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Everything posted by dunderhead1

  1. amsterdam is supercool.....
  2. are you sure about that..i have heard few days...
  3. Here name is Stella...isn`t she lovely?
  4. wonder if they wear other protection than helmets
  5. hey man..., instead of listening to all of us faceless internet people on this board, why not give mr Bill Booth a call about your question...i think he will give you some very good advice.....(if you are serious about this and are not one of those trolls)
  6. you already have a spectre 170 and you are questioned if that`s a good idea...it might be an idea to ask that question before you bought it, don`t you think!?
  7. yes..i have always like the idea for using reserves as a main, for wingsuit flying) they always have great heading performance, but they are quite short lived...i guess the optimum is no exception I borrowed a old PD126 for a couple of jumps, and it opened fast but heading, this one had maybe more than 300 jumps but there was still some flare left in it
  8. what about the PD OPTIMUM reserve?...it has a freaking low pack-volume..
  9. 8 pages with replies, what do all this pages tell us?? well, i got good news folks.......PEOPLE DO CARE!!!
  10. well...it`s about your health..you wanna gamble about that go ahead, i guess you could land a Velocity 96 once, twice maybe 20 times with your experience without hurting yourself...but keep it your mind that when you downsizing a canopy, everything happens allot faster than you expecting and that`s really fun..but the fun part could take a "break" if you can`t handle unexpected factors like other jumpers in your way, turbulence, not reaching to the original LZ and have to land in a small road with overhung trees downwind(yes that would happend sooner or later). So think about it, if your planning on doing this in the long run it wouldn`t kill you to take it easy with the downsizing.. Take it as a friendly advice
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lDBrdl2sZWs...i don`t know if this is one of this millions repost, but what exactly happends here...i mean, what did the "tandempilot" attached Travis with?? someone here who know the whole story?
  12. what...1 hour since your first jump, and you are sitting in front of a computer..you should drinking beer right now......ohh, your 13 years old congrats hehe...
  13. i vote for Spectre..,this has always been nice to me
  14. Freda can be my student. you like milf?http://www.twistinthedark.net/fridalink.htm
  15. hmmm, i think i rather prefer the Phantom instead of this shadow suit(too much wingarea)..and it looks like i could do running exits with it to..
  16. ????okay.....that was new for me...heard any release date?
  17. i have no idea if the rig was "pushed off" my back....i owned a skyflyer3 before this s-fly, and with this suits i had no worries about pulling...but this was a beast to fly...the suit controlled my all the way hehe.....
  18. im glad im not one of your students...you forget to check his leg-straps
  19. i like to have my suit as simple as possible..i doubt i never would fly a Vampire or another one with large wings..so if i could avoid a pouch it would be the best..
  20. Hi, Last year i owned and flew a S-fly expert ..great suit, easy to fly but i personally find it difficult to pull..some times i needed a few attempts to pull it(arched like a mother)..since my main goal with this suits was mountain flying i decided to sell it and keep it going with my track pants.. But i haven`t give up mountain flying yet.. i have looked at the Phantom, none of my friends are flying this one so i haven`t try it.. Has the Phantom an easier access to the pilotchute than the S-fly?? and is it easy to fly..? the armwings looks a little smaller on the Phantom.. thanks...
  21. allright, thanks..i think moneybookers have the same fee...but i have never heard about it before a guy contacted me for buying some stash from me, and he wanted to use this transfer
  22. what about Moneybookers..is this good stuff??