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Everything posted by misskriss

  1. the video of my first one is on Travs website ..you can see the cutie for yourself..hehehe
  2. thanks babe....God, I don't want to be a tandem passenger for life.......but shit, my instructor is a hottie.. I swear I went on the last one just to be strapped to him..
  3. It's a long story....... let's just say...i was pathetic.....i think there are still claw marks in the door of the plane..
  4. to finish Aff and never ever cry on the plane again..
  5. cool...then I can add you to my drunk dialing phone list
  6. cool!! I 'll be there around feb18th or so.....i'll get in touch with you way beforehand though..
  7. huh??? okay...... are you saying someone we know is working there?
  8. so does this mean you won't be in Atlanta in Feb??? I was counting on you to show me around...geez......thanks a lot..
  9. LOL>.......but you took such good care of me.....I owe you big for that one.. **edited in a hurry for a major typo that would have undoubtedly been picked up by the man himself..he knows who he is..
  10. LOL okay.....i wasn't completely naked.....I don't think anyway.. it was warm that night..
  11. ARe you serious??? was she there when we were??? and are you being sarcastic about the last comment?
  12. AHHHHHHHHHHH.........rumors ???????? well....he's only seen me naked once....but I was passed out on his bathroom floor....(he lives with my bestfriend)
  13. Maybe it's stripper/customer confidentiality..HAHA
  14. and what i want to know STILL......is how I got into all of this..
  15. Hey Becky! where've you been hiding?
  16. well, I recently had it trasferred onto a dvd and keep in my bedside table for those lonely nights when my husband is out to sea...
  17. i'll come in.....i like to watch.....
  18. not so much of a gargle as drinking it in
  19. Have fun today, SiSTAH.........I'll call you New Years Eve!
  20. okay.....I can't hang anymore....must sleep nowwww.......sleep tight, precious angels..