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Everything posted by Butters

  1. Congratulations, nice formation! With the wide range of suits there is going to be some bent legs but overall they didn't appear to bent (of course they can always be straighter ) ... plus, it was a horizontal formation (speed is more important in a vertical formation). "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  2. ... is real? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  3. Who stated that they were to good to bend their legs a little to fly with others? You said exactly what I've been saying ... ... that a faster flock makes the whole flock work better (and I believe makes the flock safer for vertical formations). PS: I applaud you for switching suits. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  4. I don't care much for the free hookers and beer but I'm all about those custom made suits! "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  5. I don't see how that's 'perfect'. How do you build a formation if everyone is going their fastest? You can't all exit in formation, so at some point the divers need to be flying faster than the floaters for the formation to even get together. Look at any formation in skydiving, or even any flying of any sort, both human or animal based, and you'll see that nobody is going their fastest. You look for a middle ground, so everyone (tall, short, fat, thin, etc) can go both faster and slower than the base, and in essence, 'fly' in their slot. If you have a beef with something, start an 'I think this is lame as hell' thread, and state your business. I understand everyone can't be going their fastest and I don't think it's lame. However, I do think vertical formations are safer when flown faster ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  6. If you post a video that we can learn a lesson from ... sure, it's the direction I want to go. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  7. The faster the flying, the farther back the burble. The farther back the burble, the "cleaner" the slots and the tighter the formations. Here's the challenge - stop having a lot of people in the air where some people are in max flight (I didn't see any max flight) and others are in bent legs (I did see a lot of really bent legs). How do we do this? We could take a lesson from CReW ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  8. Jake Tapper Vs. Jay Carney On Killing US Citizens "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  9. I'll give a hint ... look at the legs and remember it's a vertical formation. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  10. We're not blaming Jarno. What does this have to do with the thread? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  11. What about a size and class of suit between Phantom 2 and V4? There was at least one other request for something bigger than P2, same style of suit but more surface just at our DZ. I've asked for the same thing ... something with the ergonomics of a Phantom 2z but between a Phantom 2z and Vampire 3 in size. However, Robbie (and the other designers, testers, ...) fly more than I do (and have a business to run) so it will take more than a couple of us to make it worth it to produce. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  12. Other than you remove it in 10 minutes? I didn't remove the last one. Heck, I don't even take video let alone post video ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  13. ... this? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  14. I saw it before it went away...was there coaching going on? Suit looked too large for the apparent experience level, or maybe it was just highly turbulent air. Also, you guessed what was wrong ... at least in my opinion. Edit: Removed "coaching" again. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  15. ... this? Edit: Removed "coaching". "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  16. I don't know why anyone continues to argue with Coreece ... he's either a chat bot or a troll. The sooner everyone stops responding the sooner it will go away. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  17. I was going to replay to each demand ... but then I realized I was being trolled. Right? It has to be a troll. It has to ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  18. Butters

    Smart Meter

    I expect that consumers will reduce usage while producers will increase profits ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  19. Actually the author states that federal law does not have an exception for medicinal use ... They do have at least one exception. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  20. It's a cycle. Cops assaulting people leads to people not trusting cops which leads to people interfering with cops which leads to cops assaulting more people ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  21. I didn't notice the individuals in either video interfering with an arrest. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  22. After watching the first minute I think you should fly faster by straightening your legs when on your belly and pushing your hips up when on your back ... or just get smaller suits. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  23. If you're dumb enough to believe that all those individuals getting an "ass kicking" are breaking the law ... PS: I didn't realize that law enforcement was supposed to give "ass kickings". "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  24. Full story: BBC News In another thread you were defending religious beliefs. So, are extremist belief in religions good or bad? I have to laugh (otherwise I would cry) at the individuals who believe religion has a place in law and order because they almost always believe it's only their current interpretation of the current interpretation of their religion that has a place ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  25. I agree, they don't appear to have a cohesive argument or solution. However, that had little to do with this thread. This thread was supposed to be about the violence against non-violent individuals practicing their right to free speech. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch