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Everything posted by crutch

  1. :21:0 A wonderful Hog-Flop Boogie with the Skyvan. Fifteen tandems (my packer decided to jump all weekend, so I packed every one of them), 2 AFF's and 4 jumps on my new wingsuit, yahoo! blue skies, art
  2. I am the one trying not to yell at people for being stupid as I ride the pink bicycle out of the back of the plane! blue skies, art
  3. Good thing I have already reserved my packing slave! blue skies, art
  4. My understanding is the CASA is flying in Thursday evening. On friday, as soon as there are enough jumpers, we go. So let's all take the day off, oops, I forgot I don't work anymore. See ya'll there! blue skies, art
  5. Why poor Sid, you seen some of those Pink Mafia girls, we better make sure he is taking his vitamins! blue skies, art
  6. Mike, Sid is all yours! I found a packer that is very hungry and works cheap......uh oh, maybe I need to talk to Sid if I don't want to ride reserves all weekend. blue skies, art
  7. Come on down to the warm sun, hot skydives and cold beer! blue skies, art
  8. But of course! blue skies, art
  9. I heard he hired a packer for the weekend, so if you keep him on the plane and jumping, he should be so happy that he will be easy to keep under wraps (that and Dave throwing him an ocasional scrap of BBQ). blue skies, art
  10. Mike, there are lots of people wanting to see you and Kara jump! And I promise to keep the S&TA under control this year. blue skies, art
  11. Pullout is my vote, although I have had to put together a rig with a throwout (BOC) to do my birdman suit jumps with. I have had zero totals in about 4000 jumps with pullouts, so I have never thought of it as a problem. The biggest problem with people jumping pullouts is not pulling your arm far enough away from the container for the pilot chute to catch air (thus sitting on the burble on your back). blue skies, art
  12. Mike, it was the best weekend of jumping I have had in a long while, thanks to both you and Penny. We are already planning next year's trip! Maybe we can get the whole crew to come along with us next year! Oh yeah, in six months, there are some jumps to make around town blue skies, art
  13. Jason, thanks for an awesome event. Over the years I have attended many skydiving related events and this by far had to be one of the best run. Everything was very well done, so well in fact that even the weather hardly slow down the event. Thanks again and we will be back next year! blue skies, art
  14. Believe me, I cancelled a jump into a NFL game three weeks ago, it is a very tough call to make. In the end though, the staff of the team was very respectful of our decision and glad we were smart enough to know when to say when! blue skies, art
  15. jumpingbean001 is also coming along! blue skies, art
  16. Add me to the list! blue skies, art
  17. We have a lot of faith in you! It will be wonderful as always! blue skies, art
  18. Lots of four-way RW (was on a team). This really helps for exit purposes one and for just good plan old RW second. Being able to fly your slot without grips tends to carry over real well. I was also a s/l instructor at the time and put out a lot of students. The biggest thing though is the right attitude when you go to the course. You know in your heart if you are capable of accomplishing the tasks set out in the course. Being combative with the evaluators because your skills are lacking is a sure fire way to not pass. If you think you can just skate by, you won't! Nowadays the evaluators really work with you, being willing to learn really helps. blue skies, art
  19. Didn't have a coaches program when I got my rating! blue skies, art
  20. Here is one from the weekend! blue skies, art
  21. There should be! We have several new birdmen, including myself who are looking forward to the weekend. Lookout, I am picking up my S3 this week! blue skies, art
  22. Although, I have only paid for one of my helicopter jumps, and it was only ten bucks. I gotten to jump a Jolly Green Giant, Hughes 500, Sea Knight (small navy chinook) and a Kiola. blue skies, art
  23. I want to thank everyone on the jump and on the ground yesterday, ya'll all did a great job. Oh by the way, Mighty Dog will be buying beer this Saturday at Skydive Paltaka for his first "stadium" jump! blue skies, art