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Everything posted by PWScottIV

  1. Yeah, so I'm not so sure about drinking a dung cocktail, but I prefer my steaks still bloody and moooing, so that wouldn't be bad at all as long as it was fresh.
  2. I fail to see what the problem/confusion is. They are old enough to drive a car and that's WAAAAY more dangerous than skydiving... Especially for their age group. It's amazing how many people are completely incapable of assessing risk. Gravity Waits for No One.
  3. Obviously... For one he isn't even straining a bit and it must weigh about 100lbs. And two, the photoshop job sucks. Gravity Waits for No One.
  4. LOL, nice. But, there's nothing sexy about limits, integrals and differentiation. Gravity Waits for No One.
  5. I don't think typical driver inattentiveness can be directly attributed to one thing like cell phones... It has a whole lot more to do with the fact that people don't give a shit and take driving for granted just because everyone does it and they haven't died (or killed someone else) yet. Most people have a very difficult time assessing risk. So they have no problem merging onto the freeway at 15mph with a soda in one hand, talking on the phone with the other while they think about what they're going to make for dinner next Thursday. I personally do talk on my cell phone while I'm driving (sometimes with a wireless ear piece), but when I do, I understand that I need to heighten my situational awareness and drive that much more carefully. It's the people that already drive like shit and then add something like a cell phone to the mix without compensating for it that are causing the problem... Which is the way MOST people are. Unfortunately, when you're on a motorcycle you're a perfect target for those idiots... If they can't avoid hitting other cars, how are they gonna see a bike?! Guess you need to get that louder exhaust you were mentioning... That should do a decent job of letting them know you're there. It should also add a bit of an intimidation factor (i.e. I'm a badass biker and if you hit me I'll fucking kill you and your family for fun) Gravity Waits for No One.
  6. Yeah, and that the ass of the mass is proportional to the bore of the whore. Gravity Waits for No One.
  7. PWScottIV


    No shit, especially if they aren't under the very close supervision of a parent. That's like leaving your kid unattended in a busy parking lot. Then again, people frequently fail to see what's really dangerous before they find out the hardway... Gravity Waits for No One.
  8. Nope, I think that's a CCBB... Corrugated CardBoard Box... Looks like a set, not a real aircraft. Gravity Waits for No One.
  9. Yeah, her face ain't gonna look too pretty after 60sec of that whipping her in the face in freefall. Gravity Waits for No One.
  10. Yeah, and to start your HHO PMM motor we could use the "magnet motor" that I invented when I was 13. Let's patent it! Gravity Waits for No One.
  11. Maybe they'll start inventing new elements next!? Gravity Waits for No One.
  12. No shit. I'm a college student and although it won't do much in a gunfight, I do carry a 4" folding combat knife everywhere I go... Including school. If it wasn't TOTALLY illegal I would probably be open to keeping a gun in my bookbag too... I'd rather go down fighting. Gravity Waits for No One.
  13. Yeah, that was my argument... If more "random" people carried guns, would it be more likely to have incidents... Kinda difficult to prove that one way or the other. Gravity Waits for No One.
  14. I can think of 32 people who might disagree. Exactly. If only one person in each of those classrooms had carried, then the death toll would have been WAY less. I guess the only problem is not knowing if someone is going to indiscriminately shoot someone because they have a bad day... Especially considering that someone young hasn't had enough time to prove that they might be a danger to others. That would be the problem with most people carrying guns... There might be very few massacres, but there might be many "small" incidents that would eclipse one massacre, because of the easy accessibility... Who knows?! Well, there are already thousands of twenty-one-year-olds (the age limit for concealed carry in most states) carrying concealed handguns outside of college campuses, and this hasn't lead to a rash of incidents, so why should we assume it would lead to problems on college campuses? OK, it was just a hypothesis, but sounds like you know a lot more than I do about who's actually carrying these days, so you're point is probably very valid. Gravity Waits for No One.
