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Everything posted by Hellis

  1. The chest strap is not a load bearing part of a harness. If the exit worked, there could have been some damage to the rig.
  2. That is more complex than it has to be. Very nice setup but it can be simplified. Instead of sewing on the spring you can buy a spring like this one. http://www.basstacklemaster.com/Bass-Pro-Shops-50-lb-Spring-Scale-p/bpsssr50.htm Lets call the top of the scale a eye and the bottom part for hook. When it loads the eye and hook spreads apart. Attach the hook to the riser where you connect the links and connect the cutaway cable to the eye. Now you have a scale that you can measure the force and "finetune it" by cutting the cutaway cable. In this way no sewing is needed.
  3. Magnets??? How did you come up with that? They work "OK" in pull but shear strenght is crap. I bet $10 it won't work well
  4. I think this setup is the winner... Simple, strong, easy to build, no parts that "break" and easy to set up.
  5. I have over 400 jumps on a Scirocco 82. 90% of my openings were on heading ONLY when pulling on the rears and letting it snivel. This canopy is not designed to open by relaxing in the harneess . I would do this and never touch my risers on most Velo openings, but this is a different machine. I personally love the openings and how this canopy flies. Wonder what would happen if you shorten the lower steering lines (and making BK-TOG longer). But I guess the manufactor has tried that already..
  6. uncompressed was too large for my harddrive. Could not find a way to make both part 1 and 2 to fit, so I had to abandon that. I managed to render it in 30 fps mp4, but I wanted 60. Tried other Mov settings and failed, tried a bunch of wmv settings that also failed. After probably 15 failed attemps I downloaded the trial version of Vegas 12. And it worked on the first try, quicker and with great result. I think I need to upgrade my Vegas....
  7. Will try to render it as uncompressed, and then using the files in the project. The mp4 we talked about earlier has a Data rate of 14683 kbps and total bitrate of 14771 kbps. (according to windows details properties) And i changed the RAM to 0, but I'm not sure it's a memory issue. The render just finnished (again) and failed (again) and I noticed Vegas only used 960 MB of RAM in the task manager. But I see now that I run it uncompressed it is only 193 MB.
  8. By some reason I can't resize the window to fit all the info so I just copied the info. Part 1 is the same settings, but the filesize is 1,39 GB (1 425 341 485 bytes). And part 3 is about 68 MB.
  9. Read post #1 All the settings are listed there. Those are the output/render settings. If those are not the ones you are looking for then I don't understand. As I said earlier I have used the same settings every time
  10. In that case the answer is, the same as this projects settings.
  11. No, the render I'm doing now has no stills at all. It's a video that is already renderd that contains images. But at this stage Vegas only have videos, that in some areas are "the same" because the images has been renderd to a video. But you are correct that having stills in the project was too much for Vegas, it ran nicely untill it hit a still image and then Vegas crashed. But this render finnishes without any problems, with plenty of ram to spare. Normally Vegas crashes at about 1150 MB, but rendering this project it only reaches a max of ~1060 MB of RAM.
  12. Render is done again. Nope, the file can't be played nor be pulled in to Vegas again. Vegas says: "None of the files dropped on Vegas Movie studio Platunum could be opened". So it creates files it can't open. Great...
  13. Good question! Don't know. I deleted the file and are trying to render it again (fourth or fifth time now) Will try it if it fails again. It's from a GoPro black 1080@60 fps, and still images from a old canon DSLR. The still images were 4000x3000 pixles but I resized them to 1920x???? Can't remember the exact size. But it was because Vegas has to resize them otherwise. So in order to make it easier for Vegas, I resized them. But the "current" project is video only since everything has been renderd once.
  14. I have a project that is 23:30 min long. It currently concists of three videoclips, nine musicfiles, ~70 text. I use the following settings at render: Sony AVC Video render quality: Best Vido format: AVC Frame size: Custom width 1920, height 1080 Allow source to adjust frame size, No. Profile Baseline Entropy coding CABAC Frame rate 60 Allow source to adjust frame rate, Yes Field order: none(progressive) pixel aspect ratio: 1 Bit rate: 15 000 000 Audio format: AAC Sample rate: 48 000 Bit rate: 160 000 Format: mp4 The three videofiles used in the project is also render in Sony Vegas with the exact same settings. Each of those files are a "workaround" due to the issue of large number of files will take up to much memory. So by editing smaler files and then combining them Vegas can handle the load. The problem is when I render this file Sony Vegas completes it but the file is corrupt after finnish. Media player says it's codec issues, Quicktime says it's "a file quicktime don't understand". if I render a smal part of this project, that file works. Is there some "sizelimit" when creating mp4's in Sony Vegas?
