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Everything posted by dbattman

  1. Do the paperwork and the test and keep it with you. You are now C 'qualified' which is generally accepted for license requirements (but not always).
  2. Do you want to play tic-tac-toc How about a nice game of chess?
  3. Don't hate us guys. We have bills and families and kids that need to eat like everyone else. We're just doing our jobs. Don't pick on us. Bwahahaha! Be careful where you place your loyalties. That is, if you're for real and not another B&C troll pretending to be another employee, or a satisfied customer, or a dropzone that is just pleased as punch with Skyride.
  4. Oooooo! Time to make some popcorn and get a new beer. This should be fun! Much better than CATS! I'll watch it again and again.
  5. Mind explaining how Chris Martin's (RIP) phone started ringing in your office?
  6. Heh heh. Loads of fun here. www.419eater.com
  7. Don't anyone forget that Tigger's a pirahna killer!
  8. Always ready to hit the clubs, no matter the country Tigger power So why do ya do it Waldo? I'll give you five reasons right here . [Links from www.karenhawes.com Taken by and featuring various volunteers]
  9. Here is a picture of Waldo from Guyana at Mrs. Foo's B&B in Letham returning from the jungle with Remote Area Medical. While in-country he provided valuable medical services to the Amerindian villagers in Gunns and helped repair a nearby airstrip. 90 pound bags of gravel were carried, by hand, over a mile from the pit to the strip and spread out to raise the surface. Enough was covered and built up to allow use of the RAM air ambulance during the heavy rainy season where previously it was unusable for months. This airstrip is their emergency lifeline to the outside world as the only other means of egress are a two-week canoe trip upriver or a four day hike (minimum) over a recently cut 70 mile trail from the savanah to the village. When volunteers were requested to test using the DC-3 to airdrop supplies and medical teams Waldo joined us for a test jump back into the mountains of TN. Additional supplies were brought in by truck and a weekend clinic performed hundreds of eye exams, gave out glasses and frames, and relieved people from constant tooth pain. Later that night we found the local watering hole and Waldo immediately made friends with the locals and scored us some 'drink' for the campfire. Katrina smashed into the coastline and Waldo again answered the call for help. He rolled out with the group and delivered food, water, medicine, and provided care to the people in the outlying areas that were missed by the larger relief forces. He was a welcome site rolling up to a fire station with two stressed out medics, no supplies, and dozens of people looking for help. With his chosen profession and volunteer work there are many people who are alive today and will receive help in the future. I would ask everyone to do a good act or provide a service to help out another person in Waldo's memory. He will be sorely missed. Three card guts and the smile that scored us the 'shine'
  10. Welcome to our world! High altitude jumps rock. You can find places that will take you up to 22,500 with O2 hookups in the plane (Boogie event or organized in advance) and if you're really daring you can hit 29,000 in TN (used to be higher, but the FAA put a new limit on it). That requires additional ground training, hyperbaric chamber testing for hypoxia and you look like a friggin space alien with the helmet, facemask, O2 bottles on the belly. I gotta do that one sometime (with video/stills, of course).
  11. DZMEMORIES was out taking tons of pics. Check out their site for all the cool stuff you missed.
  12. The back end of an Otter can be pretty cramped particularly with a full load. As our eight way was first out we were in the back ready to stack at the door light. The door slid down and it hit the back of my rig as I wasn't squatted down enough to totally clear the arc. I reached back to check my flap and hackey and it definitely didn't feel right. The door had popped the flap open on my G3 (they close UP into the container) and the pin was exposed. I got a quick close and check from my neighbor and another pair of sharp eyes caught one of our outsides with on open flap just as the green was coming on. Check your stuff people! Check your buddies stuff! The life you save could be the entire load.
  13. Why do I always start getting a friggin cold when this comes up? Grrrrrr!
  14. Very interesting video. Man standing facing the wall, half looking over his shoulder waiting for the police with his hands behind his back. Two police come over, mounted PD moves the horse over in front of the camera, glimpses can be seen of forarms and fists, 64 year old man lying on the ground with blood and gore coming off his head.
  15. How cold does it get at the North Pole? It gets jumped ona regular basis.
  16. I prefer to hear things like this along with the entire discussion, speech, debate, whatever to get the proper context. This was apparently a discussion arguing the pro life position based on the tax revenues collection from abortions had they been allowed to be born and grow up. Wild, wacky, far out there conclusions and extrapoplations were being discussed. The relevant section of the transcript is posted here. Radio transcript
  17. I did some checking and it turns out quite a few newer model domestic cars are already 'green' cars that can handle up to E-85. Is your car bi-fuel ready?
  18. Cutaway #2 for me was somewhere between 800-1200 feet over the hi-voltage power lines East of Monroe Airport . For some reason, I completely forgot about my gear and target-fixated on a field a few hundred feet in front of me with a barbed wire fence down the middle and a dozen junked cars on the other side. Managed to stand up the Raven with only one knee brushing the dirt, though. Rigger got a NOICE tip on the repack, too.
  19. Local rumor has it that one of the Atlanta locals, the one and only Jamie Johnson, has been good enough to bring us out a group of gen-u-ine 'old-school' for a little informal group RW stuff. That should be fun. If that wasn't good enough, this little shin-ding has peaked the interest of Mr. RoamingDZ himself and his always plentiful and scrumdilicious BBQ. To top it off, I believe I saw Heine in a mini-keg at the store. Mmmmm, I may want to bring the old hammock out of the closet for this one. Yes, indeedy, I do believe this will be fun fun fun! Just think, you can come out and have some fun with us and afterwards eat the famous-from-slightly-north-of-here-over-towards-Savanah-and -down-to-around-South-of-the-Macon-area RoamingDZ BBQ! To top off this fabulous offer we will offer you the chance to funnel out not one, not two, but most likely at least three WORLD CLASS COMPETITIVE SKYDIVERS! How can you turn that down? I'll be brushing off my go-low gripper suit for this one. Watch out- here comes the Vortex! Check the site for updates. http://www.skydivemonroe.com/forum/
  20. Packing is really, really, funny. The neat ones go in nice, but the ugly ones tend to be better openings. What I think goes on is the neat ones pop out faster and more of it catches the air at once. The ugly ones kinda wave around and open slower. There are other factors involved like shoving the slider back down the center of the pack job when it's in the bag and such. Stows and rubber bands seem to make a difference as well. Really short stows would not absorb the snatch force as much as stows about three inches long. Loose bands can also lead to line dump which is a killer on tandems. It's as much dependent on the canopy as the packer. Find out what works and stick with it.
  21. In reference to the BJ poll, let's hear it from the other half. Assume both will get ya off.
  22. What? No questions about my mother?
  23. I think I remember that (vaguely- I was only 17). I always thought that was a little more of a setup to make Bush Sr look bad. But then again, I was just a kid back then. Gotta wonder though, what happened to turn him into what he is today? I still find the original thread subject disturbing. No one has any business going in there until the Guard can back them up. Doing otherwise would just make things worse as they need to start rescue ops for the rescue workers.
  24. How many KW do you think it would take to power a small car on a straight electric, something like an EV1? I've always been curious about the possibility of swapping out some of the battery packs for an electric generator. You'd still need storage to handle the peak acceleration load, but once you're up to speed how much continuous power do you think would be required. Had an old roommate who's father leased an EV1 from Georgia Power as part of their fleet requirements. Great car, loved driving it.