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Everything posted by Armour666

  1. Change it to SLO, it will catch the jumps then. I found that out too as I did a few hop and pops and it didn't log the jumps. I like it a lot it smooth and accurate It was my fist altimeter and gland I spent the extra cost getting the features of it SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  2. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  3. Yes, that's a slit wrist. What's your point in posting that without some commentary? Actually - I don't think that it is. 1 - There would be alot more blood, 2- blood doesn't smaer like that usually, 3 - it wouldn't glob on the blade like it did. 4 - can someone post pictures of Owen's wrists post self-surgery? Well, that's our point about across vs down. There's not that much blood. To get deep enough to do any real life-threatening damage by going across you gotta go through tendon and most often people don't do that. As slow as that is going to bleed it may clot up just like that, although I don't know who would voluntarily do that for the picture. It could also be a good moulage. I was just wondering why homeboy posted it. Also as a self preservation thing the body has. When there is a vascular cut through they retract and constrict, also as vein it has less pressure then an artery so surprisingly how little blood there is. How hydrated you are temperature of the room, any blood thinning agents in your system (IE. aspirin) also comes in to effect (Colder temperature less blood flow to extremities to control body temperature) so slitting your wrists across is at best a slow way to bleed out. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  4. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  5. Every 12 hours? Maybe that’s when the shift change happens? SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  6. I drop mine off at the end of jumping sunday and it's ready by the Fri evening/Sat morning the following weekend SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  7. humm I'd like to see the person that got hurt befor blamin the game BTW did you catch the link in the story to this game SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  8. Not a good fish to have around , As for the video must say thats some pretty good redneck skills there. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  9. Some people like others hate it. I love it I have made much more then I would have ever in a full time job. I do all my contracts through my own business name and reap the benefits of write-offs as a business. I don't go in to the office 60% of the time and work from home often or where ever I have a internet connection. The down side as some have found out is the instability. I've been doing it for almost 6 years now and my repetition and connections have brought me more work that the only time I'm without is when I want to take the time off. In the last year I've worked only 6 month because I wanted the time of. But you do have to hustle and network if you want to stay busy. There are pluses to it just depends if your the type of person that is not afraid of the down falls that can happen being a consultant. In the begging work doesn’t come to you have to find it and it sucks but once you get past that and get a reputation going it dose get better. Almost all of my work now is with companies and people I’ve worked with in the past. Good luck hope things move fast for you and it works out. Just read BOFH and how he turned being a contractor in to pluses SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  10. what eilse are you too do when you only ave about 1-2 hours of actual work to do in a day ? can surf for only so long befor getting carpal tunnel and had to be on site with a 15 min on call responce time so really could go anywhere. There was also the crime scean we did that was a good one. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  11. thats the easy way out , The results of the dremel would have been far more intresting to read about SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  12. I took advice from my Instructor who has been on pretty much every world record and get me set up for future RW and happy with what I've ended up with and the cost was a bit more from the add on but from how long they last I'd rather get everything I'll need in then not. I just got a new bev competition suit a month or so ago (My first one) I really been liking the cool max lining with how hot it has been it dose make a difference I got the reinforced knees and but because I mostly jump at a Cessna drop zone and being on the knees allot thought it would be nice to have to keep the wear down. (Plus the occasional slip upon landing) I got booties with the longer zipper and have no problem putting it on while wearing shoes. One thing I did get done was get a snap put on above the knees so one on the ground or just walking around I can put the booties up out of the way and not be walking on them and wearing them out. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  13. staple it ? I did that same things a couple of years ago and then the repair boke and the same thing. It's some mind numbing atictive thing to do. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  14. The last place I worked a co worker got one of the new diesel jetas and was raving about the mileage. We calculated from where he lived and the estimated mileage he should get. with this info every day we would add a couple litres (about 50% of the estimated usage) so it was appearing he was getting way more mileage then ever expected he was going on and on about how good the mileage was and how great the car is. After a 3 weeks of this we weaned off the extra diesel and left well enough alone and let things get back to normal. After a few weeks and his disappointment that he now back to regular mileage we started to siphon out some out. When he was noticing the dismal mileage and started complaining how horrible this is a few weeks and two trips two the dealer latter we went back to adding these cycles went on for almost 6 months I like the plastic bags in boots and filling with plaster. Doesn’t wreck them but a pain in the ass to get out once hardens or cram a garbage bag in to the crack of the locker and fill with spray foam (low expanding type) this will expand and harden without ruiening anything but again a pain in the ass to get out when forms around items SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  15. lol thats funny , they look pretty accurate for the scale they really go all out with the modle thing. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  16. Came across an intresting site the one section listing the airports that were in around New York City is pretty intresting. They have done a lot of work colecting this informaition to the aviation past. oops the tag for making it a link was wrong SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  17. Had to look close almost didnt see the smile was going to ask where the hell is andy and what have you done with him ? SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  18. we are at the mercy of the pilot they say get out we get out. who knew it was just a normal engin sound ? I'm not a mechanic SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  19. I don't know if it kinder and gentler, the Slogen is "I play hard" but I'll pass on that SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  20. Since they post hi quality things at times here are a few gifts you can send in return SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  21. I'm the same here, once I'm dead do as you wish to me, I've had a good run on life and if they could help some one have a chance to keep living theirs then they are more then welcomed to it. If they want to send my body off to some med school fine by me helping others learn so they can go on to help save lives in my mind a great thing as well. My sorry ass being put in the ground whole or turned to a pile of ashes doesn’t help anything at all. My family knows how I feel about it and my wife said she would let them choose the best route for my body depending how I kick the bucket. In My mind a body doesn’t mean anything after death to closure the memories and legacy of the person actions during life dose. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  22. and the older crowd say skating boarding isn't a sport SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  23. very nice, besides it keeps bring up all the great stories. SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  24. Happy B-day SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."
  25. oh how much fun that must be now that is situation to start. So how do you plan on taking it to the next level ? SO this one time at band camp..... "Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."