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Everything posted by DesertAttorney

  1. Not all but it takes a REAL MAN to shoot unarmed people now don't it... You have no idea what they faced, nor their training. Nor do I. The difference is I don't claim the ability/knowledge base to judge them. You do. Unless you have a Law Enforcement, Legal, or Criminal Justice background, you have no basis/ability to wield an informed decision. Next time you want to open your mouth about Police and how they persecute you, first go on a ride-along, and see what they face on a daily basis--quite often human sewage that you'd sooner put on a pedestal. Seriously, the 60s and 70s are OVER. Get over yourself. People suck, and it's the Police's job to keep the wolves at bay. Instead of shitting on them, try thanking them for ensuring you can walk the street at night safely, and your house is not broken in on a weekly basis. You are of course going to put on a Faux East German accent and act like an ingrate hipster, but I really expected that more than anything else.
  2. TK - there is a difference between a "right" and a "privilege." The Bill of Rights is NOT the "Bill of Things if the World Was Perfect But It's Not So These Things AreIgnorable." Guns are specifically mentioned in the Constitution. Cars are not. p.s. - to pre-empt kallend, yes, "arms" are specifically mentioned, not "guns." But they mean the same thing... Hmm I wonder what right it is to be able to shoot unarmed people by law officers for not complying with what a bully deems a lawful order... in contravention of that whole free speech thing in one of those other rights. Because all Police Officers are bullies...
  3. I'm sorry, I missed where I ever stated that less lethal weapons were incapable of causing death. I merely stated the FACT that the use of a less lethal weapon, when said weapon is used properly, is not considered lethal force. Without seeing the entire, unedited video, and preferably video from other sources you simply cannot know exactly what the situation was. For all we know the cameraman had a grenade in his other hand... I'll say it again, my guess is that the police had already issued a lawful order to disperse, some people (including the cameraman) decided that they did not want to disperse, so such force as required was used to encourage them to disperse. It appears it worked by the people moving quite quickly. OK.. that is the lamest thing I have ever fucking heard here on SC.. and Mike and Belgian can come up with some real doozies It's lame to acknowledge the fact that, based solely on the video you provided, we cannot know the exact situation? Surely you realize my statement about the grenade was sarcastic? Perhaps, then, we should change grenade to rock, baseball bat, broken bottle, or maybe the police couldn't recognize his camera for what it was in the darkness. In the context of this video, yes it is hard to believe that he had a grenade. However, if one were to take a similar situation in say, Syria, Isreal, Yemen, Chechnya, Serbia, or any other place that is currently experiencing extreme unrest, would it still be so hard to believe? Face it man... some people get off on the power...this is America... not the third world shitholes you seem to want to turn this country into. It does seem that some of our police learned some bad behavior in our latest excellent adventures into the sand box... just like some of my generation learned some bad lessons in the Nam.. and did crap like this all of thier professional LEO careers. Is there any behavior in your world that justifies an arrest that uses anything more than harsh language? A Police Officer risks DEATH daily. His guard, dropped even momentarily, could KILL him. Yet apparently they all should walk around like pussies so you don't get your feeeewingz hurt... What color is the sky in YOUR world?
  4. Nonsense. Steve Jobs wasn't exactly hated. Ohhhhhh.... I don't know about that.. I think you can find a significant number of Apple employees past and present who would disagree vehemently with that.... as soon as the adulation phase of mourning such a "great man" ends.. and the real stories start to come out. There are more than just a few families of people who could not live up to Jobs expectations... who wished their loved ones were still alive. Who exactly, according to you, IS acceptable as an inabitant of this planet? Oh I don't know...people with ethics and who do not profit from the suffering of others gleefully would be a good start, oh and a desire for a better planet for their fellow human beings would be an even better start. YOU are gonna be the Arbiter as to who fits that definition?!? Riiiight... Let me know how that works out... You want to spread around the misery... Cannot stand anyone else's success, can you?
  5. We have Attorneys in our country. They fight for their clients. You seem to want Attorneys to be Social Workers. these are two distinct professions...
  6. Nonsense. Steve Jobs wasn't exactly hated. Ohhhhhh.... I don't know about that.. I think you can find a significant number of Apple employees past and present who would disagree vehemently with that.... as soon as the adulation phase of mourning such a "great man" ends.. and the real stories start to come out. There are more than just a few families of people who could not live up to Jobs expectations... who wished their loved ones were still alive. Who exactly, according to you, IS acceptable as an inabitant of this planet?
  7. A person who smoked 3 packs a day for 30 years, knowing that they were gambling with lung cancer? Not one ounce of compassion. They chose their fate. A person who got leukemia/breast cancer becuase of a genetic quirk? Completely compassionate towards that.
  8. He is #138 killed this year. He had a family. He is dead. He was one of the 53% who paid income taxes, unlike the lazy, self-entitled OWS leeches. I prefer the life and safety of the "Thugs" who risk their lives for my safety any day over that of the greedy and lazy protestors who simply want life handed to them.
