in a year, as for right now, it's covered. No need to be profane. Who knows? Us, if we look at what else has happened w/that law. Right now, it's covered? Great. The ACA has reneged on prior financial commitments. We'll see if your free anal probing turns out being something else you're billed for, after the fact. I just read another article this morning about how far too few Twenty-somethings are signing up. They are the demographic that would make your poop chute pix "Free"...
  2. "The doctor told me that now, due to the ACA, I won't pay a penny due to it being preventative." Given the shifting sands of ACA economics in all other areas, I can see this one evaporating, too. We'll see if you get billing invoices over the next twelve months...
  3. No. Here, YOU are making it one. That Article cites several possible causes. Obesity is never named in the article. Lots of thin, poorly educated, high sodium/highly processed/low nutritive value food eating Women also die young.
  4. I'm no instructor, & I've heard differing delays taught at other DZs. That being said. I was taught to pitch the PC on the count of three, regardless of stability. Enough to make sure you've cleared the plane. That student H&Ps were training for aircraft emergencies (bailing out). That you probably won't be stable, but to throw the PC anyway. I got yelled at for waiting another few seconds until stable, on my first try. It takes ten seconds to fall the first 1,000 feet. Your first H&P will be from 5500 feet. You'll have plenty of altitude left. Talk to your AFFIs. You'll be fine.
  5. "You, my friend, need a jump to conclusions mat." ...
  6. "Could the rise in obesity have anything to do with this trend? Obesity has been described as approximately 10% genetics, 10% physical activity and about 80% diet. We choose what we eat. If we choose poorly, if we eat all the wrong foods, we gain weight and our health suffers." Foolish People are still making their foolish choices, same as always. That doesn't account for this shift. Clearly, it's something else.
  7. "I'm having trouble seeing what would cause the stress that would result in this injury. Usually, it is caused by repetitive upward / outward pushing." That's not the only cause. This Sport is hard on shoulders. For example, I very rarely do linked exits for this reason, & won't even attempt free fly. Rough tumbles on the ground from the occasional bad landing. Colliding w/other Jumpers in freefall. Calcium deposits on the Acromion. It all adds up, over time. Young Guys in their Twenties get them, too. It happens. Follow your P/T exercise regimen, & strengthen that joint. That will be your best protection.
  8. bullshit, you've been nothing but argumentative in this thread. You confuse a moral judgement with a simple statement of fact. Hard to help you there. Many drug makers will not sell product that will be used for executions. Many doctors, if not most, would have objections to doing to sort of research necessary to test drugs for lethal injection. And many people, both voters and legislators, oppose the principle of an eye for an eye. Whether you think they are wrong or sanctimonious is irrelevant - the fact that they will not participate is a technical barrier. Jeebus... What, are you smoking that Kelp?? I have not been argumentative. I simply don't agree w/you. The Drugs don't need to be tested anymore than they already are. Lethal doses are determined before the Drugs are brought to market. Some of the larger Pharm companies distance themselves from the DP? OK. There are plenty of smaller Drug manufacturers in the lesser parts of the world who won't have those qualms. I addressed this in a prior reply. Many People oppose the DP? OK. Many People don't, too. This thread isn't about that. It's not about you catching an attitude w/me, either. Go fight w/someone else...
  9. Wonder if they can see the cloud from the International Space Station ??
  10. Ten most corrupt? Hell, I bet there aren't ten non-corrupt Pols on the entire Hill...
  11. I wasn't aware that I made any statement at all about Big Pharm here. You may have imagined this. You cherry-picked the wrong quote to take a jab at me. This is the quote that directly answered your question: "Any drug from those categories can be substituted. Some might work a little better, or be cheaper, but they'll all get the job done. It's not drug efficacy." My comments on Big Pharm are not rants. I'm simply stating facts to support my opinion. Ultimately, I've been answering the OP's query, not yours. If you reply to me, and say that I gave someone moral superiority, it's hardly a stretch to believe you were in fact talking to me. Here's your moral high ground: "...complicated by the fact that a number of people and drug makers refuse to participate." Really don't care enough to argue about it. Enjoy your Kelp...