  15. I can think of 32 people who might disagree. Exactly. If only one person in each of those classrooms had carried, then the death toll would have been WAY less. I guess we'd have to determine your use of the word "WAY", but to me that doesn't make logical sense. Assuming 1 legal carrying class member per class room (let's call him "Rambo" to shorten the title), aren't the odds at least 50/50 that the crazed gunman kills Rambo before Rambo can kill the crazed gunman? In fact, aren't they even less than 50/50 since the crazed gunman already has his weapon drawn and ready to fire? Further, Rambo can't really even draw his weapon until he realizes the crazed gunman is a real threat. In fact, Rambo probably won't even recognize the threat until the first shot by the crazed gunman is fired. No, with several other "targets", the gunman would have to be lucky enough to hit "rambo" first, without knowing who had the gun, it would be unlikely... The gunman would make a much better target than someone in a crowded classroom. If it was 1on1, then you're correct, but it's not, because, there's also the other "rambos" from the other classrooms that are going to be coming at him from all directions. Gravity Waits for No One.
  16. Hmmm, is your tundra the V6 version? Gravity Waits for No One.
  17. I do all my service on my own, and they need proof that I purchased the particular filter that fits on my engine, not just a receipt for a "mystery item" from Kragen, so credit card receipts won't work. And if I can't come up with at least one receipt they said they won't help me and the cost could be up to $7000. And I'm a student, so that means I'm completely fucked if I can't get one. Gravity Waits for No One.
  18. I had already stated my belief that logging altimeters can give erroneous results. It was interesting to see how easy is was for some to just glance at it and automatically agree without examining what might be happening. I didn't doctor the data or anything. And I wasn't going to let it go forever without questioning people about how valid they thought the graph was. I'm sorta surprised that nobody REQUIRES that for competitions. Are you gonna try it? Gravity Waits for No One.
  19. Yeah, they didn't have arms or guns. Gravity Waits for No One.
  20. Don't get me wrong, as I'm a gun advocate... I was just momentarily playing the devils advocate. But I do know people who should not have guns, primarily because they;re immature and have no control over their anger. There's a reason why known felons can't own them... I was just posing the argument that someone who's really young might be more likely to shoot someone than someone who is older, based on 1. At a young age they haven't had a whole lot of life experience and are more likely to make bad decisions when faced with an angering situation, and 2. The really bad ones haven't been "weeded out" because they haven't had the chance to really show their true colors, and it might be safer if they didn't "express" their inability to control themselves with a gun instead of their fists... I know not much of an argument... That's why I'm pro-guns. Gravity Waits for No One.
  21. I can think of 32 people who might disagree. Exactly. If only one person in each of those classrooms had carried, then the death toll would have been WAY less. I guess the only problem is not knowing if someone is going to indiscriminately shoot someone because they have a bad day... Especially considering that someone young hasn't had enough time to prove that they might be a danger to others. That would be the problem with most people carrying guns... There might be very few massacres, but there might be many "small" incidents that would eclipse one massacre, because of the easy accessibility... Who knows?! Gravity Waits for No One.
  22. Hey, I've got a big problem and really need someone's help. My 04 Tacoma has a problem with the engine and Toyota wants to see my Receipts for Oil and Filters for my truck... I religiously change my oil every every 5000 miles, but I haven't been keeping my receipts, because I never thought I would ever need them. Is there anyone who lives in CA who has at least one receipt for oil and a filter? The filter must fit on the V6 5VZFE engine that's found on the Tacoma and 4-Runner on I think 95 thru 2004. And it can't have the VIN or Plate number for your vehicle on it. I'd prefer it to also be paid with cash, but beggars can't be choosers. Thanks a lot for the help! Gravity Waits for No One.
  23. Hello...or something. Or something... Something... Gravity Waits for No One.
  24. Probably the same thing they were smoking when the Dutch decided to crap on one another in porn. Gravity Waits for No One.