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Everything posted by freeheelbillie

  1. Because if you dont know how you arrived at a situation you are doomed to repeat it...I though the article (considering the date) was valid and was worth posting. The boat was sinking a long time ago and nothing was done about it, on either side of the isle. This was not due to deregulation of the Bush Admin. but pressure from the Clinton Admin. to extend risky loans. "Banks" are blamed over and over again for "this mess" but no real blame is shared by the government who helped get them there. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  2. Courage like when the Bush administration urged congress to stop the insane home lending practices forced upon lenders through legislation created by the dems before it buried the economy? That boat was sinking, but the dems insisted everyone deserved "affordable housing". It was brought up well before that! (see attached) Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  3. So he agreed to extend the unemployment benefits 25.00. I wonder what parts he will turn down, if any...time will tell I guess. Keep in mind he is a politician, they ALL say one thing and do another. Welcome to speak, double-speak, stupid-speak. The use of the tounge, lips and other body parts to sway the minds of others without ever educating them. Even deceiving them if necessary. Like it or not people judge private activities to a higher standard than they do public acts of the political process. All the more reason to grant them less power and control over our lives. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  4. So when did big government ever leave? Do you think the last 8 years has been an example of "small government"? If you're going to screw up details like that one, maybe I should just dismiss everything you write out of hand? Don Read my other posts I encourage you...I am not and never have been a Bush fan. I guess I should have said "the climax of big government" Lets not label (yes I am guilty as well) If a label informs they are useful. But when they distort they're worse than useless. Keep in mind that regardless of the way I made my statement or what I could have followed it up with, obama's "I don't believe in BIG government" comment was laughable at best... Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  5. I know that this has been debated over and over again here but I found something last night that brought it back to mind. (see attached doc.) There is plenty of blame to go around but Fannie and Freddie triggered the current economic condition. The lesson to learn to me is that short term "solutions" have long term effects, and there are unintended consequences of poorly thought out decisions. Consider the current Obama plan underway to spend may in fact create some short term stimulus but it's long term consequences are truly frightening. Remember we have to pay it back with interest. On top of this, Congress announced that they are going to "increase" spending an additional 8% over last year's budget this will be in addition to "stimulus" spending. People, you are witnessing the destruction of your children's and grandchildren's future. It appears the only hope is that wiser men/women will be elected at mid term who can stop irresponsible spending. I doubt that a wed-site of oversight will accomplish this alone, or idol threats from obama. Fannie and Freddieare obviously only part of the current problem, and there is plenty of blame to go around. I am simply pointing out a trigger, fully aware of the drunken spending practices of the Bush Admin. The argument that we must spend to get out of this mess seems silly. Would a business operate successfully in this way? Interesting reading regardless of your political affiliation. If you're a Democrat, please do recall that G.W.B. was not inaugurated until January 2000. This Times story is from September 30, 1999. See Attached. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  6. I about fell out of my chair! Better yet was when he said, "There are a lot of people out there who think I believe in BIG government...I don't." WTF? You have got to be kidding me, EVERYONE knows this is the return of big government. obama certainly excels at pandering to the uninformed masses. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  7. Your lack of humor is equally astonishing... Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  8. So you are opposed to laws which can potentially restrict our ability to defend ourselves with a firearm? I'm opposed to histrionics. That was my first thought when I saw the subject line the original poster made. Well if I were a Histrionic (which I am not) I would have a raging hard on right now! Sure seems like this posting has sparked some good debate, from both sides. That was all it was intended to do, as with any post here. Its safe to assume that we ALL here suffer from a bit of the many times have you responded to this post? Maybe you suffer from a touch of hypocrite-itis??? Lighten up Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  9. Thats total bullshit to me... Where i live (Denmark) it is generally considered totally unacceptable to own a firearm for personal defense. And BTW... The lack of firearms in our homes doesn't make it any less safe for us. We don't live in Denmark. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  10. Lemme ask you something; did you just copy and paste that "e-mail" in its entirety or are any of those words actually yours? You might want to make a distinction since some of what's in it is blatantly false or ridiculously speculative. Generally speaking, if you simply copy and paste something you've "found" somewhere and don't do this people will assume all of the words are yours and yours alone. That might make a person seem like a sillier person than they really are. I ll get back to proper APA format just for you. =) Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  11. lots of racial undertones... lol Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  12. Isnt that what this form is all about to begin with? Not actually. There are a lot that seem to think it's all about being the most outrageous poster and forcing fist fights, but really it's just a place to discuss controversial topics. While that may indeed turn into a fist fight, starting out that way is silly. I wasn't under the impression that I did that...ever. Maybe you just have more issue with the title than the content. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  13. Not sure if you are implying that I am a bigot...I would hope not. And yes I support the 1st and the 2nd Amendent so I will post this, e-mail it and talk about it openly. That way people can "choose" for themselves if they agree disagree. Thinking and un-thinking alike... Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  14. Isnt that what this form is all about to begin with? Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  15. Nope its not falling but your rights are slowly being taken away from you. More decisions are being made for you, not by you. Healthcare, retirement, schools for your kids. Obama's gun control voting record is beyond radical. His name may not be on this one but I would asure you he would support it. Do you? Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  16. Nah I like the title considering that is where garbage like this will lead...take a look at Canada, thatis where bills like this lead. I thought something like this was worth repeating... Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  17. Ok, I've researched it and it's true. Another intrusion into your life from the Federal government. You can do nothing and let them eventually subjugate you into sheeple..... or you can take a minute and write your Congressmen. If you feel so inclined please forward this to your friends who care about the 2nd amendment. Blair Holt Firearm Licensing & Record of Sale Act 2-16-09 Very Important for you to be aware of a new bill HR 45 introduced into the House. Even gun shop owners don't know about this because it is flying under the radar. To find out about this - go to , log in, select the "research" tab, click on "bill search", choose "federal",enter HR 45. You will see a summary of the bill, enter your zip code to link to your congressman. Send him your concerns TODAY. This will, if passed, make it illegal to own a firearm - any rifle with a clip or ANY pistol unless: ·It is registered...You are fingerprinted...You supply a current Driver's License...You supply your Social Security #...You will submit to a physical & mental evaluation at any time of their choosing... ·Each update - change or ownership through private or public sale must be reported and costs $25 - Failure to do so you automatically lose the right to own a firearm and are subject up to a year in jail. ·There is a child provision clause on page 16 section 305 stating a child-access provision. Gun must be locked and inaccessible to any child under 18. They would have the right to come and inspect that you are storing your gun safely away from accessibility to children and fine is punishable for up to 5 yrs. in prison. This is just a "termite" approach to complete confiscation of guns and disarming of our society to the point we have no defense - chip away a little here and there until the goal is accomplished before anyone realizes it. This is one to act on whether you own a gun or not. If you take my gun, only the criminal will have one to use against me. HR 45 only makes me/us less safe. This bill, if passed, would make them happy and in less danger from their victims. More On Gun Grab HR 45 Here... EXCERCISE YOUR SECOND AMENDMENT RIGHTS TODAY! VISIT Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  18. No. While one round of anything is more than enough to kill a person that's not relevant. You only use lethal force when you're in physical danger, at which point the goal is to stop the threat. It doesn't matter if they live or die. Unfortunately dangerous animals (with two legs or four) can take a LOT of damage before they give up. The FBI gave up on 9mm after the infamous 1986 Miami shoot out. After being shot twice with 9mm slugs including a fatal wound, one of the suspects got out of his car. Although being hit four more times, he killed one FBI agent, shot another in the neck, shot another agent, and killed a second one with two shots to the head. He was going to drive away but one of the wounded FBI agents was able to work his 12 guage with one hand dumping rounds into the car until it was empty striking the two criminals multiple times. The crook got out of the car, fired three rounds, and got back in the car. The injured agent who'd emptied his shotgun ended the fight by emptying his revolver into the suspects. It took 12 shots to stop the tougher of the two crooks, with him getting off at least 42 rounds from a mini-14 and three each from a pair of .357 revolvers. That was without _any_ drugs or alcohol in his system. People high on PCP and other drugs have even more fight in them. These guys were also sporting body armor from head to toe...and we are talking about personal protection not police shoot outs that went down in history as the worse ever. I would venture to say that with a .380 and 7 rounds at close rage you would have at min 2 lungs in non-working condition. Hey lets just go for the desert eagle! Can't conceal it but it'll stop ya. What you dress like from day to day really can change the perfect carry/conceal. Accessability, concealability, stopping power, # of rounds it all comes into play. As far as in the home...think about being half asleep. Its hard to argue the ease and stopping power of a 12g with buck shot. Cheap too! Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  19. I have quite a bit of faith...that the Obama Administration is not as GOAT FUCK STUPID as the RIGHT FLING prays that they are. Ain't gonnahappen.. but... for what its worth.... it sure has been great for gun sales with that sort of thinking.. I hope youre right, although I don't have any faith that obama has changed his thinking. Again his record is no secret. In the meantime I will be "clinging to my guns and my religion" tighter than ever. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  20. You may want to hold on to that ammo...the trade for shitty nationalized healthcare will be the continual and gradual erosion of your 2nd Amendent rights. obama makes it no secret that he supports European style gun laws. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  21. Guys, You're thinking WAY too big. 9mm for the home has a better change of killing a person in the other room. As far as a carry weapon (which I do) I really like the Ruger .380 LCP, small EZ to keep concealed as it shouold be. As far as how many rounds ??? You only need one well placed, unless you think you may get into a old west shoot out! lol Self defense rarely if ever comes down to that. .380 is EZ to shoot and has plenty of stopping power at close range. Lets face it anything over a dozen yards and you have no business shooting to begin with. Really a revolver is best (they dont jam, few working parts) with a shaved hammer and double action. There is rumor that the LCP is going to have a recall...yet I have never had a problem in over 700 rounds. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  22. Ever heard the term.. teleconference???? That burns a whole lot less Jet A... If just HALF the people in this country could work from their homes who work in jobs where face to face interaction is not needed more than a couple times a week.. the countries energy problems would evaporate immediately.. Trouble is... the people flying around in their pretty little jets do not trust their employees enough to allow that. Management COULD keep track of their people with existing technology... but they will not.. because they are incapable of changing outdated ways of "doing business" THAT would be efficient conduct of business For once I have to agree with Amazon. Although, it is safe to assume that a portion of the business these CEO's CFO's handle needs to be addressed in person. The job I do could easily be done from home at least a few days out of the week. How nice would that be?! With tech. getting better and more secure I would venture to say this shift will become more visible in day to day operations. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  23. $enators and Reps? Add Democrats to the mix and you're right...they "all" should be held accountable... A bit sensitive to party are we? Let me expand my note: $enators and Representatives? I believe that would include a sampling of dems in there somewhere..... my bad...sorry about that. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  24. Anytime I can simplify things for you so it’s comprehensible, just let me know. Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...
  25. well that didn't take long Amazon I wasn't aware that Nancy was ever president. I'd ask you to read the request for "Intellectual Conversation" at the top of the post... This ability seems to have escaped you once again. Sad really WOW those panties sure do get in a bunch way too easily. Have you ever considered boxers instead???? I go commando Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...