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Everything posted by tspillers

  1. Yes, I have talked to people who want to "just take their friends" now and then. I generally warn them that that is not a great idea. Taking a buddy and you aren't really proficient. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  2. I want to let everyone know since We had a Casa planned. I know the plane doesn't make this event, but some people were coming for that plane. I had a link posted, but it got changed. I posted to the 3 that are still being looked at. I found another that seemed dead so I didn't post there. Now everyone hopefully has the info. Can you follow me around at the boogie to count how many times I hear, "hey, that is a funny looking Casa." I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  3. Well, it looks like I have a haircut. Actually I have just been pulling my hair out. I was waiting for the fix to post. I have been losing sleep over this for a couple of days. Oh, and we have 24 pair of Gatorz in stock. Anyone place bets on how many will be left Thursday night (before everyone arrives)? OH, Saturday we start eating at 8:45 and the live band starts at 9. I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  4. Well, I have the lift ticket prices calculated. Based on our gouging fuel price, I feel pretty good about being able to keep last years price of $22 per slot. This is mostly due to the number of pre-registrants and the estimated turn out. This is the good news/bad news part. Not long after I calculated all of this, I received a call from the Fayards. They told me that due to shop problems, the Casa will not be available. After resisting the temptations to yell, throw things, etc. I was able to find an alternate 3 days before the event. The plane will now be a Skyvan. So the people practicing for Nationals will still have the tailgate as will the Bird men/women/children. I voiced some concerns from Skyfest. They can't do much about the noise. We have some earplugs though. They are sending a faster one than what we had at Skyfest. It also has bench seats in it. So they helped with the speed and comfort. About the heat....well it is suppose to below 90 for the weekend.... The really good part is that we can lower the prices to $20 per slot. On other notes: The menu is set for Saturday night. There will be prime rib for the beef lovers, fresh vegetables grilled in olive oil (no butter for the dairy-impaired), grilled chicken breast (just because), and pasta with white cream sauce for the vegetarians. The caterer will be serving the meal so there will be enough to go around. This caterer usually has plenty of food. There will be tea with the meal. As usual, we will have kegs. Kolla from PD will be here with demos from PD and products from RWS. The skyhook will be available to demo. And don't forget the "AOTMB Takes Over Duddley's Party" on Northgate Friday night! If you are wearing your AOTMB 2004 t-shirt, the beer (and cokes for those non-beer drinkers like QueenBee) is FREE! I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  5. Well, I have the lift ticket prices calculated. Based on our gouging fuel price, I feel pretty good about being able to keep last years price of $22 per slot. This is mostly due to the number of pre-registrants and the estimated turn out. This is the good news/bad news part. Not long after I calculated all of this, I received a call from the Fayards. They told me that due to shop problems, the Casa will not be available. After resisting the temptations to yell, throw things, etc. I was able to find an alternate 3 days before the event. The plane will now be a Skyvan. So the people practicing for Nationals will still have the tailgate as will the Bird men/women/children. I voiced some concerns from Skyfest. They can't do much about the noise. We have some earplugs though. They are sending a faster one than what we had at Skyfest. It also has bench seats in it. So they helped with the speed and comfort. About the heat....well it is suppose to below 90 for the weekend.... The really good part is that we can lower the prices to $20 per slot. On other notes: The menu is set for Saturday night. There will be prime rib for the beef lovers, fresh vegetables grilled in olive oil (no butter for the dairy-impaired), grilled chicken breast (just because), and pasta with white cream sauce for the vegetarians. The caterer will be serving the meal so there will be enough to go around. This caterer usually has plenty of food. There will be tea with the meal. As usual, we will have kegs. Kolla from PD will be here with demos from PD and products from RWS. The skyhook will be available to demo. And don't forget the "AOTMB Takes Over Duddley's Party" on Northgate Friday night! If you are wearing your AOTMB 2004 t-shirt, the beer (and cokes for those non-beer drinkers like QueenBee) is FREE! I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  6. Udate on the boogie I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  7. Update on the boogie I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  8. Yes, then we could put him to work... I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  9. I think there is a relationship between your total number of tandems as well. Just like jumping. If you have 100 jumps vs 1000, you probably need more to be current. I think this would apply with tandems as well. I am approaching 1000 tandems. I think I could be current at 50 a year. (Like that is gonna happen). Trying to give staff all the work I still do closer to 200 a year. The other issue of course is recency. Do 500 tandems between Jan 1 an Sept 31. By December 1 are you really current. Legally yes.... I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  10. We can put you on it and have turtle pull you there... I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  11. Didn't you do a braked approach during your student progression? After all, it is one of the requirements for an A license? If you did, how did it go and how much brakes were you using on approach? I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  12. Hopefully you told Kelly where you got the number. I should have told you to tell him not to misplace your rig and forget about it. Just friendly jabbing. He did some repairs on mine and thought he had shipped it 2-3 weeks prior to my calling him. Once he figured it out though, he overnited it to me at his expense. I had told him on a Wed afternoon that I wouldn't need it till the following Tuesday. It was in the air that weekend. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  13. 253-445-8790 I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  14. Of course...... I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  15. Makes sense...Have you tried it on a tandem? I may have to try it. We had a ride this weekend I believe due to the lines. We didn't have accurate records when we started with this rig, but I estimate we have close to 400 jumps on those lines. We will know in the future as we now track every time a specific tandem is used or items replaced. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  16. There are so many factors that can come into play. I believe though that one of them has to do with the lines. The Dacron used on Sigmas are better for openings (stretch with opening shock), but as they wear, they become clingly and attrack one another. This is why it is recommended to replace them around 300 jumps. Many people take them to 500. Some take them until they are way overdue. Of course there are also many factors that can effect the number of jumps you can get out of the lines as well. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  17. She was just trying to do that freefly thing..... I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  18. Just make sure you splash some tequilla...or is that to-kill-ya on you in the morning and you should be fine.... I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  19. 0800....bwah. I have to be at the DZ at 0700. We more victi...I mean, unsupspec....I mean vistiors this time...
  20. Thursday Night might be appropriate.... I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  21. You mean you couldn't find any trashcan punch? I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  22. That shouldn't be that hard to do. I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  23. Does he have 50 or so jumps? If so, then it was probably the 79 I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  24. Great post. I have been lurking these threads and I guess I'll break down and jump in here. Let's hope that his guys is better than the average bear and let's hope he is getting some coaching, although many of us will diagree with what he seems to be getting told from his 10,000 jump instructor. Maybe he will get lucky and not serious hurt himslef. The other side is IF all of this works out and he gets to a crossbraced 2:1 or higher. Then from what I have seen, he will likely be the guy doing less than perfect approaches, digging out, making turns that kill speed, and thinking he is doing great with a 200' swoop. The skills needed should be learned now during a conservative loading and approach. In 50 jumps, it is impossible to do every manuever that the canopy will do in multiple situations: different temps, humidity, winds, etc. I can generally giver someone with 100 jumps a set of tasks that takes them another 50 jumps just get marginally adequate with that they really need to have before doing the things this guy is doing. I will say what so many before have said to this guy. Back off, get around a 1:1 and learn the basic skills. Even if you don't care about the risk, learn the skills so you can be that guy that make a nice, consistent, accurate swoop in the future. If you keep doing what you are, I hope that you get away some day with only having to back up and learn skills that you skipped over now. Todd I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.
  25. Silly girl.....when will you learn.....flattery will get you everywhere. How about this? We will add it to your Saturday's Day rental IF no one else is wanted it on Friday. I am not totally useless, I can be used as a bad example.