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Everything posted by kasch

  1. we're getting better! iluvtofly? Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  2. we suck at this. turtle Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  3. Hmm wonder where she is..... Deedy? Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  4. if you move at that speed i'll post before you! Deedy Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  5. sorry ym stalking still suck today deedy turtle Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  6. kasch

    vicks vapor rub

    is there a thread link? or maybe someone can post the story? i'm curious Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  7. kasch

    vicks vapor rub

    is that what they are always rubbing under their nose in the morgue in movies? i thought it was vasaline. Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  8. kasch

    vicks vapor rub

    It's a CHEST rub! and you ain't putting that shit anywhere near my junk. i had icy/hot slip down there once when i was rubbing it into a pulled muscle and that was NOT fun! on a similar note, never use sun tan lotion as a substitute for lotion lotion....it burns when introduced to friction Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  9. FIFY Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  10. kasch

    vicks vapor rub

    i haven't used vicks in ages but a well endowed coworker was just telling me how she's been using vicks the past few nights. so i asked, "the chest rub?" she said yes, and then i started day dreaming about rubbing vicks on her boobs....to help her relieve her allergies of course. friends help friends relieve sinus pressure. Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  11. not as good as the balloon jump video, but still an A :) glad you're ok
  12. kasch


    no self respecting pirate would have it any other way Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  13. kasch


    gah! i missed talk like a pirate day that's a cool t-shirt though Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  14. Denmark is kinda expensive, that entire region is, but the people I know that have moved there absolutely love it. Central America is an amazing place, I love it down there. I have a lot of friends that moved to Thailand though and from there ended up moving around that area of the world. They say it's cheap, relatively safe, and beautiful. I'd probably move to Colombia. That country stole my heart. Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  15. Ba dum dum cha Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  16. great. i didnt want kids anyway Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  17. at the Ranch 30th anniversary party i was talking to a bunch of other Dave's who were all between 50-72 that were telling me all sorts of great stories, that was one of them! i'd really love to do that! my jumping right now is limited until i get my shoulder fixed though, it can't take more than a jump or two before it gets really sore Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  18. i'm really excited. never done both kinds of diving so close together too bad you're spoken for cause theres a really fun 3rd kind of diving! Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  19. nice legs! Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  20. I stayed in a crack house in La Ceibe, Honduras once...by accident. That was an aweful experience. There were actually blood stains on the wall, we put a bed against the door when we went to sleep to be safe. I only realized it was a crack house when we went across the street to the bar/sandwich shop to get some food and found out they only sell beer, liquor, weed and crack. And I almost got mugged and shot there too but I baffled said mugger by asking if I could hold his gun and ended up walking away without getting mugged. Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  21. hahahahah winner! Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  22. Well not all of us can have a big gun Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  23. Everything was going so right, where did it take a turn? *scratches head* Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"
  24. my jaw dropped on that one Sex with sith is like sex with a stripper. A lot of flashing lights and waving of glowing sabers, but in the end you end up with something dark and wrinkely. DPH# "-13" TSK# "-13"