  12. I wasn't aware that I made any statement at all about Big Pharm here. You may have imagined this. I've been seeking legal input here, not angry rants about drug makers, which is really not relevant to this discussion. You cherry-picked the wrong quote to take a jab at me. This is the quote that directly answered your question: "Any drug from those categories can be substituted. Some might work a little better, or be cheaper, but they'll all get the job done. It's not drug efficacy." My comments on Big Pharm are not rants. I'm simply stating facts to support my opinion. Ultimately, I've been answering the OP's query, not yours.
  13. W/some of things Big Pharm does, moral highground is unattainable for them. The market for DP drugs is very small, though. Perhaps they feel it's not worth the risk for something so high profile? There are mickey mouse pharm operations in all corners of the globe. Plenty of places to get the required drugs...
  14. I bet the annual conventions are a real riot! Dinosaurs in glass houses shouldn't throw stones ...
  15. I responded to a different subject line . . . please keep up.
  16. "I don't think any human anywhere, ever should be killed by any other human, ever." OK, start a thread about that. This one is just on the drug question the OP asked.
  17. Big Pharm kills people every day. They do it in the name of profits. I think you give them far too much moral superiority. Any drug from those categories can be substituted. Some might work a little better, or be cheaper, but they'll all get the job done. It's not drug efficacy. It's not the higher ethical constraints of an industry that lets many thousands of AIDS patients, for example, die to protect their profit margins within the Western world. They'd back-door in whatever drugs the different States wanted. No. It's the bureaucratic BS. The DP is a hot potato, politically. Lots of others agree w/those here who want a pain-free death to make them feel superior to the trash. Maybe they tell themselves the white lie of not feeling any sense of vengeance? Sorry, separate debate... Under the table deals w/certain pharmaceutical companies? Unwillingness of the Pols to address the issue in any way, especially in an election year? My money is on those types of reasons. The others simply don't make sense. Sorry if that rambles a bit. Running on very little sleep, here.
  18. "Now why wouldn't this work in LA or NY?" Apparently, cuz Quade told them to throw out The Constitution ...
  19. "The only thing that proves is your attention span." Right back atchya, SkyDud... I watched the whole vid out of curiosity a while later, & saw nothing to change my opinion of his bias, or yours.
  20. When I'd just gottenmy A. I found the Pulse to be easier to land. The flatter glide makes timing the flare easier. Do you not have the opportunity to jump it? Contact Mirage to see if it would be too small for your container. My Main is a size smaller for my container. I like it, as it makes packing easier.
  21. Dunno bout that. I bought a Mossburg years ago. They'd just been awarded a huge contract from the military. It was big & clunky. It proved unreliable. One guy @a skeet range routinely dumped a round out through the bottom of the receiver when cycling the action... I got rid of mine, & have never purchased another one.
  22. FWIW, I've about 50-60 jumps on a Pulse, & 100+ on a Sabre2. The Sabre2 opens off-heading on virtually every jump. That does get annoying, sometimes. The end cells are also always not inflated. That's also easy to deal with.Other than that, the openings are fine. The Pulse opens on-heading, & smoother/softer. I would've bought one, but found a good deal on a Sabre2, first. The Pulse does fly flatter. It's also easier to pack. No one has addressed why you're looking to buy w/only 7 jumps under your belt. Have you run this by your instructors? You should. It's too easy to buy gear that's either inapropriate, or unecessary. Were I in the market, now. I'd choose a Pulse. Mainly, for the sweet openings, & ease of packing. Good Luck.
  23. "Viewed across its entirety, I don't believe the doco had a strong opinion for or against the DP at all." Fair Enough. I'm not interested in watching the entire thing. He comes across as being pretty biased against the DP. He wants to make the deaths pain-free. I don't. There are plenty of ways to kill a person. They're cheap, fast, & highly effective. If Bureaucratic BS is in the way? Move it...
  24. Again, the Benny's shell only comes in one size. The Liner determines sizing. Ordering a larger size will only yield a thinner liner... I've a size large, & have plenty of room on one side for the Optima. An extra large Benny might be too tight, as the liner is thinner.