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Everything posted by friendofGod

  1. that was beautiful...God bless our soldiers! Here's a nig "thank-you" to all of the men & women in the military... Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  2. what an awesome story! Thanks for sharing and God bless all of our soldiers! Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  3. wow thats awesome! I wonder where they do it? Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  4. I will be lifting him up in prayer .... Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  5. I will be praying for your mom Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  6. Welcome! and congrats on your first jump! Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  7. regardless of how hard it may be sometimes, I try to find the good in everyone and even though you have to look hard sometimes, everyone has some good in them. This has proved to be a very valuable lesson that my grandma taught me when I was little... Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  8. 1. to get past my fear and jump again 2. to learn, learn, learn as much as I can about jumping and staying safe 3. to break 100 jumps 4. possibly have my b license Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  9. haha! that was fun! Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  10. In no paticular order.... cashier hand at a stock barn customer service leasing manager secretary webmaster exercise rider barn hand horse trainer apprentice farrier sailor router / dispatcher for a delivery co mom flower delivery some have been concurrent... Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  11. friendofGod


    I work from 7 to 4, he works from 4 to 1am, I have child care til 6 each night and the instruction center is virtually next door to the daycare.... any advice before I start?
  12. friendofGod


    I am about to take lessons, my husband is certified open and advanced, I am going to suprise him with a trip to the keys for our anniversary and be certified... Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  13. Absolutely! I went to college as a "non-traditional" student - meaning that I started college more than 5 years after I graduated highschool. I was married and went thru college pregnant twice, as if college isnt hard enough.... What I would have done different is I would have stayed in the Navy longer, possibly for life and would have completed college while in the Navy. I also would have stayed away from a business major... what a boring degree Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  14. I have expierenced a similar thing, I have 70 jumps and am still very much a student, even tho I do have my "A". I have taken some time off, due to a minor injury last year that has me spooked. I am very close to someone who took to jumping and skydiving much more naturally than I did, he was freeflying at 100 jumps and now has his TM rating. He hassels me saying that i'll never jump again and has even gone as far as calling me a whuffo again and saying I'm no longer a skydiver. I used to let it get to me, but why? It just gives him what he wants when I get aggrevated or upset. I know I will jump again - in my own time. I plan to do alot of reading, alot of listening to expierenced jumpers and a lot of learning. Then one day I will say to him "oh btw, Im jumping again and had a blast doing it" Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  15. yes they are very good, my family has raised horses for many years and anytime we had an extreme emergency they came thru, I have never had anything but positive expierences there.... Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN
  16. Hello everyone! What a great website! I've been lurking for sometime and today I decided to register and post! I haven't jumped in nearly a year, I got hurt last year (very minor) but I'm a bit spooked...But everytime I watch a video or get into a discussion about jumping I get very excited! One day I plan to jump again, but in the mean time I hope to make some friends here and learn more about this wonderful life / sport! Exodus 20 Christians aren't perfect, just forgiven 1 cross + 3 nails = 4GVN