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Everything posted by MegaGoliath11

  1. I know, damn dude someone get the man some stridex or accutane!
  2. on RAF planes too.... I know at the strategic level the U.S. is only furthering its own interests.. I got that. But at the soldier level we are actually trying to help towns, villages and individuals, and our only objective is to succeed. The Syrians and many other countries have been turning a blind eye on their borders and have been letting murderers and thieves across to destabilize any small amount of peace an Iraqi family might have. I say fair game to any and all who want to play with us in the desert.
  3. I know all his "elitist" education! I'd rather have a guy who got in to a prestigious school the good ole-fashioned way, thru his father's connections! then graduate near last in his class!
  4. The whole pork barrel argument is getting old. Palin/McCain 2008 needs to come up with something else and more intelligent to say. I'm so freaking tired of hearing about the 2 million dollar projector! It was for a freaking planetarium SEN!
  5. yeah I hear ya. the two party system is prone to this sorta of thing. Polarizing issues is what causes most of the issues in life and politics. Hell even in Iran there are moderate voices who get silenced by the religious hard liners using the axis of evil stuff to advance there strength there. It seems any time you force someone to pick a side we lose some logic in the process. That being said, I think Obama is the one candidate who understands this issue more.
  6. what'd you kill yours with? The EoTech is a decent sight. My whole BDE had ACOGs issued with our M4s. every soldier had one.
  7. umm no. I am a U.S. Army officer and I am for Obama. Believe or not most Service men and women don't talk about leaving the military because of who might get elected. That's childish talk.
  8. ya know I'm gonna go ahead and apologize for my tone to you about this topic Jasmin. The rape in Okinawa situation is a little touchy for most.
  9. What, you think that we just go in and start building a base (combat areas excluded)? Fuggin ridiculous. The country signs a contract with the US for that base to be built and supported, so I'm guessing they're pretty ok with it in general. Okinawa is a good rebuttal for that concept. Referendum in '96 identified that over 80% wanted the number of US bases reduced or removed/relocated. Each Governor has petitioned both the US and Japanese Govt's and Gov Ota actually refused the sign the leases for over a year until a ruling by the Japanese high court (brought about by the Japanese Govt) forced him to. The State dept CRS this year outlines things are still tetchy: "Implementation of the plan to relocate 8,000 Marines to Guam and to replace the controversial Futenma Marine Air Station in Okinawa remains slow. Many of the agreement’s most controversial elements are likely to face continued obstacles, particularly from local Japanese politicians in the areas identified to host new facilities and troops...The reduction of marines on Okinawa seeks to quell the political controversy that has surrounded the presence of U.S. forces on the island for years.The recent charge that a U.S. Marine raped a young Japanese girl renewed public outcry against the bases that had existed since the 1995 rape of a Japanese schoolgirl by American servicemen." SACO recommended Futenma's return "Between 2001 and 2003". yeah you're right Okinawa is a good rebuttal, but not because the 12 year old rape incident you are flaunting. You know nothing of the situation with U.S. bases overseas.
  10. yeah, don't flatter yourself. I wasn't flaming you, I was responding to a logical argument BillVon and I are discussing.
  11. yeah Kallend is right on that. Although, I don't think McCain himself has anything to do with this. He should however make a statement about the Pennsylvania guys actions.
  12. Heck you can even skydive here...stunning, I know! yeah that sure was a straw man if I ever saw one. Comparing Australia to this argument about U.S. Base closure? There is no base there man! Basically to some posters the USFK (U.S. Forces Korea) has little value and we should just leave. USAEUR Germany is a slightly different story, and anybody thats actually been there recently will tell you the winds of change blowing thru the U.S. Army and our significant downsizing there. Of course there has been huge downsizing in Korea as well. Also you can skydive in Korea too, ask most Koreans living in Korea (even young college students) and see what they say about the USFK just up and leaving. The response you'll get from some will be indifference, others their face will turn white, ask Korean Army Officers and Politicians and you'll get an unequivocal response indicating that this cannot happen. Yes, Korea can defend itself. But the U.S. involvement there goes way beyond military or political reasons. Its an emotional topic, Korea and the U.S. are linked by blood. This can be easily observed by a quick glance of the demographics of the U.S. Army.
  13. exactly! I love this thread. Its more fun than the "Is Obama a Natural Born Citizen" thread. !!!! muhahahahahahaha shit I'll go jump now.
  14. oh and also I'll say it again, associating this incident as something that SEN. McCain or SEN. Obama would condone is just pure stupidity. Only so called far lefts/rights think with such pre-pubescent logic.
  15. Yeah your using logic to explain this chics actions... disfigure is a little extreme choice of words. Its a scratch, the kind of raised marks you get from say a dogs claw when they jump up and greet you. I don't think there many people with the exception of the thread starter who thinks that this is in any way a negative thing for Obama. ... especially given the outcome. Clearly the racially motivated spirit of this incident doesn't emote anything but bigotry and stupidity and more folks will associate with the other campaign.
  16. wow Barbara West sounded like Sarah Palin wrote those questions. They sounded pretty ridiculous when confronted with logic and tact.
  17. I'd have to agree with Jakee here. If some mugger carved Go Mavericks! on an Obama supporter's head with a dull knife I know with 100 percent certainty that I wouldn't think McCain had anything to go with it. I mean that's just plain idiotic. Keep it real folks!