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Everything posted by MegaGoliath11

  1. Down in the polls? no no no... its a tight race. But face it Obama will win, it won't be too long before parrot err. i mean Palin will do him in. As soon as she talks to reporters that is..
  2. to downward spiral, read his bio and publicly available details, he has combatted deep social problems in america that no candidate has. If SEN McCain is so against corruption and pork barrel greed then why select Palin who runs a state known all too well as an example of this greed. I come from a state (Hawaii) that is desperately in need of such ear mark funding. You can't as candidate say you're the fix for gov't spending and corruption when you select a vice-president who epitomizes pork-barrel spending and then expect us to believe you anymore. Remember, there is no such thing as a liberal or conservative America only a United States of America. Obama 2004 DNC
  3. At least every 6 years someone may come into office with no experience. That is why I look at someones judgement. Judgement is why I will vote againt Obama 6 years? you mean 4 right... anyway judgment not judgement is important, but c'mon is picking Palin good for the country? Why not pick Huckabee, Romney, or the rest? Was Palin a pick for popularity? Also don't think I am blindly picking on your grammar, but realize that this is a forum and all anybody has to go on is your writing.
  4. Dam right I will put his military career up for comparison with anything Obama has to protect our country. John McCain was a Lieutenant Commander, do you have a clue as to what that means? Was Obama a commander of anything, even the boy scouts? And even though he was at the bottom of his class graduating from Annapolis, I will put what you call his worst against Obama’s best when it comes to national security command training and experience any day of the week!!! McCain flew 23 combat missions, received Legion of Merit for Valor, Distinguished Flying Cross, three bronze stars, two purple hearts and dozens of other medals. Go look those up and see what it take to get them! His son is also serving his second tour in Iraq so he knows what is at risk. But you are right, how obtuse of me not to think that Obama is better qualified when it comes to national security because of all of his experience, after all he did “think about joining the military twice”. SEN McCain retired as a Captain in the Navy (FULL Bird Colonel Equivalent in the Army) There is no such Legion of Merit for Valor, I think you mean Silver Star for valor, He is a American hero for sure and endured countless hours of brutality in the hands of the North Vietnamese. However, this in of itself does not qualify a man to be president, I do believe of course that he is qualified to be president, but his voting record speaks for itself, he is very similar to the current administration, and his choice of Palin suggests he is willing to do anything to get elected. C'mon guys listen to her speeches, is there any substance to them? SEN McCain hired a cheerleader, he believes his is invincible. I don't care how healthy you are, a presidential candidate must pick a highly qualified vice-president to succeed him if necessary, anything else is irresponsible. Hard line Party only voters on this forum should take heed, don't vote purely on emotion and party lines. Know your candidates! Obama is not this un-amerocan outsider many people assume him to be. He comes from a very poor and humble background, his rise to the candidacy is purely based on his own efforts. Not to effront SEN McCain but his dad was a 4-star Admiral as was his grandfather. His application to the Naval Academy would never get turned down. And yes it is public record his class standing was 894 out of 899. Due to his lofty background he could afford to thumb his nose at requirements. For those that say this ranking doesn't matter, PM me and tell me why you think that, i'll explain in detail the ranking systems that military officers are subjected too, rankings reflect far more that just academics grades. Of course I'm am not suggesting McCain is not smart in any way, but his ranking reveals elements of his personality and life as he was accustomed to it at the time. Please understand that I think of McCain as an American Hero for all the reasons in my first post, but you should at least try to dig on the details of not only the other party's candidate but yours. Nobody is perfect including Obama, but do read and actually research his credentials before calling his some un-american celebrity outsider, the man is he epitome of self-reliance and statesmanship. For you that believe being a military officer/enlisted qualifies someone to be president I will tell you that in my opinion this isn't necessary. (i'm an Army Officer, and served in Iraq for 15 months) serving in the military does mean you lived to a certain code of ethics and discipline, but edifying it to the status of a qualify for president is absurd... the military doesn't make one a good person, only you can do that, national command level?, this experience is possibly prepared for at the 4-star level maybe..... but only the President of the United States has National Command level experience.
  5. making claims that are easy to demonstrate as false? you mean lying about herself right? Obviously we would not be speaking of her if she was not someone to be reckoned with, yes she will learn quickly, but I think the learning she will receive is the type of skills a African Grey Parrot learns. Keep in mind she has 8 weeks to learn.
