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Everything posted by Thanatos340

  1. I am Thinking Ski Slope. A Nice Loosely packed but properly groomed slope that is close to the angle of decent. I dont know if landing a wingsuit can be done or not, But I would be willing to bet that it WILL be attempted with the next couple years.
  2. As someone who went through AFF at Rome under Sandor Vali, I would like to know Exactly what you mean by this? The USPA seemed to have absolutely no problem issuing my license based on training there (Which was always Done EXACTLY by the book). Although I can definitely believe that ASC would be glad to tell students this so they can sell them more AFF jumps. Sandor Vali is one Hell of an AFF Instructor who does everything by the book and passes his knowledge on for free every chance he gets. How about telling the whole truth?? Those people paid Ron Green who Owned Atlanta Air Sportz which used to be located at the Rome airport and went out of business almost 3 years ago. Georgia Skydiving Center didn’t even exist then. From what Rigger?? The only two Riggers that I know of that have ever done work around that DZ are Frank Wilson (Who now Jumps at the Farm) and Norm Johnson who does work for many different DZ`s and is not associated with any particular DZ. If you are going to Name Names, Then do it. Which one of these riggers are you accusing of shoddy work? This entire name calling/ DZ Rivalry shit is just that SHIT. It makes everyone look bad. If you really want to make a difference at ASC, Try telling their sales people to Stop lying about who they are and/or where they are. A little honesty every now and then. Get the "Management" to remove all stolen material from their Websites. Stop creating Web Sites for Dropzones that don’t exist. Drop the Bullshit "Extra Fee" you charge you charge Tandems for the "Big Plane Fee" or "Extra Altitude" that they are not aware of until they get there. Basically, Adopt and Enforce a Code of Ethics.
  3. I am guilty of every thing you listed. I go to the dropzone every weekend to get in couple of jumps and then hang out with friends. I am not there to see how many jumps I can get in or to push myself to become a skygod, I just want to have a fun and be safe. The last thing I want to do is to get so serious about jumping that I forget that I am here to enjoy myself. I think that there are allot of other "Fun" jumpers that may feel the same way. I try to always remember the 3 rules of skydiving that were told to me by my Instructor on my first jump: 1. Be Safe 2. Have Fun 3. Look Good for the Camera. As for Skydiving being a "Sport", I usually think of a Sport as a Competitive Activity. I am not at a Dropzone to Compete with anyone. Ironically, Websters Dictionary defines Sport as: Main Entry: sport Function: noun 1 a : a source of diversion : RECREATION b : sexual play c (1) : physical activity engaged in for pleasure (2) : a particular activity (as an athletic game) so engaged in. synonym see FUN A for a DZ being a Venue to just get Laid... All the ones I have ever been to the Guys out numbered the girls at least 6 to 1. Definitely not the first place I would head if just looking to get laid. Much better odds elsewhere.
  4. There is absolutely no way I could ever choose between You and those other Hotties. Nope. No way. Cant do that to me. Everyone is going to have to be on the same Flight. (However if it happens where you Girls end up on Different Flights, I of course can be bribed.)
  5. Flying down sounds like a better plan. So How big a Cooler can I fit in a Sizewise Thingy? I will also be renting an SUV when I get down there so I can Haul quite a Few people and Gear from the airport to the DZ as well.
  6. Someone has to have to keep Blueskyserenity and Mouth supplied with all those jello shots for the ride down. Add me to the attendees list. Its a Dangerous Job, But someone has to do it!!
  7. Lee, I dont know what he is worried about. The last few times I saw you play, you were not in the game long enough to accumulate any chips to dump to your lovely wife. Brandon, All I hear is a bunch of smack talk. We can set up an Ogre free side game just for you and I will personally stake either of our reigning Champs as long as your dead money is in the game. Sound like the Calcutta, Last Longers and Side Bets will be a little more active this time. Lee, you guys planning on coming up Thursday the 9th so we can go play some of those bigger tournaments I told you about?
  8. Careful there Girl!! Please dont set him off again.
  9. Freash Rosated Peanuts or Nitromethane. I love the smell in the air after a Top Fuel Dragster or FC makes a Pass.
  10. Georgia Skydiving Center (Rome) - 50 Miles (1 Hour Drive) Skydive the Farm - 45 Miles (50 Minute Drive)
  11. Same Here. I have the whole day Free. Any DZ going to try to get any loads up on Thanksgiving day?
  12. My Family is asking me for Christmas wish list and I though I would add a Few Skydiving DVD`s. I already have Good Stuff and Rantoul 2002, looking for others that are similar. Which ones would you recommend?
