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Everything posted by jm951

  1. I was watching Kent state on a bw TV with rabbit ears, didn't have to learn about it after the fact in a classroom. Note that the Nat Guard troops were using M1 rifles (each with capacity of 8 rounds) chambered for a 3006 round. They "only" killed 4 out of how many shots fired on unarmed demonstrators? If each of the Nat Guard guys took careful aim at a body, and only fired say 2 shots, what would the body count have been? Think that one through for a minute. Either they were really horrible shots, or a bunch of guys were bird hunting. I know quite a few military folks, both my sons are military. The average soldier would either refuse the order or shoot high. There will be a couple that would go ahead and do the deed. For more information about this phenom, read "On Killing" by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman. Note the effective rate of fire of infantry in COMBAT against a defined enemy. Think they'll maintain that same lousy percentage against their family, friends and countrymen?
  2. jm951


    In reading all this stuff about vacx, I'd like to point out something those opposed to vacx miss. My wife is a pre K teacher. Parents bring their kids to school with high fevers, doped up on tylenol and with noses running like a niagara slime falls. Many of these kids have strep, flu, or some other un-named disease. The diseases get passed along among the kids AND the staff who care for them. Vacx for major problem illnesses when the patient participates in a public setting are a very good idea. I say this because it lessens the risk to the general population from the disease. It's very inconsiderate of these parents to drop off sick kids at school in the first place. The rest of the thinking, responsible parents then have to stay home with their sick children, and many times the staff wind up paying medical bills for personal treatment and missing work. All this because a clueless parent didn't want to be inconvenienced by a sick child. This school year alone, my wife has contracted strep 3 times and had 2 ear infections from this type of behavior.
  3. Those who think the US military would blindly follow orders to fire on their own populace are sadly mistaken. Some soldiers would, but the vast majority would refuse or suddenly become horrible shots.
  4. maybe this is a dumb question, but do all container manufacturers use the same measurement system?
  5. Why should we have another amendment if some can't even agree what the meaning of "is" is? If those folks don't get the result they want, they'll twist the language to interpret the meaning they're after.
  6. Now that the last of my kids will leave the house for higher education, my policy of not replacing the exhibits in the zoo is paying off. We're down to 2 geriatric cats and a dog.
  7. In case any of you haven't attended a gun show lately, if you try to purchase from a dealer at the show, you will have to produce proper ID, fill out the relevant paperwork (in the case of a handgun- permits must be present) and then the dealer runs an on the spot background check through the NIC system. Some transactions are conducted in the parking lot between private individuals. Buyer beware on that type of thing. Sting operations have been conducted in this manner and I'll never sell that way.
  8. In the movie he is a bit of a mad dog killer type.
  9. I just have to wonder what incident prompted the elected officials to pass these laws. I'd be the records of the debate would make for some very entertaining reading.
  10. I'll post this again- think you're safe from the cops?? Read this report from the CATO Institute- Wrong address raids are NOT uncommon.
  11. Nightingale- don't bother with Kallen, he wouldn't follow the links I provided because they were on an NRA and GOA site, even though the links were to .gov sites. He isn't interested in facts. Put your time to better use, pass the bar. Good luck on the test!!
  12. That's a still from a scifi flick called Zardoz.
  13. Kallend-- the link is the link. It might start on an NRA or GOA page, but goes to a .gov site. If you choose not to reference it, we have nothing further to discuss. Bill--- well said.
  14. Even if the source is the FBI and DoJ and the NRA just links to them? Afraid of something you might find out?
  15. If things are tending to steady state, why should "higher" forms of life evolve from lower ones?
  16. For convenience, I provide links to two sources that link to the references you're asking for. IF you hold your nose that it's the NRA or GOA and choose to ignore that they reference publically available material, then you're being intellectually dishonest and rational discussion is not possible on this topic. follow the sites listed in the notes section, straight from BATF, FBI and others again, follow sites listed in the notes
  17. 2nd law- my arthritic bad on the keys- If systems tend towards entropy, or a steady state, how could the universe have developed as some would postulate without ID or a creator? Where did it come from in the first place, how did it develop to this point (higher and higher life forms)? Are you willing to blindly believe that it all just "happened"?
  18. I'm not happy with the current Repubs, but the Dems offer literally nothing, in fact, they have a history of pushing gun control on the law abiding instead of locking up the crooks. So we gun owners have to vote as best we can. If you think we gun owners aren't watching, you should hang out on some of the firearms boards. If you knew everything that got proposed you'd wonder if we had a politburo instead of Congress.
  19. I could cite FBI stats, DOJ stats, and tons of anecdotal and historical evidence to the contrary of the gun control advocates position. They won't change their minds, so your saying reasoned evidence might "sway" somebody is more than likely a false assertion. It boils down to some people don't like the fact that others don't like the gvt or anybody else messing around with their personal freedom and security. Those same people will vote for expansion of the fedgvt and more rules and regs until freedom is a distant memory.
  20. +1 for Ravi I also like to hear this guy speak-
  21. I think it takes more faith to believe the universe happened at random a long time ago, all by chance. Some would dispute even Intelligent Design, but whatever happened to that 3rd Law of Thermodynamics, you know, the one of all systems tending to entropy?
  22. I'm kinda falling in line with Steve & shorty, as I age, see more stuff happen, I get more convinced of my belief. I know people personally who have died and came back. Not a casual NDE, but total flat lines, all monitors for over thrity minutes. I'm convinced. So you can believe in the Great Punkin or whatever. One day, you're going to find that you were mistaken.
  23. I believe in God and trust in Christ, and don't much care what you might think about it. Folks back 2k years ago were killed for it, your name calling is lightweight stuff.
  24. Read the report on the rise in SWAT squads and warrantless searches. You'll be shocked at how often this happens.