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Everything posted by freeheelbillie

  1. Does spooning include playing "Just the Tip?" Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  2. thanks, i just placed an order Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  3. just wondering what your thoughts are... Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  4. ahhhhhhhh I don't! Not sure why a person would do something like this. I agree that there seems to be a double standard when it comes to sea life. But, lets be honest dogs and cats are an intelligent animal. Like I needed another reason to loathe China Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  5. I don't care for most petitions but this one seems just too awful not to pass around. What kind of monster does this? Do what you will with it...the video about made me sick. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  6. I did somthing like what youre doing for my undergrad as well...have fun with it! Good luck Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  7. The only way a same party politician runs against an incumbent President is if the incumbent is completely inept, has a miserably low approval rating and isn't worried about the consequences of their actions should they fail. give him some more time... it was a joke chief, but thanks. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  8. And which real asset would you like to use for that. Are you willing to stop the free trade in that asset? Gold seemed to work pretty well and there is no reason to stop its trade. As a matter of fact the currency should be redeemable for it's value on demand. Blues, Cliff Doesn’t sound bad in theory, but do you have any idea how much gold it would take to back all the US dollars? It just doesn’t work like that anymore…it would be nice to go back to those days though! =) Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  9. I have to give props to obama her a job was the one sure fire way to be sure she would not run against him in 4 years! hahaha Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  10. Stupid idea, of course - it will have no impact on criminal activities. I'm wondering what the OTHER "just a few gun-related changes" will be? LOL Like I have said before loosing your rights will be a slow and gradual process. Shit like this along with the Fairness Doc, will leave this country a shell of its former self. Sad really, really sad. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  11. So I thought this would make for good conversation rather than debate. There is an awful lot of talk about what will/won’t work…but how will we measure success and failure? I have put together a list of what I think this could include; Liberalism will once again be used as a term to describe liberty and limited government. Public service will be something the private sector does naturally. Entitlement will be a “pay check” NOT a welfare check. Government as a whole will have stopped selling it powers to special interest. To me these are some examples of “change” and “hope” that I could get behind! Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  12. Yep, that is unfortunate. We need another 8 years of a Clinton, I guess. Just a quick FYI about Clinton...and his apparent ability to “balance” the budget. True he left office with a surplus, but do you know how he did that? Let me fill you in on a simple accounting trick. Taking short term debt and refinancing it into long-term does not make it go away…it just leaves it for the next guy to deal with. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  13. Deficit spending never does and never has “created wealth” But tax and spend is what Democrats do best. Keep that change coming, laughable really… I guess taxing the shit out of the upper 2, 3 or 5% and handing out tax rebates (to people who don’t even pay tax) will solve everything. Maybe the 50.00 or was it 60.00 bucks a month in average Joe’s pocket will ????? It amazes me that defenders of free market are chastised and asked to present perfection. Yet, government only has to make promises and have good intentions…leaving a wake of failure, broken promises and wasted billions as glaring evidence of their utter failure! Charity is now being taken over by government, once again overstepping their scope. Remember government has nothing to give but what it has taken from another. As far as a solution…do away with the Social Security Tax for a year and put that in your pocket. It’s a broken bankrupt system anyway. This would cost far less than 787 billion and inject far more money into the micro economy. True letting banks maybe even auto topple would hurt for a awhile…but so will paying this stimulus back. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  14. I love how your rebuttals typically are in reference to Bush…the old well Bush did it attitude. It sure reeks of “change” doesn’t it? Smells like the same old shit to me. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  15. Oh I can hear people throwing the "read my lips" comment Bush senior used already. Thats okay though. "Change" remember? obama's terminology is a mess…tax rebate (when you don’t pay taxes) isnt the same as welfare. Not raising taxes means loss of deductions. “Spreading the wealth” is somehow not socialism. Apparently, he does not know what an earmark is either. Stimulus and earmark are the same. Terrorist is the same as a college professor. Hate monger is the same as a church pastor. Political fundraiser is the same as convict…the list goes on and on. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  16. What's odd is the people who bitched about the Bush years and elected Obama on the promise of change are using "But the last guy did it" as a defense. But, but, but, the change is coming. If Bush had spent $Trillion building bridges and schools and other infrastructure, investing in US R&D, and supporting energy independence I'd have little objection. Wasting it on an unnecessary invasion of a country that presented no threat to us whatsoever was a sheer waste of money. BIG difference. "No threat to us what so ever" would be reaching a bit. I agree that the war has been mismanaged to say the least though. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  17. Well I do think that there are many out there who would be doing the representative government a favor if they didn't vote. (NO I don't mean people who have differing opinions) I love voting enough to not want it belittled by those who think its enough to just show up at the polls. The right to vote is simply to important to cheapen and waste on people who don’t fully understand the issues and candidates. Voting seems to be getting f-ed up by people who vote for a living rather than working for one. Keep in mind that regardless of how you vote, or how many people actually turn out that know what they are talking about…stuffing a ballot box with more/less paper does not ensure freedom or a representative government. Education is the key, NOT weeding people out. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  18. holy $shit! Did you just really say that?! this is the mentality that lets government take control of more and more of your life. wake up brother. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  19. What's odd is the people who bitched about the Bush years and elected Obama on the promise of change are using "But the last guy did it" as a defense. But, but, but, the change is coming. I have to agree with you there...obama is not change, he is the typical tax and spend democrat. Hope and change became catastrophe and doom almost over night. Fear mongering to pass a bill he had the ability to say with a straight face, had NO ear marks. Bush (who was a turd) will be the scapegoat for the 25 years. But in 10 when nothing has changed and government has grown most will be the same or worse. Why can’t we learn something about government’s shortcomings?! Media and other obama supporters see almost any shortcoming in the market place as a reason to expand government. Yet, you rarely see those same deficiencies in government as a reason for it to get smaller. Why is that? It seems that people are not capable seeing these glaring issues in government. Do people need a list of all the broken promises, failed programs, wasted billions on both sides of the isle to get you to WAKE UP!? Do we need to recite all the programs that fizzled out, problems that were going to be "solved" but government only managed exasperate? Where do these people think true wealth comes form anyway? Can they even say it out loud? PRIVATE INTIATIVE….”private” Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  20. Atlas Shrugged! Slow read at first, but the resemblance to what is going on in the world today is uncanny. Keep in mind it was written over 50 years ago… Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  21. (emphasis added) Sorry, but that's not evidence that companies were forced to lower their lending standards. The lawsuit alleged racial preference in lending ("redlining") not that lending standards were too high. Also, even if I grant you that that lawsuit was an attempt to lower lending standards for certain people (and I'm only granting that for the sake of the present argument), your evidence says nothing about the long term impact of those lowered standards on the housing market, or the economy in general. the evidence is on every news station today! hello? Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  22. (emphasis added) Sorry, but that's not evidence that companies were forced to lower their lending standards. The lawsuit alleged racial preference in lending ("redlining") not that lending standards were too high. Also, even if I grant you that that lawsuit was an attempt to lower lending standards for certain people (and I'm only granting that for the sake of the present argument), your evidence says nothing about the long term impact of those lowered standards on the housing market, or the economy in general. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  23. Not sure what you consider evidence but this article gets right at the issue... Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  24. its just as bleak... link; Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  25. Start with these two: Pay particular attention starting at 1:27 Fascinating, but not proof in any sense at all of what you have been claiming as the CAUSE of the current situation. Try again. Did you read the article from 1999 that I posted above? That about sums it up. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...