  13. We might have to start another thread just for the biloxi/Moss Point trip. I dont want to Hijack this one for planning a trip to another DZ. And I dont think this will qualify as AN Event so we may have to do it in Bonfire. I will talk to Spence and See if we can make it a Roaming DZ outing. It also might be nice to Warn Moss Point that we are coming once we set dates.
  14. You and Jess can teach me how to get Lucky anytime!! Actually Lee, What we should do is just Bank Roll Brandy and Jess and let them play Poker while we hang back at the bar and drink. Put those girls to work!!
  15. Sorry, I cant beleive I forgot abot Sage. Yes she entered and played a Good Game but came up a little short. We will do it again at the December Boogie. Everyone let me know if you want trophys made up again. Hans and Greg really need to bring back that Helicopterfo that one.
  16. I got to congratulate the Ladies for Dominating the Poker Tournament. I have said it before and I will say it again, “Poker is a game of Deception! Therefore Women have a Natural Advantage. 2 Women entered the tournament and 16 guys, 1st Place was Jess and Brandy took Second. Well-done girls. Oh and Congrats to Blaine who took third and would like to show you his trophy. Between the Skyvan and the helicopter and the typical Farm Friday and Saturday Night, It was great weekend in spite of the weather. Greg and Hans, Thanks for giving us such a great place to play.
  17. Patsy Cline. Nothing gets the blood flowing to all the right places faster. Then after things get going, Something like DRI, GBH or some other old school Hard-Core to set the pace.
  18. I just made reservation at the Holiday Inn for Me and my Brother for staurday night. You wanna trade Roomates?
  19. I am still trying to line up a couple more dealers for the game on Saturday night. It seems all the local regular dealers actually insist on getting paid way too much now that every bar in town has a Holdem Night. My Brother will be back to deal one of the tables but if you guys want my dead money in the game instead of pitching cards, I will need to find two more dealers. Any Volenteers?
  20. OK, I will add atleast 2 sets of Boxing Gloves (16 oz so no one get too hurt) and head gear to the list of SHIT I am loading into the trailer friday night. Blaine and Shimmy would be an amusing match up... I got $1 on the tree hugger.
  21. Listen to what everyone is saying about waiting just a little while before buying new custom gear. At 25 Jumps, I lucked into a deal on complete Aerodyne Rig that was way too good to pass up. I ended up getting an Icon I6 and Pilot 188 which was (and still is for the most part) appropriate for me. Now here I am a few months later and know that I will be buying a Pilot 168 before the end of the year. The problem is that a 168 main will be a little loose in my I6 and I will not be able to go smaller after that in that container. So really, I need a new container too, If not now then within a year or so as I will probably settle into a 150 main eventually. I love my Icon but I have one of the first generation rigs that have the Thinner closing flaps and the rig looks distorted if the pack job is not perfect. This is not an issue with the newer Icons as they stiffened up the side flaps on the newer design (so I was told). That is even more motivation for me to sell my brand new rig and buy another one since I am one of those vain jumpers that likes his gear to look good too. If I had just waited a few months, I would have bought what I really needed to begin with. Aerodyne Gear is great and the deals cannot be beat. Just make sure you get gear that will last you for few years before you buy custom gear.
  22. Lets see If I got this right: Unlimited Jumps from the Porter, The 185 and the SKYVAN all for $110. Cheap Helicopter Jumps (Any Final word yet on the Cost Hans? No More than $30 a Jump, Right?) Huge Ass 3 Table Texas Holdem Tournament on Saturday Night. (Trophies and Cash to the winners) Keg of New Castle provided by Ben on top of all the Beer to be provided by the DZ. 100`s of Jello Shots (and the Jello Brain just for Brandi) (Chiquita, Bring your best shots.. We pick 5 Judges at Random for a Blind taste test!! Loser swims the pond.. What do you say?? u up to the challenge?) Rodriguez Initiations Ky-Jelly Wrestling Now it looks like we have Nighttime Relay Races across the Pond with a Free Helicopter jump to the Winner Sponcered by the Lee. (or is that a Free Jump for all Partisipants?) Am I missing anything?? Sound alot like another typical Boring ass weekend at The Farm. BTW Pruitt says it might Rain so everyone stay Home, OK.
  23. With easy money like you there, It would be Foolish not to.