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Everything posted by Spy38W

  1. Did somebody say IKEA?
  2. website is http://www.egsky.com if you want any information other than that, pm me, and I'll give you some pms. -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  3. Oops, I was referring to the cat who pissed on SMF's rig... -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  4. No doubt, i'm all in favor of REDRUM in this case. I have my bedroom blocked off for rig storage since I started jumping. Yeah, he whined the first two nights, but then he knew, don't fuck with the rig room, else it's redrum for him... -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  5. What's up Andy, First let me start off by saying I'm a newbie too, and you should definitely check everything I say with an experienced instructor. Now I'll give a brief summation of my jumping (experience) (if you can call it that). my first jump off student status was a 10 way (supposed to be an 11 way, I was in, somebody else with a new jumpsuit was not). Jump 21 I was still like a new crack addict looking for a fix, so I packed in time to make a sunset load which only had one slot left so I tried a tracking dive. (I was too scared to exit at the same time as everybody else, and lagged wwwaaaayyyy behind and wasn't really part of the dive). Then I continued RW until 32 when I was packed again, but there weren't enough slots for my crew to do an RW dive so I started to work on my sit-flying. Since then I have been mixing RW and FF dives as the situation arises. My first really stable/satisfying sitfly was on jump 34. Right now I'm still at low numbers (46) and working on headdown flying. I have been getting more stable on every jump, and am positive that if I took a weekend to practice I could get stable after 3-5 jumps. Unfortunately(?) I'm also a jump pilot so I only get 1-2 jumps per weekend. Other than that all I can say is just keep with it. I had to cutaway on jumps 39 and 40 and almost gave up from discouragement, but (and only) through the help and support of others I made it through -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  6. Pressure altitude = displayed as the height above the standard datum plane when you adjust your altimeter to the standard sea level atmospheric pressure (29.92'' Hg). 1" HG is inversely proportional to 1000' of altitude Density altitude = Pressure altitude corrected for nonstandard temperature. Density altitude is more important in considering airfoil performance. I'm still new and stupid, so check with your local instructor before applying anything you read here. -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  7. Hrm, I'm in FL which I don't think lends itself to dustdevils (I could be wrong though), but I am a newbie. I am guessing I should be looking at additional thermals, especially when crossing over transitions from cool river/trees to hot runways/blacktop etc, but could you elaborate on anything I might have missed? I'm still new and dumb -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  8. So, are you saying it's swoop huntin season?
  9. Hey MM, I was wondering what canopy you have and do you have a bridle extension? I mentioned that I was considering trying to psychopack to one rigger, wondering if he would be able to make a suitable extension for me, and he said I should need one. Also, one for the canopy manufactures, I'm fairly certain I recall seeing psychopack instructions on a couple of your website, but I was recently told by Aerodyne that nobody recommends it anymore? -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  10. Yeah, it did after the first two, anymore I'm used to it. -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  11. That was my intention, been doing some nice, smooth, consistent front riser dives to final on my 150, so I figured it would be cake on the (Raider 220?) that I was borrowing, what with the more forgivable canopy and all. Well, practiced some at altitude to get a feel for the altitude loss in a 270, then grabbed it to final and got a nice vertical landing... Hindsight, I should have gone downwind (stupid 15 mph winds)
  12. Oh yeah, what do you recommend do get ChromeBoy piss out of a household plant? -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  13. Try some chocolate sauce and whipped cream, then give me a call and I'll make you feel better.
  14. You're right, I just remembered when you mentioned the similiar scene in the second... Captain Oveur, Mr. Unger, Mr. Dunn ...Oveur was over Unger and Unger was over Dunn ...No, I thought Unger was over Oveur and Unger was under Dunn ..or something like that. My apologies -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  15. Try buying her a few drinks, usually works for me
  16. The cat or the rig ground? -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  17. ...And I'm post, I'm post whorin'
  18. You sure it's Airplane! and not part 2? -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  19. Miss Cleo sees a lot of prison time in your future
  20. That would be Airplane II: The Sequel, and stop calling me dave.
  21. Hehe, I had to borrow a student sized behemoth the other weekend while waiting for a reserve repack and decided to see what I could do with the front risers . I miss my tiny (to me) 150 -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...
  22. Sounds like another company I recently dealt with recently.
  23. Depends how many are on campus during the late night drunken base jump off the dorm I spose...
  24. ... It is also customary to order beer in sets of two. using the sign of two fingers up (like a peace sign but backwards) will be sufficient to let the barkeep know what you want. -- ~Captain Cutaway I can disassemble a rig in less than 5 seconds...