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Everything posted by k-dubjumps

  1. Dude, who says we don't advocate nudity? I didn't see that anywhere. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  2. Dudes, did you know the Dudeist Skydivers Association has a page on facebook? http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=117936945179&ref=ts Did you already join, but forgot to post your number in the general skydiving forum here. No worries, It happens brah. Not part of the group yet? Dudes why not? Its easy and, dude, its free. Dudes, feuergnom so righteously deemed me Greenie #2! Poor brah has been bogged down with un-dudely work duties so I'm helping him out. Take a look at this list and if you're on it please update the other thread here. Later dudes! Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  3. Dudely noted. ALL: Here is the updated list. We've had a lot of people join on facebook, but numbers have not been chosen. Are you on this list? If so, please let me know who you are and pick a number so we can try to have an official roster and look as organized as dudely possible. And if you haven't joined us on facebook here is the link http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=117936945179&ref=ts Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  4. This was so infuriating to read. i submitted a letter to the editor pretty much telling them what I thought of their opinion and that they really should make an effort to at least get their facts straight. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  5. If the dudely lama gets #1 what is ryoder's new number? Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  6. I'm not an attorney, but do know a little about the law. My understanding is that at this point it will be up to the DA to press charges or not. If it were just a civil matter then you could drop what ever you wanted. But I think if you do and try to work something out you can put in a good word with the DA who may, or may not take it into consideration. My guess is they will at least want to investigate this guy to make sure you aren't his only victim. You could try telling him that if he pays you back, then you will tell the DA that he's done such, but you can't do that until you get paid back since his word is obviously worth shit at this point. Just a thought. You should also let the DA know that he is now trying to repay you. You may be able to help with the investigation. Hope that helps some. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  7. Dudeists, I think it only right we all take a moment and light one up in memory of one of the dudeliest brahs out there, Bodhi (a.k.a. Patrick Swayze). Bodhi once called out to Johnny Utah, "Yo, Johnny! I see you in the next life!" Bodhi, dude, we'll see you in the next life. Blue Skies brah! Dudes, let's all nominate Bodhi to be listed as one of the greatest dudes in history http://dudeism.com/smf/index.php?board=8.0 Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  8. Dude, I choose 16 because 16 is sexy Dudes, we are 53 strong now! Squeak, dude, what's your number brah? Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  9. You can't be serious. How is Obama calling Kanye a jackass racist? The man was only speaking the truth. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  10. OK, now that's funny! Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  11. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWwwwwwwwwww! I so didn't need that visual. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  12. I'm fine with the way I look. I know I could be more fit and look better, but I'm too lazy and don't think I look too bad the way I am. If I was motivated enough I would would work on my abs. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  13. Oh, I didn't know that you knew my ex-husband. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  14. VERY!! Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  15. http://www.tmz.com/2009/09/15/obama-calls-kanye-a-jackass/ Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  16. I think the September issue is going out this week. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  17. I had a cat named Bodhi after him. Cancer sucks! Blue Skies. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  18. If a guy can't make me laugh, he's a goner! No joke! Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  19. Flying free Do not mourn my loss, but celebrate my life I am flying free My heart is forever in the sky I am flying free Do not stand on the ground and cry, but turn to the skies and fly I am flying free I am gone, but not forgotten I am flying free Dedicated to all those who are forever flying free. Blue Skies Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  20. I don't feel the need to tell anyone. If it comes up so be it. Its just another thing I do in my everyday life. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  21. I was referring to Turtle's name that rack v3 thread specifically. I by no means meant any disrespect to the tatas, cha-chas, boobies and racks that have so proudly come before mine Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406
  22. See that's the thing, he doesn't have anything to look at because he never responded with an email address for me to send the pics to. And I was going to send several too. Adrenaline is my crack DPH #3 D.S. #16 FAG #12 Muff Brother #4406