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Everything posted by Hellis

  1. You can use dubble sided tape or as I did, use 3M supervelcro
  2. I orderd one gsm/gps tracker that is about 1.4 cubic inches. And if my math is somewhat correct thats about the size of 1.2 sqft canopy. It arrived this morning at the currier but I can't pick it up, I'm going snowboarding soon and won't be home until monday.
  3. Yeah until their lawyers find out what you are using it for lol.. Already told them about that. This might sound odd, but the rest of the world doesn't care much about what people use their stuff to. Just recently I asked a company if a "rubber spring" could hold the weight of a person, and they gladly helped me with the questions and thought it would be a fun project to follow. Ok, back to topic. I got a trackingnumber now, so now finally something is heading this way. But I won't be home when the package comes here, so I won't have a new update until next week.
  4. I will never understand this logic. You have to use your main on basically 100% of jumps so why jump some ragged out/possibly out of trim "older" parachute? When I see people pack a $300 (if that) parachute into a $3000 rig I simply wonder, why? Because the main is something you have fun with and the rig is something that saves your life every time you leave the plane. Because a main with 10 patches and 5 cm out of trim is cheap but might still be airworthy ,and a poorly fitting rig is safety hazard. Because you spend up to 10 times more time in your harness than under your main. Because you can make more jumps on a new rig than on a new canopy..... ...And the list goes on 4. I'm assuming you're referring to slower pack times on a new canopy? Okay, it'll be slower in the beginning, but if it's safety we're talking about, is maybe dropping ~1-2 jump per day until it becomes less slippery really that big of a deal? Correct it's safety we're talking about. Having a new canopy and beeing a new jumper usually means a few packjobs become less than perfect. So buying a old and learn the skills first and then buy the shiny stuff when you know how to do it. Or what was your point bringing up the "safety" aspect?
  5. Facepalm is something you do when your mom doesn't want to give you a cookie after the dinner. I just gave you my reasons why I'm packing mine 300$ main into mine 3000$ rig. And that is what I advice people to buy when they have money only for one brand new item. You may disagree and that's fine, just don't overreact Cheers I agree with your list. And to add one more on the list, a old canopy is much easier to pack. I think it's very good advice to new jumpers to not buy a new canopy, if they really want a new harness the go ahead, but a old canopy is easier to pack and will help them learn the skills. I pack my $70 canopy in my 2012 Javelin FYI.
  6. But this link works. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWZGOVQbXQ8
  7. 24 -> 25 : how many jumps have you made with it? What time was it you turned it on on these two occasions? Could 02:20 be time, but not correct time?
  8. I have seen people add jumps to their dytters in the planeride up. I have heard people geting 100 or even 200 jumps during the off season here. And these logbooks have been checked before geting higher licenses or instructor ratings. So in myy opinion paper or electronic doesn't matter none of them is safe from fraud. Howver, if you download the jumps from your protrack to your computer you get a graph of the skydive, you don't get that on the "added" jumps. In my opinion, if you want to believe a logbook believe the jumptrack logbook.
  9. I have always believed that the numbers on the VISO is the airpressure. And 1017 sounds like the airpressure. But that is just a guess, I don't know for sure.
  10. A update.. Mailed him and no reply so far. I also found a different model that could work and contacted the manufactor, the reply came directly and seems very serious. Let's see what happens with this contact....
  11. Positive thoughts your way! lol Customs can be a PIA some times. Do you have the Customs Declaration number? You can use that to see where it was last processed, and get an idea of where it is in the system. Well he has not yet sent the trackers because he is affraid they will get cought in the customs. He then wanted me to replace half the units with a different model. Anyways, I will mail him tomorrow and see what's going on.
  12. I don't have one of those but I have seen them beeing used. I have a homemade elastic that I mount higher up on the arm away from the Viso. I *think* what could happen is that you want to look at the altitude but by misstake look at the very similar sized and shaped remote and think "goood camera is on". And then go back to focusing on the jump. Sometimes you et distracted and end up doing something you didn't intend to do in the first place. Such as going to the kitchen to get a glass of water and you end up opening the fridge instead. But as I said, I don't own one and can't comment on it. But less than 3 minutes with a sewing machine or perhaps 10 minutes of handtacking you end up with a seperate elastic you can place where you want and use at other times than skydiving.