  9. You see a zombie, I see a soul in the Self-inflicted (No one has to try drugs) torment of living hell. Fixed that for you.
  10. *Intruding to put in a guy's perspective* Dude, if you do not want kids, Pull the Cutaway handle NOW. Better to get out now by yourself versus later with 18 years of Child support payments...
  11. Meh, I've been called worse by people whose opinions matter.
  12. I even bolded the important bit for you, and I'll put it here again in caps "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW..." Is that clear enough for you? [B]CONGRESS[/B] shall make no law forbidding the freedom of expression. As an employee you represent your employer, and he or she has the right to determine (to an extent, protected classes are excluded) what image they want to present to the public. For some reason, correct or otherwise, society has deemed that those who have extensive body modifications, especially modifications of the public areas of the body such as the face, neck, and hands, are "different" and some may even be afraid of them. Whether or not these concerns or fears are based on fact is not relevant to the situation, the fact remains that an employer can certainly deny you employment because you have a tattoo on your neck, or a lip ring that you cannot or will not remove. The Constitution in general, and the Bill of Rights in particular, governs what conduct the government may or may not regulate, it does not concern itself with private matters. So as I said.. lets quit pretending that American individualism.. is anything more than a farce.. MMMkkk BAAAAAAAAAAAAA.... now be a good little herd animal and run along... scared of the big bad wolves of your masters of corporate America pulling those wittle strings. If I'm a business owner, and you, my employee, want to have so many holes in your head you whistle twelve different notes in freefall, that's fine. You want to work for me, you will look as professional as I direct you to. "Express yourself" on your time. So take that crap out of your face or find another job. And stow the faux East German accent. You don't actually know what fascism is, nor will you ever. Be glad for that fact. Your posts lately sound like a first-semester, trust-funded College freshman who has outsourced his thinking to a Professor who has never really worked in the real world.
  13. No. In this case, respect is to be earned. Your intro to me is "I'm dead due to drug overdose," you start off with no respect, and have to earn it from there.
  14. John, besides intolerance. What's your point? I am guessing it is that going through life like you face-planted into a fisherman's tackle box is not a way to impress at a job interview...
  15. You would have.... yet again..... supposed and assumed wrong. The fact that you condone the behavior of bullys in the name of law and order though.. is rather telling about mindless slavery though. Making excuses for abusive police... is just enabling them to continue to victimize Americans civil liberties... you know... that pesky Constitution thing that yall like to blither on and on and on about... but only certain numbers are important to yall rather than the document as a whole. I'm not making excuses for anyone who breaks the law whether they are a cop or not. You, on the other hand, are making excuses for every protester who breaks the law! You say they have the right to protest...and I agree, they do. But that right is not without limitations. You can not just show up and parade around wherever and whenever you want. With rare exceptions is NOT ok for cops to beat on people. By the same token it is NOT ok to refuse to comply with lawful orders given by the police to disperse. Refusing to comply never works out in the best interest of the protesters. YOU VILL COMPLY...... YOU VILL COMPLY America... Land of the free, home of the brave.. Ever mouthed that tired and quite obviously out dated expression?? Trollin', Trollin', Trollin'...
  16. I'm just glad she was Canadian, as she didn't pose a burden on American resources, even moreso had she survived until the next overdose, which she'd expect the public to subsidize. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Have you ever had someone you love die of an overdose? Yes. She was a loser. That I loved her does not change that fact.
  17. John Garand--Designed the greatest battle implement ever devised.
  18. Proverbs 13: 24 He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines him promptly. The belt was doubled over making it louder on the video. I don't think he should have used profanity towards her. That was in bad taste. It is difficult to stand still when being whipped with a belt. My father made me do it and it was tough. However, whippings by the school principals were a breeze after that. Bottom line, bad decisions lead to unwanted, painful consequences, a lesson worth the learning. I'd be happy to represent someone suing a Bible-Thumping parent who beat their kid under color of their flavor of affinity for the Invisible Man in the Sky, to get my client Sole Legal Custody. Those who beat their kid and use God as a justification/defense are just as loathsome as those who use prayer instead of medical treatment and watch their kids die.
  19. I'm just glad she was Canadian, as she didn't pose a burden on American resources, even moreso had she survived until the next overdose, which she'd expect the public to subsidize. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
  20. Somehow I think the world is not going to suffer any great losses for want of a useless druggie. There are plenty more where she came from...
  21. Meh, I've never claimed the moral high ground. I will readily admit I am yet another shark in the dirty waters...
  22. They need to stop fucking little boys, Male Meth head prostitutes, and fleecing the stupid on their weekly "Praise Jeebus/Send us an Offering" telecasts before they can claim the moral high ground.
  23. No, we need a big wood chipper to put thru the corpses of these useless drains on society.
  24. If your upset, take a shower, then do something about it. Wow. The OWS crowd actually DOES something other than staying unemployed, unwashed, and full of THC...