  15. Emergency exit? If you can land with the AAD on, turning it off makes it unsafer in a rare event that you need to exit the airplane during the decent. mechanical AADs is the only one I would turn off if you had to go down with the plane. And thats because they are less predictive. Think of the scenario that you help your friend to turn off the AAD and you would all have to exit the plane, your friend hit the tail.... As I wrote earlier, it is a rare event. But it could happen. The only reason the AAD (digital) would fire if you need to land with the plane is because the pilot was flying as if he had stolen the plane. Which of the two scenarios is worse? Landing with the PC in your hand or exiting a airplane in an emergency with the AAD off? Your mileage may vary.
  16. I believe there is two sides of this. On one side I don't see any benefit at all to memorize the on/off on all AAD's because it's such a rare event that when/if it happens I will most likely forget it anyway. Also if somone on the plane has a "odd" AAD he/she knows how to use the said AAD, so why should I know? This person can tell me how to operate his/her AAD. And generally AADs fire low and at a high speed, why would a pilot fly that way with a full load? But on the other side of it, someone can set a higher firealtitude on their AAD and "surprise" the load on the decent. But again no pilot should fly that way with a full load in my opinion. I think beeing professional about your own AAD is better than knowing little about all.
  17. I packed a friends rig a few years ago and when I closed the rig the loop was about ~7 cm to long (~3 inches). He found it easier to close with a long loop, he also said the loop doesn't need to be replaced as often becasuse of less wear, and the pullup cord gets less wear also. So in his mind, it was all positive. I refused to close the rig and just left it on the packingmat.
  18. Cut it and see if it frays If it's a old worn ZP parachute it can be hard to notice the difference by shaking, packing or feeling it. Old worn ZP will not be ZP, it will let air through. So? Is the question for "just knowing" or safety? If i's because of safety and you want to know how much you can load the canopy or how old it is? Try packing it and see how it feels, is it slippery, does it hold air, etc. But if you only want to know what fabric it is you can most of the time see the difference. ZP has a square pattern that is easy to see.
  19. You kind of touched the subject that is one of the reasons why I don't like open source. Everyone keeps talking about open source as it's the new "sliced bread", but in my opinion it sucks! As you said, people don't want to fiddle around to get stuff working. Most people don't even know where to start. And then there is the obvious risk of the code beeing used as a "virus". Someone uses your code as the carrier of a virus or spysoftware or whatever. They do some changes to the open source code and install their stuff, then compile it and calls it "super kml flysight file" or something. With open source you only get the very few people that can read the code. Anyways, rant mode off Good luck with it. Don't forget that some people want the numbers as much as the kml.
  20. I see. Back in the days when I used C++ you could compile a exe-file. Is that not possible anymore?
  21. Why require internet conection to create a KML? Don't see the logic of that. What would the end user gain from having it web based? I know Paralog has a similar feature but it's also web based.
  22. I believe there was a post about that a few years ago. Yuri was the username if I remember correct, built one and mounted it on the chest. Can't remember all the details.
  23. Do you mean air density changes due to altitude/temperature/humidity or air density somehow affected by wind? I never heard of the later... Regardless, air density affects L and D equally, so even though the vertical and horizontal speeds will be affected, the resulting L/D (GR) should be unaffected, theoretically... Not that experienced myself to confirm or debunk though I think it will be easier and more accurate to use the data from weatherstations (if that exist). Normally you have a windspeed change of 10-20 knots (sometimes more) between FL100 and FL050, and a directionchange of 10 or so degrees. The direction doesn't make much difference but the stenght does. So if you "collect" upwind data first you normally have higher winds thus resulting in slower groundspeed. When you change direction and go downwind you normally have less wind. I believe your data will be inaccurate, but it could be worth a try. Good luck!