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Everything posted by misskriss

  1. how about something like carnations*** no ...
  2. thankyou.......she's an absolute an angel..
  3. I grew up hearing those words on a regular basis from my Dads side of the family..It bothered me from the time I was able to understand what they meant. My oldest daughter is biracial...it totally changed their perspective on things.. I almost feel like she was brought into this world to teach them..because they have completely changed...my husband adopted her when she was four and we went on to have two more children. We still get questioned.." are they ALL yours.."..."so.....what is she..is she part hispanic..is she part black" I respond......she's a part of me..
  4. It's hard when parents are critical... God knows I love my mom but even though I'm 33 and have been a mother for hmmmmmmmm 14 years now.., she still callls to remind me to make sure I put coats and gloves on the girls. I've just learned to accept that she will never change and tell her she's right about everything. Not with the slightest tone...just.."you're right mom..I'll consider that mom...thanks for the advice mom" it's funny ...seems to keep the comments from her to a minimum when I do that.
  5. but you are a very sweet stalker..
  6. misskriss


  7. misskriss


    okay.....we weren't able to connect on the cam.....upgrade your system
  8. LOL......i think he just went to bed.....Traviiiissssssssss wait..
  9. yep.....that's my msn messenger name too....works fine
  10. i downloaded msn messenger and it works great with it......hook it up..
  11. hehehe......everyone break out the webcams and take your best shot..
  12. The webcams are coming out..
  13. you too, sweetie.... have a good one...
  14. I'm jealous....... it's just rainy and cold here..... no snow....... the kids were so hoping for snow this year. but they are sleeping soundly now...even though they don't believe in Santa anymore, they still want to get to bed early
  15. it's perfectly understandable to be hurt....I would be too. It's hard to watch the ones we love continually beat themselves against the same brick wall. Don't stop caring......don't stop giving.. we need to do so no matter what the outcome.. I'm thankful she has someone like you in her life..
  16. I can still see the post..
  17. misskriss


    hmmmmmm.......well when I finally make the trip to Orange, then we'll see what the consensus is
  18. misskriss


    was it lick it or push it??? i think i'm hijacking my own post......
  19. misskriss


  20. misskriss


    LOL......I was trying to be serious...... i have plenty left to be licked off..