  13. If I ever get them I think he is doing his best to trick me now. Apperently the logo of the gps is a problem for the local customs office.... Ehmm..
  14. My idea was to have it turned off untill you cutaway. But it's "complex", can fail, costs money, larger than it has to be, and there is this "law" about failing at the wrong time...
  15. All those ideas are correct and very nice to have. But they also cost a bunch and will increase the size of the unit making it harder to fit. As I understand it, this GPS has the GPS circuits turned off and once you ask for it's location it will be turned on and it takes a minute for it to send the reply sms. I have built (working) prototypes of turning on a device when needed. But it would cost to much to build both that and the device itself. EDIT: Meaning only on during the day that you jump? Well that's an easy fix... Just open the rig and push the button My idea is to mount the GPS on the side facing up when the rig is packed.
  16. Are you approaching this from a personal perspective (one for yourself), or do you have a marketable solution in your sights? GSM based tracking for a lost main isn't going to be a commercially viable option. It will be a fun project I'm sure, but you will have terrible battery life and cost of ownership will be high, due to needing a mobile contract or pay as you go plan for the tracker. For many dzs cell coverage is marginal at best which is another problem. Still a fun project though. You seem to know it all about every country. My humble opinion is: Battery life is something I'm a bit unsure of, I have looked at so many units with very little details. But if I remember correct about this tracker, it's 12 days standby. And that should be good enough for most. Even if you only get half of it, it's still one week for a 100% jumper or 2 weekends for weekend jumpers. I have never heard of a country that does not have prepaid simcards. I guess you don't have them down there, but the rest of the world does and it's a cheap option for this use. And about cell coverage, yes that could be a problem. But I don't think it's such a big problem as it's something to worry about. And everyone knows how well the phones work in the DZ area, so buying a GSM based tracking device with bad coverage DZ is not very smart.
  17. Are you approaching this from a personal perspective (one for yourself), or do you have a marketable solution in your sights? Well, I'm not planning on mounting 10 GPS trackers on one rig But I don't know yet. If it does work good, meaning it has OK accuracy and works as it's supposed to then I will sell the others and atleast wait until I get some true data from it. Basicly someone had to cutaway and could easily find it with the GPS. If all that happens then maybe. The unit I found is not water resistant, so it will not work for every one. And as much as I have tried to find something water resistant that is smal enough, it almost seems impossible for now. But if you have a loose fit you might be able to squeeze in a waterproof unit. EDIT: I got a message from my supplier that he will send my trackers tomorrow (monday), or some bricks or other junk that he will scam me with....
  18. Ok it's fun. But now lets be serious. How did you find the picture? What did you google on?
  19. Hellis

    What a dickhead!

    IMO, because he uploaded a 4 min video with less than 1 min of it beeing worth watching. You can even trim videos after uploading them to youtube I believe.
  20. Look at the analytics of the video and see what the trafic source is.
  21. Why use knots at all? I would use dacron as the structure part of the hammoc and then use type 8 and a frictionadapter to attach it to the trees. This way it's wide, easy to use, no need for knots and the lenght can easily be adapted for.
  22. I think I have found a GPS/GSM tracker that is suitable for the job. I have placed a order for 10 units (minimun order) to test it and see if it works. The only problem is the company is in China. And as I have read it can be problematic
  23. If used at optimum conditions. If not Good, but not that good.
  24. Faulty logic. Let's say that #1 had those 5 incidents in 10,000 jumps, and #2 had 10 incidents in 40,000 jumps. Which one do you think is more safe? And not only that, what type of incidents also matters. If one dz has 10 incidents regarding swooping and the next has 1 incident about student rig not maintained somehow, that tells me the first dz probably has better landingarea for swooping than the other.