  6. That’s another thread. You can read what I have written. We disagree. I just can’t imagine the audacity to look in to a 13-14 year olds eye. Who has been rapped by a family member and say hey it’s not over your going to have to put your life on hold and have the baby. Yes the baby of the horrible person who raped you it’s the LAW. I don’t believe anyone has that right. You know that’s insulting to me a straight dude. I am sure there are plenty of Gay people who don’t feel they need to be saved from something wrong. I am sure there not sitting there feeling like they have a disease. That’s a great idea. I can hear the conversation now. What Abstinence has failed miserable but worked for a small percentage great idea lets make it mandatory for all. I don’t know about you but religious ideas have no place in policy. Abstinence is a religious idea. Hey did it work for you? Who the hell said anything about anything being maditory? I believe this is you!!!! You want to trump a parrents choice of education because of what you believe. YOU take the parents rights because of what YOU believe! You complain about trashing the Constitution. What the hell do you call this????????? YOU want manditory sex ed. To be taught the way YOU believe because YOU know what is best and what works and what doesnt. Dam, talk about manditory Ok Rush I'm going to go after you with an Ad Hominem, Republican style, Have you ever heard of spellcheck? it's "mandatory" since you spelled it wrong four or five times I must assume that you really don't know how to spell it, which seriously questions my ability and desire to take you seriously. From reading all your posts I think you are one of the folks who vote and don't really know the issues that well much less the candidates, You just pick a side and attack, republican style, typical stuff man, polarize the issue and dumb it down to wrong vs. right. Remember "there is no liberal of conservative America, only a United States of America" Obama 2004 DNC
  7. That's a bit of a harsh and presumptive reply, seemingly based on nothing but your political persuasion. Sheesh -- give the woman time to prove herself one way or another. I think, he nailed it! Palin said she fought against the 'btidge to no-where'. Not quite! She got Federal money to be spent on 'whatever'. That money, went to the bridge from Kechikan to a tiny island. She claims, she sold the executive jet on e-bay... at a profit. Not quite! It was on e-bay but, did not sell. It was sold through a broker at a loss. She claimed to have fired her 'executive chef' at the governor's mansion. Yes, she did. Then, turned around and got her a job as an executive chef for the Alaska state house. The McCain bunch is twisting the truth about her so as to 'sell' her to the voters. McCain is just using old, cheesy tactics to get the presidency and is really pushing the fact that he was a P.O.W. He wasn't the only P.O.W... just the only one running for president. I wouldn't buy a used car from the guy! Chuck Care to source the claims? Dude be serious its common knowledge that Alaska is THE biggest pork barrel state in the Union, with about 230 something dollars of pork per Alaskan, a comparative figure is Illiniois with about 30 a person and 20 times the pop. Also Palin supported the Bridge to No Where like nobody's business. Its all over every political commentary, The ebay jet thing as well, hell you can do a short google search to view the actual documents that clearly indicate her pork barrel ways. Bottom line folks, SEN. McCain would be a decent president but he cannot be taking Americans serious when he chooses Palin as his running mate, this decision clearly shows that all he cares about is winning the election and in my opinion has questioned his integrity. I suspect it will become clear in time that the others possible candidates refused, SEN. Romney for example frequently commented on McCain's ill-tempered disposition as a big negative during the Republican nominee campaign.
  8. That's a bit of a harsh and presumptive reply, seemingly based on nothing but your political persuasion. Sheesh -- give the woman time to prove herself one way or another. seemingly yes, but like I indicated in the post, she has been squestered by her handlers, and is not taking questions from reporters. Have you seen her speak? Its weird and contrived, repeating the same thing over and over, McCain picked her to have a popularity contest, Obama picked Biden because he is qualified to be president. This choice indicates a lack of integrity. Also do yourself a favor and watch Palin's sports broadcasts when she was a "sports anchor". They speak for themselves. Furthermore I have no political persuasion, did you read the quote at the end of my post? There is no such thing as a liberal or conservative America only a United States of America, all else is just polarization of the issues.
  9. You got it. Palin is an instant appeal inject to motivate the republican base, problem is that they are targeting people who generally vote on party lines rather than examine candidates. McCain is a genuine war hero and would more or less be a decent president, assuming that all you wanted was for the U.S. not to completely fall apart....sarcasm. Palin on the other hand is a muppet, who is being sequestered by the republican campaign machine. She can only repeat what is fed to her. If you watch her speech at the RNC and all her other appearances you just hear repetitive static, almost like a parrot. McCain even seems to glare to her from the corner of his eye hoping that she won't slip up. I personally feel that he knows she isn't vice-presidential material but c'mon what choice did he have? If he selected Romney, Huckabee or Ridge all he would have is 2 white guys with more than 7 houses in 3 time zones. For all the women out there speak up and tell us whether you think she can be president. I think Hillary was capable enough, I don't think she could be stared down too much, Hillary and Putin in a room, no problem, Palin and Putin? hard to imagine the bloodletting.... Vote for Obama and Joe Biden, remember there is :no such thing as a Liberal or Conservative America, only a United States of America" Obama 2004 DNC
  10. Hmm, you low time jumpers just keep at it, sooner or later these things starts to dial in. Like what these folks said, jump currency is key. If you were real unsafe on your landings then I imagine you would have been grounded by now. Remember that flaring a little high is better than not flaring in time, just remember to never let the toggles back up if you flare too early, and keep your feet and knees together if you are gonna smack, also ass landing are never a good idea.
  11. Dude modify my CX-7 camera! I'll pay the small fee, but if you break it you have to promise to say sorry!
  12. Hey Tommy! its Glen, sorry I didn't make it back to Skydive Carolina to help you test the CX-12, I sprained my hand and couldn't jump.
  13. As far as the HD footage I know you need Imovie 08, Final Cut 4, or Vegas, etc. But I was under the impression that if you recorded in SD quality you didn't that. The SD files appear as a .mpg file.
  14. I have a Sony CX-7 and a Macbook Pro. I don't have Final Cut pro or other software that allows me to edit AVCHD so I have been recording alot in SD quality. The problem is that I can't get my MAC to play the MPEG files that the CX-7 produces. The files appear as .MPG but quicktime just says the file is not a movie file. Can somebody who has a CX-7 explain how they get the file to play? Do I have to convert the SD files? I am trying to import them in ImovieHD and edit them with that. I am aware I can't work with AVCHD unless I get Final Cut Express 4 of Sony Vegas. Please Help!!
  15. I jumped my CX-7 at Skydive the Farm all this weekend, the problem is definetly the burble. When head down its perfect, when belly its perfect, when sit flying unless you remember to lean way back the picture gets real shaky. When I would get foot docked i'd practice looking way down at them and the resulting burble would drive the lens crazy. not sure if a fix is possible without glueing the OIS stuff down. I guess i'll practice headdown flying alot more. lol.