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Everything posted by DangerRoo

  1. DangerRoo


    BWAHAHAHAHA Don you crack me up and we all know how much you truly love your wife, she is an amazing women! enjoy life, it was just a question!! lol (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  2. Hey Roo, how much to buy that outfit from ya? Can you ship it priority overnight? lol why I can definatly get that to you, but I no longer have the wig, it went missing lol (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  3. oh well then thats the problem, my number is 13 (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  4. lol hmmmm I must have missed that one (knowing me I was wandering around talking and laughing with people) (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  5. Gonzo!! loved meeting you!! had fun singin and hangin out at the bonfires! (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  6. DangerRoo


    also sometimes (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  7. You guys are way to much fun!!! I had a blast!! thank you everyone and I cant wait to see guys again!! (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  8. im coming from.... kaPOWsin lol its just fun to say! K cindy, Im ready!! (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  9. welcome home (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  10. I agree. This family rocks and I love you all. Why not help out and move some freakin stuff or go get a land off jumper, take out the trash, what ever.... we should all be helping out when we can to keep the boogies and less stress on the awesome people it takes to bring them to us. (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  11. I love Lisa!!!!! muah !!!!!! (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  12. Id love to!! have no idea how or where but ... Im sure "Someone" could show me the ropes sometime We have a boogie over at westplains for memorial weekend its in Ritzville WA, the east side... cindy and doc's gig then in Aug, we have Leap for Lupus here at kaPOWsin you all should come for that!!! (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  13. Amature drinkers damn I cant make it out there for a while due to funds would love to see you all again, maybe you guys could come over this way sometime? (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  14. is the only airport for them to come in at seatac? or is there something closer to the boogie? (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  15. AGREEED!!!! what a great surprise!! muah! (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  16. WAHHOOO I need to see you!! (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  17. LOL you were so fun!! thanks for trappin me in the trunk, ya frickin scottish bad ass!! that was a first! Thank you Aardvark, Appolard, & Goofyjumper, it was so crazy and fun to stay with ya... Absolutly loved meeting all of you and hangin with some great friends again! That was a fantastic boogie, thanks for all the work that went into it! Bolas as far as: I have had great mentors in corruption, but we just supplied the outfits.... you were very willing lol Glad you made it back that night to the bonfire lol Psycho, your the best and that punch was mmmmm tasty!! thanks for filling up my yard glass lol! I'll pass on a big hello to John for ya! We cant forget all the great jello & pudding shots that were passing around too, thanks everyone! Cant wait to see you all again! (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  18. 4thed HELLL YA!!! 5thed for sure! I had a fantastic time! Loved meeting some new trouble and hanging out again with the known trouble!! Muah!!! cant wait to see you all again... (I.C.D#2 VP) "
  19. Dangerroo has been found back in WA I got delayed in atlanta and just got home!! lol awhhh what a blast! (I.C.D#2 VP) "