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Everything posted by Butters

  1. That real change isn't going to come from Republicans or Democrats. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  2. Clinton talks tough on militants ahead of Pakistan trip Hillary is beginning to sound a lot like George. Just more of that change ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  3. While the poor may figure out how to vote themselves money the rich have figured out how to lobby themselves money. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  4. You should learn to take your own advice. Not my fault if you use inappropriate titles for the threads you start, and then make factual errors in your OPs. If it's not your fault then who should we blame? The education system ... wait, aren't you a part of the education system? Yes, you are. So I guess it is your fault. This thread has to many trolls and is beginning to smell ... have fun, I'm out. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  5. You should learn to take your own advice. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  6. Did I mention taxes? Yes. Did I mention income? No. Stop trolling, you're smelling up my thread ... If you weren't talking about income tax, then mea culpa....maybe you can expound on what taxes you WERE talking about, then. Taxes "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  7. Did I mention taxes? Yes. Did I mention income? No. Stop trolling, you're smelling up my thread ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  8. This is correct. PS: Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it a rant. If it waddles like a duck and quacks like a duck, chances are that it is a duck. Once again, avoiding the content ... common tactic of trolls. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  9. This is correct. PS: Just because you don't agree with it, doesn't make it a rant. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  10. Yes, Obama is abiding by the treaty that *Bush* signed with the Iraqis for withdrawal...and your point is? Exactly, the OP said he was not. I said no such thing. I said we haven't ended the war in Iraq. As of this moment, we haven't. PS: If we do end the war in Iraq based on something from Bush under Obama it isn't change. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  11. I didn't mention what Obama promised, just what Obama hasn't changed. As far as leaving Iraq, I'll believe it when I see it (and determine what the 5,000 troops are doing). After all, Guantanamo Bay is still open. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  12. Okay, I'm wrong about taxes (with the exception of extending the Bush tax cuts because that's not change) ... anything else? Still doesn't amount to much change. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  13. Poetic justice? Hardly. Ironic. Definitely. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  14. Obama didn't close Guantanamo Bay, didn't end the war in Iraq or Afghanistan, didn't lower taxes on the middle and lower class, didn't raise taxes on the upper class, did raise spending, did renew the Patriot Act, etc... PS: When will people realize that if they want real change they can't continue to vote for Republicans and Democrats? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  15. The only thing I do different is turning the deployment bag so that the lines are on the bottom of the pack tray instead of the bottom of the container. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  16. In the pictures he pitched and then reached for his risers ... Flair (or at least fly it out)! You'll lose less altitude and either maintain or reduce speed. PS: This opinion was made from the comfort of a keyboard by an unqualified individual. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  17. Yes. Above and behind I go flat, head down and turned to side, chest and stomach sucked in, shoulders rolled backwards, and knees slightly below hips. Above I go flat, head down and turned to side, chest and stomach sucked in, shoulders neutral, and knees slightly below hips. Above and in front I go flat, head to toes stretched, chest and stomach sucked in, and shoulders rolled forwards. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  18. I need more information ... are they above and behind, above, or in front of me? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  19. I actually laughed while reading that because in my short time I've already got two similar stories ... one based on a local, the other based on a traveler. They're out there. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  20. A person (you) wearing additional weight will cause a greater disturbance than a person (you) not wearing additional weight. A larger surface area will distribute the disturbance over a larger area. I never disputed this ... Now can you make a comment that isn't an insult, an implication that I'm trying to sell you something (I'm not a dealer), or that even with additional weight you cause less disturbance than other "fat bastards" (I'm not comparing you to others). PS: Can you backfly? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  21. Report: Pentagon doesn't know where the money is going They've spent billions and will have to spend billions more in order to determine where the billions they're spending is going ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  22. I agree. However, a particular person prefers posting insults and avoiding the content, thus I'm no longer responding to them. We're flying larger formations with larger wingsuits but not seeing a performance gain. Why? I believe it's because we're stuck on bigger is better which is being propagated to the hatchlings with the borrow (or rent) a small suit for a short period of time and then purchase a large suit philosophy instead of the purchase a small suit, learn to fly, then (if needed or desired) purchase a large suit philosophy. I believe the idea of adding weight plays into the idea that it's easier to buy a large suit, add weight, and fall faster then buy a small suit, learn to fly, and fall slower. PS: Take a look at the "Could you backfly before upsizing?" thread. There are plenty who are upsizing to a new suit before they can even fly the suit they have ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  23. At $200 a month you might as well buy a used suit that you can keep ... then you'll have a small and big wingsuit for later! "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  24. I recommend taking a FFC from a Wingsuit Coach but ... 1) Practice your exit. A) Don't jump up. B) Don't open your wings. 2) Plant your flight. A) Talk to the pilot. B) Stay away from jump run. 3) Pull. A) Pull high. B) Pull stable. Edit: Also add gear check, gear check, gear check. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  25. I didn't miss it. I don't work in law enforcement, what can I do besides not purchasing their products? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch