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Everything posted by Butters

  1. I agree. In other videos I saw an awful lot of material possessions that appeared to be produced by large corporations ... However, I still find the use of force by our government on it's civilians in cases like this to be bothersome. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  2. This is probably a good example of why we need guns. Something about being able to rein in government when it becomes too oppressive and out of control. In the past the arms of the civilians could compete with the arms of the government ... this is no longer the case. Ask the Irish if you need tanks and jets to fight back against folks that have them. There are more tools (arms) at the governments disposal than just guns. Guns won't do you a lot of good if you get stopped before you get started ... as can be seen in the videos, the government is all about control and is willing to use force sooner rather than later to maintain that control. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  3. When did this "past" you speak of end? Last Tuesday? Last I heard, we're still losing a lot of soldiers in two separate countries. I'm not referring to the ability to fight, I'm referring to the ability to win ... I highly doubt armed civilians could overthrow any military base. I think the Vietnamese showed that given enough time and perseverance that even an enemy with an overwhelming military force can be overcome. I'd rather have the ability to fight than to have no other alternative than to surrender. Are you suggesting that civilians currently in the United States of America have the same arms that the Vietnamese had? There are plenty of other reasons this comparison is a poor one ... Huh?? Why would you think that's what I meant? Because you referenced the Vietnamese. Also, they didn't overcome American troops, American troops left ... this wouldn't happen with our government because our government has no where else to go. Like I mentioned previously, a poor comparison. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  4. When did this "past" you speak of end? Last Tuesday? Last I heard, we're still losing a lot of soldiers in two separate countries. I'm not referring to the ability to fight, I'm referring to the ability to win ... I highly doubt armed civilians could overthrow any military base. I think the Vietnamese showed that given enough time and perseverance that even an enemy with an overwhelming military force can be overcome. I'd rather have the ability to fight than to have no other alternative than to surrender. Are you suggesting that civilians currently in the United States of America have the same arms that the Vietnamese had? There are plenty of other reasons this comparison is a poor one ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  5. When did this "past" you speak of end? Last Tuesday? Last I heard, we're still losing a lot of soldiers in two separate countries. I'm not referring to the ability to fight, I'm referring to the ability to win ... I highly doubt armed civilians could overthrow any military base. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  6. This is probably a good example of why we need guns. Something about being able to rein in government when it becomes too oppressive and out of control. In the past the arms of the civilians could compete with the arms of the government ... this is no longer the case. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  7. ... it will cost you a throwing to the ground or a rounding up and maced. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  8. I don't see where preference fits into this. Surely you don't think that the autistic...............nah, you wouldn't think that....would you? I was playing off of the original post to make a job at the Bible. That's all ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ruECQo_qKU&feature=related Sorry, I'm bored...figured I'd just take a jab at you....that's all. That's not a jab. That's a fictional cartoon that I believe is fictional and watch for entertainment not a fictional book that I believe is non-fiction and read for ... whatever people read it for. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  9. I don't see where preference fits into this. Surely you don't think that the autistic...............nah, you wouldn't think that....would you? I was playing off of the original post to make a job jab at the Bible. That's all ... To late to edit the post so ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  10. That doesn't appear to be a cave. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  11. I don't see where preference fits into this. Surely you don't think that the autistic...............nah, you wouldn't think that....would you? I was playing off of the original post to make a job at the Bible. That's all ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  12. Don't forget the Spectre ... Spectre:Storm::Sabre1:Sabre2. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  13. Fixed it for you. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  14. Giving them a Bible won't do anything if the reason they're atheist is because they prefer logic and reasoning and distrust metaphors ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  15. These are only two of the points. From your point of view, there is only ONE point, and that is incorrect. There are many purposes of the justice system, or the death penalty. you cannot simplify it into one or two things. If a jury of his/her peers can sentence him/her to death, why cannot a jury of his/her peers free him 30 years later or commute the sentence ot life when questions about the guilt arise? The Casey Anthony case in FL recently - she may very well have been acquitted since the death penalty was on the table - she may very well have been convicted if it was not. Once again, a problem with the system. I think the jury should determine whether the individual is innocent or guilty and the judge should to determine the sentence based on a predefined set of rules. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  16. This is suggesting that behavior is based on the end and not the means. I believe there is a difference between our behavior and theirs. Wouldn't releasing someone from their torment be considered more humane? This appears to be more revengeful ... Once again, this appears to be more revengeful ... A problem with the current system. Time from sentence to execution. A problem with the current system. Amount (and type) of evidence for sentence to be execution. The point isn't to reduce murders, the point is to enforce justice. I won't admit it because it's not. It's justice, plain and simple. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  17. Did I miss something? "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  18. Again agreement but with one caveat - that life in prison with no parole may NOT prevent it. My problem with capital punishment in the US is how it is being used. My personal thought is that capital punishment should be reserved for the worst of the worst - for those people who cannot be trusted not to kill again while living. Another problem I have is the method of execution. They were on the right track with the Gas Chamber but chose the wrong gas ... they should have used nitrous oxide (and then possibly carbon monoxide). "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  19. You should have stuck to your usual Blah Blah Blah.... it suits you so well on so many of your points. You should stick to conversations with your own kind. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  20. I wasn't referring to the death penalty, I was referring to the prison system. I was commenting on a statement made by you regarding the prison system and I even used small words ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  21. So you're okay with an "innocent" person being murdered in prison by a fellow inmate ... I guess in a prison set up by you or the right wingers.. that would be ok...... Me.... NO Really? Your previous comments appears to imply it. The reality of what our prison system .... that has been set up by you wonderful conservatives who seek revenge..... is what it is.. Perhaps YOU should be supporting reform.. OH WAIT... that is not a conservative thought .... that would imply CHANGES to the revenge system... never mind The prison system wasn't set up by my generation, it was set up by yours. Also, let's not forget that you're the one who voted for the conservative Republican who started us down this path ... not me. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  22. So you're okay with an "innocent" person being murdered in prison by a fellow inmate ... I guess in a prison set up by you or the right wingers.. that would be ok...... Me.... NO Really? Your previous comments appears to imply it. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  23. So you're okay with an "innocent" person being murdered in prison by a fellow inmate ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  24. Willing to chance it? No. In regards to eye witness, depends on the witness and circumstances. Overall, there should at least be SOME physical evidence ... "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch
  25. Was the fetus found guilty in a court of law? No. Was the "innocent" person found guilty in a court of law? Yes. There is a difference. I would agree that the death penalty should be reserved for cases with irrefutable proof due problems in the current system. "That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch