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Everything posted by Capt.Slog

  1. I'm on the record as to being not thrilled with GMs management. However, publicly traded companies are owned by shareholders. This was a loan, not a stock-purchase, and therefore, the stockholders have just been sidestepped completely. Just wait, the next CEO will not be voted in by the Board of Directors or shareholders in a clean fashion. Now that the government has their finger in this, they will not remove it. When a business goes to a bank for a loan, the bank can make conditions. In this case the banks have so screwed themselves (and the rest of us) that the only available lender is the govt. So the govt. gets to make conditions instead. Conditions are set prior to the loan. . Right, and GM is asking for another.
  2. Please cease misquoting me. Then try adding something constructive, like what law you would like to see passed that would stop nuts from obtaining guns. and here is another one It virtually pointless to discuss laws, I've tried and all I get is the "criminal/nutters will find a way around laws" response. I agree some will but I would be OK with laws that lead to a reduction in gun crime not just those that eliminate it. I would start with with mandatory federal mental and criminal checks on all gun sales including private transfer of ownership, lack of screening and gun running are serious problems that need to be tackled. There IS a mandatory mental check - on the form the buyer is asked if he (or she) is a nutter. If they respond "no", then they pass. Effective, eh? The laws are so weak due to the influence of the gun lobby that they might as well not exist at all.
  3. again, proof that "fair" is a totally subjective and politically driven term - net/net? someone wants a free ride at another's expense. Which is why the "Fair Tax (TM)" proposal is absurd.
  4. 1-Was this a massacre? What's the body count? Patience - you only ever have to wait an hour or two and you'll get your body count.
  5. Psst - that graph timeline ended two months ago. The latest polls show less traction than in January, although a 60% approval rating is still pretty good, considering all the financial-management missteps of late. s. Obama approval 62% this a.m. according to Gallup. He could lose 1/2 of his support and still be doing better than the Republicans. This one from Gallup: shows significant increase in American satisfaction with the state of the nation since Obama took over.
  6. To paraphrase John Rich, a few shooting massacres are a small price to pay for the right of nutters to claim they are sane without anyone checking up to see if they are telling the truth.
  7. Is this an official endorsement of tax cheating by the right?
  8. Sure, there are other people at fault too (and those aren't aliens from Jupiter either). However ultimately the starting point was the guy who signed up for the mortgage he knew he cannot afford. Then it went to the banks, then to the Wall Street or Fannie, and now the rest of us is paying for that. It started before that. If no one had offered a mortgage they knew he could not afford, he couldn't have signed up for it, and the mortgage could not have been resold. If the mortgages could not be "securitized" and taken off the immediate lenders' books, the immediate lenders would have exercized due diligence like they did in the past. As it was, the relaxed rules made it (short term) profitable for banks and especially brokers to make NINJA loans. And why did the ratings agencies like Moodys rate this crap as "AAA"?
  9. I'm not surprised. How could one blame a real estate "investor" he sees in the mirrors? The one who knowingly signed up for a loan he knew he could afford? Of course it is always someone's else fault! I seriously doubt that 80% of Americans are real estate "investors". There have been real estate investors for centuries without precipitating a financial crisis of this magnitude. Unregulated derivatives traders, however, are a fairly recent phenomenon.
  10. That sounds fair. If the liberals are going to get rid of all of our jobs, then they can pay our way. Funny man. I think you'll find that the massive job losses of the past few months have been the direct result of unregulated capitalism.
  11. It's cruel the way you use FACTS in threads like this. It must be so frustrating for the Republicans. No wonder 80% of Americans blame Republicans for the economic crisis (Gallup).
  12. No one said Bush did it. Gramm did it by deregulating the derivatives business.
  13. In your desperate anxiety to slam Obama, you hava developed a really bad case of "sentence first, trial later."
  14. The ban on guns in the park is not for the protection of animals. Note the part of the sign that says "Fight back." If you don't like the rules of a PARK, you don't have to go there. If you're concerned about an encounter with a wild animal, stay the fuck away from ITS home.
  15. Here is a great example of ironic BS along a road I travel on my bicycle. Read the yellow sign, then note the sign directly below it. "Yes, we know it is dangerous here, but you are not allowed to defend yourself." If you don't like the rules of a PARK, you don't have to go there. Humans have left precious little land in an unspoiled state as it is. If you want to see animals in a controlled environment, go to the zoo.
  16. So we can't afford the $600 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan. Then how come we can afford a $1,000 billion bailout package? I don't get it. You could try to think a little harder about who the beneficiaries are. On the whole I prefer my tax dollars to go to help Americans and the Us economy. Feel free to send as much of your money overseas as you wish.
  17. Creationism is neither science, nor a theory.
  18. You can slice it and dice it any way you wish, but the bottom line is that Alaskans ARE the biggest recipients of federal government welfare. And even if the stimulus money is rejected, Alaskans will STILL be the largest recipients.
  19. 50 million? Iraq population (according to CIA Fact Book) = 28,221,180 Cost of war will be way over $1T when all the bills are paid. It remains to be seen how free of tyranny they will be. Not even Obama spent $1T in one day. Misrepresenting facts does not enhance your credibility.
  20. Alaska gets the highest per-capita federal spending of any of the 50 states, and get the highest return ($1.83) of any of the 50 states for every tax dollar sent to Washington. Alaska has never in the past shown any reluctance to ask for more. I have to agree on "political opportunism"
  21. I happen to be very familiar with A. Finkl and Son (know the President, know the family, been in the plant, attended Chuck Finkl's funeral...). They make very large high quality steel and titanium forgings. I don't know their exact contribution to the F22 but the engine main shafts and disks would be quite likely, as would landing gear components. Even composite aircraft need engines.
  22. QuoteThese clowns weigh 250 pounds each and they're too fat to work? reply] They'd be called skinny in Tennessee.
  23. It wasn't Rudd's argument to begin with. That has already been debunked. Why don't you pay attention?